Canada's investment in energy innovation is an important part of building our clean economy.
Learn more about our contributions to Research, Development and Demonstration projects in Canada.
Project Title | Lead Proponent | Location | Technology Area | Innovation | Funding Program* | Status | NRCan funding | Total project value | Announcement Date |
Otter Coastal Steward Skimming System | Coastal First Nations Great Bear Initiative | BC | Oil Spill Response Innovation | N/A | OSRC | Completed | $300,000 | N/A | 2022-10-07 |
Multifunction Surface Washing Agents for Enhanced Recovery of Oiled Shorelines | Concordia University | QC | Oil Spill Response Innovation | N/A | OSRC | Completed | $300,000 | N/A | 2022-10-07 |
Marine Induced Polarization (Marine IP) | SeaChange Marine Conservation Society | BC | Oil Spill Response Innovation | N/A | OSRC | Completed | $300,000 | N/A | 2022-10-07 |
NOMAD – A Remotely Operated Surface Vehicle (ROSV) for Rapid Oil Spill Detection, Characterization, and Recovery Operations | Tactical Electronics | AB | Oil Spill Response Innovation | N/A | OSRC | Completed | $300,000 | N/A | 2022-10-07 |
A Specialized Oil Seeker Drone for Ice-Covered Oceans | University of Manitoba | MB | Oil Spill Response Innovation | N/A | OSRC | Completed | $300,000 | N/A | 2022-10-07 |
Ultra-Oleophilic/Hydrophobic Recovery Module(s) For Oil Sheens (Static, Advancing) and Increased EDRC In Standard Oil Recovery Operations (Light, Medium, Heavy Viscosity Oils) | Aqua-Guard Spill Response Inc. | BC | Oil Spill Response Innovation | N/A | OSRC | Completed | $3,300,000 | N/A | 2022-10-07 |
MApping Tracking and Detection of Oil using Robots (MATADOR) | Dalhousie University | NS | Oil Spill Response Innovation | N/A | OSRC | Completed | $1,299,925 | N/A | 2022-10-07 |
Enhanced Oil Spill Recovery Boom using an Oleophobic Mesh Skirt | LGM Canada Corp. | NL | Oil Spill Response Innovation | N/A | OSRC | Completed | $1,300,000 | N/A | 2022-10-07 |
A Nano/Micro Bubble Gas Flotation and Adsorption Based Oil Recovery System | University of Northern British Columbia | BC | Oil Spill Response Innovation | N/A | OSRC | Completed | $1,300,000 | N/A | 2022-10-07 |
An Engineered Foam Filtration System for In-Situ Treatment of Oil Spill Decanted Water | University of Toronto | ON | Oil Spill Response Innovation | N/A | OSRC | Completed | $1,139,497 | N/A | 2022-10-07 |
Enabling Zero Emission Fleet Transitions: ZE+, An Advanced Predictive Model for Medium and Heavy-Duty Fleets | Cima Canada Inc. | QC | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $500,000 | $719,167 | 2025-02-26 |
Supersonic capture of CO2 from industrial sources | Université de Sherbrooke | QC | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $500,000 | $749,259 | 2025-02-12 |
MOF Membrane and Adsorbent Processes for Low Emissions Steel (Maples) | The Governors of The University of Calgary | AB | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | Hybrid | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $2,500,000 | $4,683,400 | 2025-01-29 |
Gordon Bell High School Deep Retrofit (DEMO) | Province of Manitoba | MB | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | Green Infrastructure: Energy Efficient Buildings | Active | $4,867,306 | $22,170,000 | 2024-12-09 |
Pulsed Methane Pyrolysis (Pmp) Commercial Demonstration Feed Study | Ekona Power Inc. | BC | Renewables | FEED | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $750,000 | $2,011,600 | 2024-12-04 |
Electric CO2 Release Direct Air Capture | Carbon Engineering ULC | BC | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | Demonstration | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $5,000,000 | $10,220,703 | 2024-11-28 |
Study Displace Natural Gas with Renewable Fuel Gas at Cariboo Pulp and Paper Company Mill | Highbury Energy Inc | BC | Bioenergy | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $710,000 | $1,243,990 | 2024-11-28 |
Advancing the Co-Processing of Biocrudes to Reduce the Carbon Intensity of Fuels | Parkland Refining (B.C) LTD. | BC | Bioenergy | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $980,500 | $1,534,900 | 2024-11-28 |
Biocoal for the Cement Industry Using Municipal Waste as the Feedstock | British Columbia Biocarbon LTD. | BC | Industry | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $2,511,341 | $3,348,455 | 2024-11-28 |
Using Renewables to Capture Carbon - Rtoc2 | The University of British Columbia | BC | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $1,457,855 | $2,164,855 | 2024-11-28 |
Developing An Integrated Carbon Capture System Leveraging Industrial Mine Waste Streams | Arca Climate Technologies Inc. | BC | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $1,831,216 | $2,882,728 | 2024-11-28 |
LysteMize™ Livestock Waste Characterization Study | Lystek | ON | Bioenergy | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $585,421 | $895,496 | 2024-11-21 |
Paulatuk Wind Energy Project | Hamlet of Paulatuk | NWT | Renewables | Energy Planning | IODI | Active | $500,000 | $705,000 | 2024-10-06 |
Né Askîy ᐊᐢᑭᐩ / Earth Project | Askiy Energy Corp. | AB | Renewables | Energy Planning | IODI | Active | $500,000 | $506,726 | 2024-10-06 |
Small Steps, Big Strides | Tahltan Band Council | BC | Renewables | Energy Planning | IODI | Active | $500,000 | $583,000 | 2024-10-06 |
Gwa’yas’dums Village Energy Efficiency Planning | Kwikwasut'inuxw Haxwa'mis First Nation | BC | Renewables | Energy Planning | IODI | Active | $500,000 | $500,000 | 2024-10-06 |
Uchucklesaht Climate Action Plan | Uchucklesaht Tribe Government | BC | Renewables | Energy Planning | IODI | Active | $500,000 | $540, 000 | 2024-10-06 |
XGFNG Community Energy Plan | Xent Gwet’in First Nations Government | BC | Renewables | Energy Planning | IODI | Active | $500,000 | $500,000 | 2024-10-06 |
Ganawenim Oodenaawin (Protecting Community) for a Sustainable Future | Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek – Gull Bay First Nation | ON | Renewables | Energy Planning | IODI | Active | $500,000 | $500,000 | 2024-10-06 |
Pangnirtung Clean Energy Committee | Hamlet of Pangnirtung | NU | Renewables | Energy Planning | IODI | Active | $500,000 | $500,000 | 2024-10-06 |
Project Pheonix | Geocycle Canada Inc | NS | Industry | Demonstration | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $3,529,880 | $11,345,000 | 2024-09-24 |
C&S for the Zero-Emission Vehicle Sector | CSA Group | ON | Transportation | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $3,616,373 | $4,822,241 | 2024-09-09- |
Net Zero Emerging Concepts and Technologies Research Program | Net Zero Atlantic | NS | Cleantech | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $3,250,000 | $6,500,000 | 2024- |
Atlantic Canada Offshore Wind Integration and Transmission Study | Net Zero Atlantic | NS | Cleantech | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $6,000,000 | $6,161,600 | 2024- |
Green Hydrogen Generation with Low Pressure Solid State Storage, Distribution, and Transport | Hydrogen in Motion Inc. | AB | Cleantech | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $590,223 | $2,880,447 | 2024-08-15 |
Production of Pure Hydrogen from Natural Gas Thermal Cracking | University of British Columbia | BC | Oil & Gas | Demonstration | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $1,250,000 | $2,700,000 | 2024-08-15 |
Markham Virtual Hydrogen Hybrid Demonstration Project | Enbridge | ON | Smart Grid and Energy Storage | Demonstration | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $900,000 | $1,250,000 | 2024-08-15 |
Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) for Secure, Efficient, and User-Friendly Hydrogen Storage and Transportation Technology | Ayrton Energy | AB | Renewables | Demonstration | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $1,090,000 | $3,498,000 | 2024-08-15 |
Grid Modernization Centre | The Governing Council of the University of Toronto | ON | Smart Grid and Energy Storage | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $5,000,000 | $16,554,370 | 2024-07-26 | |
Aurora Hydrogen Demonstration Plant | Aurora Hydrogen Inc. | AB | Bioenergy | Demonstration | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $3,000,000 | $13,233,815 | 2024-04-24 |
Zero-Carbon Hydrogen Production Via Pyrolysis | Innova Hydrogen Inc. | AB | Clean Fuels | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $1,000,000 | $4,047,350 | 2024-04-24 |
Carbon-Negative Methanol and efuels Production from Captured CO2 and Green Hydrogen | Quantiam Technologies | AB | Cleantech | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $1,000,000 | $2,178,886 | 2024-04-24 |
Bremner: A Strathcona County Hydrogen Community | ATCO Gas and Pipelines LTD. | AB | Renewables | FEED | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $1,300,450 | $4,957,000 | 2024-04-24 |
Hydrogen Dual Fuel for Heavy Duty Long Haul Vehicles | Innovative Fuel Systems Ltd. | AB | Renewables | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $1,264,550 | $5,115,249 | 2024-04-24 |
Fort Saskatchewan Operations Centre - Hydrogen Centre of Excellence | ATCO Gas and Pipelines | AB | Renewables | Demonstration | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $508,935 | $4,427,563 | 2024-04-24 |
A New Wave in Hydrogen Production | New Wave Hydrogen Inc. | AB | Renewables | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $415,000 | $2,071,345 | 2024-04-24 |
Future Homes Accelerator | EnviroCentre | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program | Active | $999,286 | $1,474,886 | 2024-07-16 |
Atlantic Canadian Retrofit Roadmap | The ReCover Initiative | NS | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program | Active | $1,000,000 | $1,089,157 | 2024-07-16 |
Earthrise Retrofit Accelerator | Earthrise Building Services | YK | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program | Active | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | 2024-07-16 |
FNPA’s Market Development Initiative for Community-Scale Energy Efficiency Retrofits in Indigenous Communities | First Nations Power Authority of Saskatchewan Inc. | SK | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program | Active | $1,000,000 | $1,113,831 | 2024-07-16 |
Enabling Energiesprong Market Transformation by Supporting Ontario's Social Housing Market | Sustainable Buildings Canada | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program | Active | $602,836 | $737,764 | 2024-07-16 |
National Retrofit Repository and Engagement to Advance Canadian Deep Energy Retrofits | Retrofit Canada Society | AB | Buildings | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $775,897 | $835,847 | 2024-07-16 |
Energy-efficient Graphene-based Membrane Cooling Systems | Evercloak Inc. | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $1,100,000 | $1,782,500 | 2024-07-10 |
A National-Scale, Measurement-Based Upstream Oil and Gas Methane Census | Carleton University | ON | Methane and VOC Emissions | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $4,750,000 | $4,033,108 | 2024-05-13 |
Canadian Landfill Methane Quantification Survey | St. Francis Xavier University | NS | Methane and VOC Emissions | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $979,428 | $1,328,248 | 2024-05-13 |
Diesel, solar, and battery microgrid: Hydro-Quebec Remote Communities in Nunavik (Quaqtaq) | Hydro-Québec | Quaqtaq, QC | Smart Grid and Energy Storage | Demonstration | GI: Green Infrastructure | Complete | $1,375,301 | $3,594,149 | 2024-04-09 |
Outaouais Green Building Community | Conseil régional de l'environnement et du développement durable de l'Outaouais | QC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program | Active | $461,537 | $556,838 | 2024-05-07 |
Klokon Creek/Augers Lake Small Hydro Electric Project - FEED Study | Xeni Gwet’in First Nations Government | BC | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities | FEED Study | Wah-ila-toos | Active | $1,999,523 | $1,999,523 | 2024-01-18 |
Kamdis Tidal Power Demonstration Project Phase I: Front End Engineering & Design (FEED) Study | Yourbrook Energy Systems Ltd. | BC | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities | Demonstration FEED Study | Wah-ila-toos | Active | $1,291,157 | $1,516,157 | 2024-01-18 |
Nemiah Valley Renewable Microgrid | Xeni Gwet’in First Nations Government | BC | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities | Demonstration | GI: Green Infrastructure | Active | $2,479,266 | $7,438,191 | 2024-01-18 |
Yuquot Wave Energy Demonstration Project – FEED Study | Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation | BC | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities | Demonstration FEED Study | GI: Green Infrastructure | Active | $1,077,085 | $1,131,664 | 2024-01-18 |
Shaping the Future Electricity System | The Transition Accelerator | AB | Energy Modelling | R&D | EIP | Active | $250,000 | $1,275,668 | 2023-12-12 |
Canadian Online Database of Building Envelope Details and Thermal Bridging Calculations: Design Tools for Energy Efficient Homes and Buildings | BC Housing Management Commission | BC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | Green Infrastructure | Active | $720,000 | $990,000 | 2023-11-16 |
Net-Zero Navigator Platform | University of Victoria | BC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | Green Infrastructure | Active | $750,000 | $1,123,950 | 2023-11-16 |
Net-Zero Energy Ready, New Construction Demonstration Program | Integral Group | BC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | Green Infrastructure | Active | $1,179,000 | $2,359,000 | 2023-11-16 |
Sitkum Lodge Seniors Apartment Deep Retrofit | Greater Victoria Housing Society | BC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | FEED | Green Infrastructure | Active | $139,250 | $278,500 | 2023-11-16 |
Demonstrating a Scalable, Low-carbon Deep Retrofit for High-Rise | QuadReal Property Group | BC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | FEED | Green Infrastructure | Active | $217,500 | $435,000 | 2023-11-16 |
Accelerate Alliance: Developing Canada’s Battery Innovation Roadmap | Accelerate: Canada's ZEV Supply Chain Alliance | ON | Energy Modelling | R&D | EIP | Active | $500,000 | $603,220 | 2023-09-27 |
Web Tool Based On Macroeconomic And Electricity Modeling | Navius Research Inc. | BC | Energy Modelling | Energy Planning | EIP | Active | $360,000 | $360,000 | 2023-06-13 |
Canada Energy Outlook Pathways Explorer | Trottier Energy Institue of Polytechnique Montreal | QC | Energy Modelling | Energy Planning | EIP | Active | $372,573 | $583,150 | 2023-06-13 |
Pembina Energy Policy Simulator Update | Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development | AB | Energy Modelling | Energy Planning | EIP | Active | $230,000 | $280,630 | 2023-06-13 |
Tap&Go Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Demonstration | Tap&Go | BC | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $2 M | $6.3 M | 2023-02-24 |
Ontario Home & Roam Low Carbon EV Charging Ecosystem | Ontario Charging Network LP (comprised of Ontario Power Generation and Hydro One) | ON | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $922,934 | $1.9 M | 2023-02-03 |
Open-Standard Load Management of EV Chargers for High Density Parking Sites | SWTCH Energy Inc. | ON | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $290,000 | $621,380 | 2023-02-03 |
Gordon Bell High School Deep Energy Retrofit | Province of Manitoba | MB | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | GI | Active | $160,200 | $369,000 | 2022-12-15 |
Opus One DERMS® Application Integration and Techno-Economic Enhancements | Opus One Solutions Energy ULC | ON | Smart Grid and Energy Storage | Energy planning | EIP | Complete | $500,000 | $1.1 M | 2022-11-16 |
Deep Energy Retrofit of JET Building FEED Study | Morguard Corporation | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | GI | Completed | $135,274 | $274,298 | 2022-11-15 |
Blossom Park Apartments | Indwell Community Homes | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | GI | Completed | $365,000 | $7.3 M | 2022-07-25 |
Net Zero Energy Ready Retrofit Housing Demonstration | Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | GI | Active | $1,367,545 | $2,621,940 | 2022-07-25 |
Enwave Geothermal Community Energy System | Enwave Energy Corporation | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | FEED Study | GI | Active | $350,000 | $818,367 | 2022-07-25 |
Deep Energy Retrofit of a 1940’s-era MURB | Toronto Community Housing Corporation | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | GI | Active | $1.8 M | $6.8 M | 2022-06-23 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training and Implementation Planning in NunatuKavut | NunatuKavut Community Council Inc. | NL | Renewable Energy | R&D | Impact | Active | $1.6 M | $1.64 M | 2022-06-01 |
Solar North Phase 2, Old Masset New Housing Energy Efficiency, Solar South, Haida Wind | Haida Enterprise Corporation | BC | Renewable Energy | R&D | Impact | Active | $1.6 M | $9 M | 2022-06-01 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training and Implementation Planning in Kugaaruk – New Phase | Hamlet of Kugaaruk | NU | Renewable Energy | R&D | Impact | Active | $1.6 M | $1.6 M | 2022-06-01 |
Gjoa Haven Clean Energy Implementation | Hamlet of Gjoa Haven | NU | Renewable Energy | R&D | Impact | Active | $1.6 M | $1.6 M | 2022-06-01 |
Kinoosao Energy Retrofit Project/Kinoosao Microgrid Project | Jobb Developments | SK | Renewable Energy | R&D | Impact | Active | $1.6 M | $1.7 M | 2022-06-01 |
Coral Harbour Solar and Energy Storage Project and Naujaat Solar and Energy Storage Project | Sakku Investments Corporation | NU | Renewable Energy | R&D | Impact | Active | $1.6 M | $1.6 M | 2022-06-01 |
Advancing the Implementation of Vision 2030 | Nuxalk Nation | BC | Renewable Energy | R&D | Impact | Active | $1.6 M | $1.6 M | 2022-06-01 |
Community of Kuujjuaq Diesel Reduction - Project Implementation Phase | Societe Kuujjuamiut Inc. | QC | Renewable Energy | R&D | Impact | Active | $1.6 M | $1.7 M | 2022-06-01 |
Renewable Diesel, Solar Project, Retrofitting Community Homes, Heiltsuk Food Sovereignty, Passive House Kit, Capacity Development Strategy | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | BC | Renewable Energy | R&D | Impact | Active | $1.6 M | $1.6 M | 2022-06-01 |
Tetlit Zheh Community Energy Plan | Teetl'it Gwich'in Band Council | NT | Renewable Energy | R&D | Impact | Active | $1.6 M | $1.7 M | 2022-06-01 |
Clean Energy Plan Implementation - Nunatsiavut Government | Nunatsiavut Government | NL | Renewable Energy | R&D | Impact | Active | $1.6 M | $1.6 M | 2022-06-01 |
Solar PV Rooftop Installation & Hydro Feasibility Study | Délı̨nę Got'ı̨nę Government | NT | Renewable Energy | R&D | Impact | Active | $1.6 M | $1.6 M | 2022-06-01 |
High Performance Residential and Commercial Buildings in Baker Lake, NU | ArchTech Inc. | NU | Renewable Energy | R&D | Impact | Active | $1.6 M | $1.89 M | 2022-06-01 |
Beaufort Delta Renewable Resource Plan | Nihtat Energy Ltd. | NT | Renewable Energy | R&D | Impact | Active | $800,000 | $2.6 M | 2022-06-01 |
Deep Retrofit Challenge | City of Toronto | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | GI | Active | $5 M | $21.8 M | 2022-04-27 |
Arctic Charging and Heating Stations for EV’s Tethered to Islanded Hybrid Diesel-Renewable SmartGrid | TUGLIQ Energy Co. | QC | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $2.6 M | $5.2 M | 2022-04-27 |
Impact Canada – Women in Cleantech Challenge | MaRS Discovery District | ON | Cleantech | Demonstration | IMPACT | Complete | $5.2 M | $5.9 M | 2021-11-30 |
Permanent Aquatic Storage Structure (PASS) Demonstration Pit Lake Research Project | Suncor Energy Inc. | AB | Mining – Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $3 M | $25.8 M | 2022-04-04 |
High Pressure HDR with Hydrogen Co-Feed (H2-HDR) | Cenovus Energy | AB | Energy – Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $2 M | $6.26 M | 2022-04-04 |
Heavy Oil Viscosity Reduction Project | MEG Energy Corp | AB | Energy – Technology and Innovation | R&D | CGP | Active | $1.5 M | $3.79 M | 2022-04-04 |
Permanent Sealing of GHG Emitting Wells | Seal Well Inc. | AB SK |
Energy – Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $1 M | $2.48 M | 2022-04-04 |
Renewable Crude Oil Production from Sustainable biomass sources | Canfor Pulp Ltd. | BC | Forestry – Technology and Innovation | FEED Study | CGP | Active | $4.58 M | $22.3 M | 2022-03-30 |
Advanced ion exchange membrane water desalting plants | Saltworks Technologies Inc. | AB BC |
Energy – Technology and Innovation | R&D | CGP | Active | $2 M | $3.3 M | 2022-03-30 |
Biocarbon Injection at ArcelorMittal Dofasco | ArcelorMittal Dofasco | ON | Forestry – Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $1.8 M | $7.5 M | 2022-03-30 |
Renewable Natural Gas Through Electrocatalytic CO2 Conversion | University of Toronto | ON | Energy – Technology and Innovation | R&D | CGP | Active | $1.6 M | $2 M | 2022-03-30 |
Breakthrough technologies to increase Canadian RNG production from forest residues | University of British Columbia | BC | Forestry – Technology and Innovation | R&D | CGP | Active | $1.16 M | $1.92 M | 2022-03-30 |
Luminescent Solar Concentrators for Building Integrated Photovoltaics | Applied Quantum Materials Inc. | AB | Energy – Technology and Innovation | R&D | CGP | Active | $700,000 | $1.6 M | 2022-03-30 |
Field pilot of GHGSat's satellite-aircraft hybrid system in the BC Montney | GHGSat Inc. | BC | Methane and VOC Emissions | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $453,993 | $3.4 M | 2022-03-30 |
Towards cost-effective net-zero energy ready residential renovations | Canadian Home Builders’ Association | Canada | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | GI | Active | $4.4 M | $24 M | 2022-02-23 |
NS Power – Collaborative rid Innovation for Atlantic Smart Energy Communities | Nova Scotia Power | NS | Smart Grid Energy and Storage | Demonstration and Deployment | GI | Active | $5.1 M | $18.3 M | 2019-06-12 |
Prefabricated Net-Zero Energy Retrofit of Affordable Row Housing | Ottawa Community Housing | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | GI | Active | $547,500 | $1.1 M | 2021-08-09 |
Vehicle to Grid Demand Response (V2G-DR) | Blackstone Energy Services Inc. | ON | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $635,188 | $1.3 M | 2021-07-29 |
Free the Chargers – A Shared Economy Approach to EV Charging with Constraint Grid Mitigation via Non-Wires-Alternative | Opus One Solutions | ON | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $2.0 M | $4.7 M | 2021-07-29 |
Electric Truck Charging Infrastructure Demonstration | Hydro One Limited | ON | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $4.9 M | $9.9 M | 2021-07-29 |
Charging Infrastructure with Dynamic and Distributed Price Signal for Load Shaping | Geotab Inc. | Canada | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $1.3 M | $2.8 M | 2021-07-29 |
Alectra Drive at Home | Alectra Inc. | ON | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $1.5 M | $3.3 M | 2021-07-29 |
Intelligent Electric Bus Charging | Toronto Transit Commission | ON | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $2.5 M | $5.0 M | 2021-07-29 |
Alberta Zero-Emissions Truck Electrification Collaboration (AZETEC) Fueling Station | Alberta Motor Transport Association | AB | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $2.3 M | $9.2 M | 2021-06-03 |
Nain Remote Micro Grid FEED Study | Nunatsiavut Government | NL | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities, Demonstration | FEED Study | GI | Active | $1.3 M | $1.7 M | 2021-05-18 |
Marine Renewable Energy Standards Development – Supporting Canadian Priorities within IEC TC 114 |
Marine Renewables Canada | NS | Renewable Energy | R&D | EIP | Complete | $83,800 | $315,200 | 2021-05-06 |
Zibi District Thermal System | Zibi Community Utility LP | QC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $1.0 M | $5.4 M | 2021-04-12 |
A-CAES Design and Feasibility Assessment Tools Development | Hydrostor Inc. | ON | Smart Grid and Energy Storage | R&D | EIP | Completed | $500,000 | $2.0 M | 2021-04-15 |
Next Generation EV Charging Networks | British Columbia Institute of Technology | BC | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $1.79 M | $4.1 M | 2021-05-05 |
Active Biological Countermeasures | NorQuest Systems Division | AB | Oil Spill Response Science | R&D | OSRS | Completed | $400,000 | $1.3 M | |
Development of effective and environmentally friendly formulations for the dispersion and remediation of heavy oil spilled in marine environments | University of Toronto | ON | Oil Spill Response Science | R&D | OSRS | Completed | $112,700 | $151,250 | |
Nova Scotia Vehicle Grid Integration Pilot | Nova Scotia Power Inc. | NS | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Completed | $1.1 M | $2.2 M | 2021-01-12 |
Canadian Gas Association Emissions Testing Centre Network | Canadian Gas Association (CGA) | ON | Methane and VOC Emissions | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Complete | $ 9,203,997 | $ 30,362,198 | 2020-07-07 |
Decreasing Transactional EV Charging Costs and Enhancing Grid Efficiency | SWTCH Energy Inc. | ON | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $1.0 M | $2.6 M | 2020-11-10 |
Slemon Park Microgrid Project | PEI Energy | PEI | Smart Grid and Energy Storage | Deployment | GI | Active | $4.3 M | $24.6 M | 2020-08-13 |
Development of a new electric propulsion system adapted to the mining industry | Propulsion Québec | QC | Mining - Technology and Innovation | R & D | CGP | Active | $2.6 M | $6.1 M | 2020-11-02 |
Advanced CNC Reinforced PHA Bioplastics | TerraVerdae Bioworks Inc. | AB, ON, QC | Forestry – Technology and Innovation | R & D | CGP | Active | $2.0 M | $3.3 M | 2020-04-28 |
Yukon Electric Thermal Storage Demonstration Project | Yukon Conservation Society | YK | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities, Demonstration | Demonstrarion | GI | Active | $1.6 M | $1.97 M | 2020-09-22 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training and Implementation Planning in Aklavik | Nihtat Energy Ltd | NT | Renewable Energy | Energy planning | IMPACT | Active | $500,000 | $518,500 | 2020-09-22 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training, and Implementation Planning in Deline | Deline Got’ine Government | NT | Renewable Energy | Energy planning | IMPACT | Active | $500,000 | $510,000 | 2020-09-22 |
Development of an At-Line Active Clay Analyzer for the Canadian Mining Industry | Saskatchewan Research Council | SK, AB | Mining - Technology and Innovation | R & D | CGP | Active | $1.9 M | $2.78 M | 2020-09-17 |
Use of High Pulsed Powers in improving ore concentration processes | Centre Technologique des Résidus Industriels | QC | Mining - Technology and Innovation | R & D | CGP | Active | $442,600 | $1.5 M | 2020-09-15 |
Demonstrating ECOTHOR’s Electro-Technology Performance On The Operations’ Liquid Effluents | E2Metrix Inc. | QC, BC | Mining - Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $5.1 M | $10.2 M | 2020-09-11 |
Addressing technical challenges to enable hydrokinetic clean power generation in river and coastal communities | University of Manitoba | MB, NS | Energy - Technology and Innovation | R & D | CGP | Active | $1.58 M | $2.3 M | 2020-09-09 |
Nova Tidal Array | Nova Innovation CAN Limited | NS | Energy - Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $4.0 M | $10.8 M | 2020-09-09 |
Scaling Up First Hub & Spoke Lignocellulosic Biofuels Commercial Pilot | CRB Innovations | QC | Forestry – Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $5.29 M | $15.79 M | 2020-09-08 |
Pilot plant of clean process for recycled nitrogen for precious metal recovery | COREM | QC | Mining - Technology and Innovation | R & D | CGP | Active | $2.6 M | $3.6 M | 2020-08-10 |
West 5 Smart Grid Project | London Hydro | ON | Smart Grid Demonstration and Deployment | Demonstration & Deployment | GI | Active | $5.3 M | $12.4 M | 2020-07-17 |
Affordable, Replicable and Marketable Net Zero Ready Multiple Unit Residential Buildings | Canadian Home Builders’ Association | BC, AB, SK, ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | GI | Active | $2.6 M | $5.7 M | 2020-06-24 |
SaskPower Distribution Modernization Program | SaskPower | SK | Smart Grid and Energy Storage, Deployment | Deployment | GI | Active | $4.7 M | $20.3 M | 2018-10-26 |
Sault Smart Grid | PUC Distribution Inc. | ON | Smart Grid and Energy Storage, Deployment | Deployment | GI | Active | $10.6 M | $42.8 M | 2019-02-11 |
Digital Utility Platform | Lakefront Utilities | ON | Smart Grid and Energy Storage, Deployment | Deployment | GI | Active | $164,153 | $656,612 | 2019-03-13 |
Smart Grid Deployment of Off-Grid Networks | Hydro-Québec | QC | Smart Grid and Energy Storage, Deployment | Deployment | GI | Active | $11.0 M | $46.2 M | 2019-08-15 |
Canada’s 1st Member-Owned Rural Smart Grid Project | EQUS REA | AB | Smart Grid and Energy Storage, Deployment | Deployment | GI | Active | $2.2 M | $9 M | 2019-08-29 |
EPCOR Smart Grid System | EPCOR | AB | Smart Grid and Energy Storage, Deployment | Deployment | GI | Active | $10.6 M | $44.2 M | 2018-11-30 |
Natural Heat Exchange Engineering Technology for Mines | Mining Innovation Rehabilitation & Applied Research Corporation | ON | Mining - Technology and Innovation | R&D | CGP | Active | $1.5 M | $2.9 M | 2020-02-11 |
The 100% electric mine - Converting the biggest diesels to electric | FVT Research Inc. | ON BC |
Energy - Technology and Innovation | R&D | CGP | Active | $2.0 M | $4.5 M | 2020-02-11 |
Powercone® Skyway8 wind farm pilot | Biome Renewables | ON | Electricity | R&D | EIP | Active | $1.9 M | $3.8 M | 2020-02-12 |
CO2 utilization in concrete: a new circular economy model | CarbonCure Technologies Inc. | NS | Manufacturing | R&D | EIP | Active | $2.0 M | $4.0 M | 2020-02-12 |
Chemical manufacturing through electrochemical carbon dioxide utilization | CERT Systems Inc. | ON | Manufacturing | R&D | EIP | Active | $1.4 M | $1.8 M | 2020-02-12 |
Development and testing of a tri-generation pyrolysis | Ekona Power Inc. | BC | Manufacturing | R&D | EIP | Active | $2.7 M | $7.7 M | 2020-02-12 |
Energy-efficient graphene-based membrane cooling systems | Evercloak Inc. | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | EIP | Active | $900,000 | $1.28 M | 2020-02-12 |
Commercialization of lowest-cost, long duration energy storage systems | e-Zn Inc. | ON | Electricity | R&D | EIP | Active | $1.6 M | $5.8 M | 2020-02-12 |
Ultra-fast charging of lithium-ion cells for the mass global adoption of electric vehicles | GBatteries | ON | Transportation | R&D | EIP | Active | $2.7 M | $3.7 M | 2020-02-12 |
Platforms for life | Intelligent City | BC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | EIP | Active | $3.0 M | $7.9 M | 2020-02-12 |
Extract energy heat engine | Smarter Alloys | ON | Electricity | R&D | EIP | Active | $1.5 M | $6.5 M | 2020-02-12 |
Demonstration of Advanced Biocatalytic Process for Low-Cost Carbon Capture | CO2 Solutions Inc. | QC | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | EIP | Active | $375,000 | $677,000 | 2018-08-10 |
BIOSALIX: Mine Reclamation using Fabricated Soils and Organic Residuals to Augment Soil Quality | SYLVIS Environmental Services Inc. | AB | Mining - Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $3.8 M | $14.0 M | 2019-08-30 |
Novel Grinding Technology to Significantly Reduce Energy Consumption in Mining | Canada Mining Innovation Council (CMIC) | ON | Mining - Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $2.0 M | $5.1 M | 2019-08-29 |
Using Cellulosic Biomass for Wood-Plastic Composites and Rubber Reinforcement | University of Waterloo | ON | Forestry – Technology and Innovation | R&D | CGP | Active | $800,000 | $1.1 M | 2019-08-30 |
Lac Mégantic Microgrid | Hydro-Québec | QC | Smart Grids and Energy Storage, Demonstration & Deployment | Demonstration & Deployment | GI | Active | $5.38 M | $12.8 M | 2019-08-29 |
Mary’s Harbour Renewables | St. Mary’s River Energy LP | NL | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities, Demonstration and Deployment | Demonstration & Deployment | GI | Active | $3.5 M | $4.9 M | 2019-08-29 |
Interoperability and Non-Wires Alternative Demonstration | Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) | ON | Smart Grids and Energy Storage | Demonstration | GI | Active | $5.0 M | $11.0 M | 2019-08-29 |
Iqaluit Inuit Owned Land Smart Micro Grid FEED Study | Qikiqtaaluk Business Development Corporation | NU | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities, Demonstration | Demonstration | GI | Active | $1.23 M | $1.28 M | 2019-08-28 |
Ethanol Production from Construction & Demolition Waste FEED Study | Woodland Biofuels Inc. | ON | Forestry – Technology and Innovation | FEED Study | CGP | Active | $2.89 M | $5.79 M | 2019-08-27 |
Prototype Testing on Oil Sands Tailings: ElectroKinetic Solutions-Dewatering Technology (EKS-DT) Project | ElectroKinetic Solutions Inc. | AB | Energy - Technology and Innovation | R&D | CGP | Active | $1.8 M | $6.5 M | 2019-08-26 |
Hybrid smart-grid solar PV and battery demonstration project | Kwikwasut'inuxw Haxwa'mis First Nation | BC | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities, Demonstration | Demonstraton | GI | Active | $2.29 M | $2.5 M | 2019-08-26 |
Load Control and Future Infrastructure Need Forecasting – Network Agnostic Usage Monitoring Demonstration | Mogile Technologies Inc. | QC, BC | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstraton | GI | Active | $1.1 M | $2.2 M | 2019-08-22 |
Destruction Bay Renewable Hybrid-Diesel Project | Kluane First Nation | YK | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities, Demonstration | Demonstraton | GI | Active | $2 M | $4.2 M | 2019-08-26 |
Demonstration of a Central Access Option for EV Drivers for Charging Network Account Management | Mogile Technologies Inc. | Across Canada | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstraton | GI | Active | $861,000 | $1.7 M | 2019-08-22 |
Affordable Zero-Emission Fail-Safe Electric Dump Valve Actuator | Linear Motion Technologies Canada | AB | Energy - Technology and Innovation | Demonstraton | CGP | Active | $2.1 M | $3.1 M | 2019-08-15 |
Gull Bay First Nation Diesel Offset Micro Grid Project | Ontario Power Generation | ON | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities, Demonstration and Deployment | Demonstration | GI | Active | $2.0 M | $5.88 M | 2019-08-16 |
Electric Vehicle Automatic Parking (EVAP) | S2E Technologies Inc. | ON | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstraton | GI | Active | $3.4 M | $7.2 M | 2019-08-14 |
Repurposing Used Large-Format Heavy-Duty Transit Bus Batteries for Electric Vehicle Rapid Charging | Red River College | MB | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstraton | GI | Completed | $60,000 | $120,000 | 2019-08-12 |
Newmarket Tay Power: Pan-Canadian Electric Bus Demonstration and Integration Trial | Newmarket Tay Power Distribution Ltd. | ON | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstraton | GI | Active | $956,338 | $8.3 M | 2019-08-14 |
Rock Fragmentation with Explosive-Free Soiundless Chemial Demolition Agents | Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning, McGill University | QC, ON | Mining - Technology and Innovation | Demonstraton | CGP | Active | $1.12 M | $2.17 M | 2019-08-07 |
EV Infrastructure Demonstration Project at Toronto Pearson Airport | Greater Toronto Airports Authority | ON | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstraton | GI | Active | $491,326 | $2.2 M | 2019-07-29 |
Brampton Transit Electric Bus Demonstration and Integration Trial | The City of Brampton | ON | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstraton | GI | Completed | $3.5 M | $7.6 M | 2019-07-29 |
Building Envelope Technologies for Net-Zero Construction and Retrofit in Canada's Residential and Commercial Sectors | Carleton University | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstraton | EIP | Active | $3.0 M | $5.5 M | 2019-07-26 |
Next generation actionable building energy performance metrics, data analytics, and visualization: an open-source platform | Carleton University | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | GI | Active | $510,000 | $860,000 | 2019-07-26 |
Optical Technology to Quantify and Mitigate Methane Emissions from Casing Gas Vents and Liquid Storage Tanks | Carleton University | ON, AB, BC, QC, SK | Energy - Technology and Innovation | R&D | CGP | Active | $1.6 M | $2.6 M | 2019-07-26 |
Development of new protocols for determination of the environmental impact of mining on aquatic health | Carleton University | NT, ON | Mining - Technology and Innovation | R&D | CGP | Active | $389,870 | $4.7 M | 2019-07-26 |
High Density Solar Photovoltaic Module | Canadian Solar Solutions Inc. | ON | Renewables | Demonstraton | EIP | Complete | $7.9 M | $15.9 M | 2019-07-25 |
FEED study for a hybrid renewable energy platform for the remote community of Lutsel K'e First Nation | Denesoline Corp Ltd. | NT | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities | FEED Study | GI | Active | $930,000 | $1.1 M | 2019-07-23 |
Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage in Mine Tailings | University of British Columbia | BC, NT | Mining - Technology and Innovation | R&D | CGP | Active | $2.0 M | $3.45 M | 2019-07-23 |
Design, construction, demonstration, evaluation, and optimization of a mid-rise "Net-Zero Energy" MURB in Western Canada | UBC Properties Investments Ltd. | BC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | GI | Active | $3.5 M | $10.9 M | 2019-07-23 |
Demonstration of an Advanced Power Distribution and Grid Integration System for EV Recharging | University of British Columbia, Clean Energy Research Centre | BC | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $2.3 M | $5.8 M | 2019-07-23 |
Smart, Proactive, Enabled, Energy Distribution; Intelligent, Efficiently, Responsive (SPEEDIER) project | Bracebridge Generation Ltd. | ON | Smart Grids and Energy Storage, Demonstration & Deployment | Demonstration & Deployment | GI | Completed | $3.7 M | $8.3 M | 2019-07-23 |
Revolutionising copper production with Jetti | Jetti Services Canada Inc. | BC | Mining - Technology and Innovation | R&D | CGP | Active | $492,500 | $985,000 | 2019-07-15 |
Geothermal Energy Co-production from an Active Oil and Gas Operation | Razor Energy Corp. | AB | Energy - Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $5.0 M | $15.5 M | 2019-06-27 |
MiGen Transactive Grid | Hydro Ottawa Limited | ON | Smart Grids and Energy Storage | Demonstration | GI | Closed | - | - | 2019-06-14 |
Tailings Management Through Nano Technologies | Carbonix Inc. | AB ON |
Mining - Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $3.15 M | $5.23 M | 2019-07-15 |
Power.House Hybrid: Minimizing GHGs and Maximizing Grid Benefits | Alectra Utilities Corporation | ON | Smart Grids and Energy Storage | Demonstration | GI | Active | $1.67 M | $3.38 M | 2019-06-21 |
The Transactive Grid – Enabling an End-To-End Market Services Framework Using Blockchain | Alectra Utilities Corporation | ON | Smart Grids and Energy Storage | Demonstration | GI | Complete | $2.62 M | $5.2 M | 2019-06-21 |
Nunavut Arctic College Student Residence Deep Energy Retrofit | Qikiqtaaluk Properties Inc. | NU | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | GI | Active | $2.05 M | $4.37 M | 2019-05-28 |
Creation of biomaterials from hydrolysis lignin | FPInnovations | ON | Forestry – Technology and Innovation | R&D | CGP | Active | $2.0 M | $4.2 M | 2019-05-27 |
Sundance Housing Rehabilitation Project | Sundance Housing Cooperative | AB | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | GI | Active | $2.5 M | $5.35 M | 2019-05-24 |
Secondary School Carbon Free Embedded MicroGrid Energy System Demonstration | Ameresco Canada Inc. | ON | Smart Grids and Energy Storage | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $4.5 M | $9.1 M | 2019-05-22 |
John Paul II High School Carbon Free Embedded Energy System FEED Study | London District Catholic School Board | ON | Renewable Energy, Smart Grids, and Storage | FEED Study | EIP | Completed | $300,000 | $600,000 | 2019-05-22 |
Dynamic Voltage Control for the Integration of Renewables | New Brunswick Power Corporation | NB | Renewable Energy, Smart Grids, and Storage | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $1.0 M | $2.507 M | 2019-05-10 |
eMVAPEX Pilot, Phase 3 | MEG Energy Corp. | AB | Energy - Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $8.0 M | $46.4 M | 2019-05-08 |
Demonstrating EV Range and Charging Efficiency in a Very Cold Climate | Yukon Government | YT | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $212,000 | $438,250 | 2019-05-03 |
Eavor-Loop Demonstration Project | Eavor Technologies Inc. | AB | Energy - Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $2.5 M | $12.1 M | 2019-04-25 |
Engineering Design for Net Zero Communities in Toronto | City of Toronto | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | FEED Study | EIP | Active | $375,000 | $750,000 | 2019-04-24 |
In-Pit Extraction Process | Canadian Natural Resources Limited | AB | Energy - Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $8.0 M | $65.17 M | 2019-03-14 |
Residential Demand Response Program | Yukon Energy Corporation | YT | Smart Grid and Energy Storage | Demonstration | GI | Active | $709,732 | $1.4 M | 2019-04-12 |
Demonstration of Creating Value from Waste (CVW™) Sustainable Technology at Canadian Natural Horizon | Titanium Corporation Inc. | AB | Energy - Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $1.9 M | $50 M | 2019-03-14 |
Compressed Air Energy Storage for Arctic Deployment of Renewable Energy in Nunavut (FEED Study) | TUGLIQ Energy Corp | NU | Renewables | FEED Study | EIP | Completed | $283,000 | $773,000 | 2019-01-28 |
Nunavik Mining: RAGLAN 2.0 Large Scale Renewable Energy Smart Grid | TUGLIQ Energy Corp | QC | Renewables | Demonstration | EIP | Completed | $3.9 M | - | 2019-01-28 |
Integrated Dispatchable Resource Network for Local Electric Distribution Utility | The Power Commission of The City of Saint John (Saint John Energy) | NB | Smart Grids and Energy Storage | Demonstration & Deployment | GI | Active | $5.7 M | $14.3 M | 2019-01-24 |
Net-Zero Energy Mixed Use High-Rise Building | Sifton Properties Limited | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $3.9 M | $57.6 M | 2019-01-21 |
Sky Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Station | Sky Solar (Canada) Ltd. | ON | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $2.0 M | $4.0 M | 2018-11-30 |
Autonomous Discovery Accelerator for Materials Innovation | University of British Columbia | BC | Advanced Materials Innovation | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $8.0 M | $11.8 M | 2018-11-28 |
3 300 Saint-Jacques NET ZERO+ | Lemay CO Inc. | QC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $1.0 M | $2.992 M | 2018-10-09 |
Near Net Zero Energy Supermarket | Longo Brothers Fruit Markets Inc. | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $1.44 M | $11.062 M | 2018-10-09 |
Integrating Distributed Generation into Secondary Networks in Large Urban Centres | ENMAX Power Corporation | AB | Smart Grid and Storage | Demonstration | GI | Active | $2.043 M | $5.788 M | 2018-08-27 |
Occupant modelling for building design and energy codes: roadmap, feasibility study, best practices guidebook, and tested case study | Carleton University | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | EIP | Active | $350,750 | $566,750 | 2018-08-14 |
Clayton Heights Passive House Community Centre | City of Surrey | BC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $1.3 M | $43.5 M | 2018-08-10 |
Canada-China Collaboration on VOC and Methane Emissions Reduction | Clearstone Engineering Ltd. | Canada and China | Methane and VOC Emissions | R&D | EIP | Active | $1.6 M | $2.1 M | 2018-08-10 |
Techno-Economic Assessment of Emissions Reduction Opportunities from Canada's LNG Production System | Patro Research Ltd. | Calgary, AB | Methane and VOC Emissions | R&D | EIP | Active | $600,000 | $1.5 M | 2018-08-10 |
Assessing Forest Biomass as a Bioenergy Feedstock: The Availability and Recovery of Biomass in Uneven-aged Forests | University of Toronto | ON | Bioenergy | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $273,000 | $814,000 | 2018-02-15 |
Bio-energy Optimization Program Demonstration | Manitoba Hydro | MB | Bioenergy | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $2.77 M | $6.0 M | 2011-01-01 |
Biomass-based Urban Central Heating Demonstration | SSQ Société immobilière Inc. | QC | Bioenergy | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $4.7 M | $13.3 M | 2011-01-01 |
Biomass-rich Waste Conversion into Drop-in Fuels | Enerkem Inc. | QC | Bioenergy | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $729,000 | $1.46 M | 2012-01-01 |
Demonstration of Heat and Power from Biomass Gasification | University of British Columbia | BC | Bioenergy | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $10.8 M | $28 M | 2011-01-01 |
Food and Yard Waste Anaerobic Digestion to Electricity Demonstration | Harvest Power Canada Ltd. | - | Bioenergy | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $5.0 M | $22.5 M | 2011-01-01 |
Front End Engineering and Design Study (FEED) of the Kwadacha Community Energy Project | BC Bioenergy Network Association | BC | Bioenergy | FEED Study | ecoEII | Completed | $317,813 | $635,625 | 2012-01-01 |
Innovative Biomass Supply Chain Solutions for Commercial and Institutional Heating Plants Used in the Forestry Sector | Quebec Federation of Forestry Cooperatives | QC | Bioenergy | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $604,000 | $1.0 M | 2012-01-01 |
Lignin-to-Drop-In BioJetfuels and Chemicals | CRB Innovations Inc. | QC | Bioenergy | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.0 M | $1.5 M | 2012-01-01 |
Low Carbon Fuel Demonstration Pilot Plant | Lafarge Canada Inc. | ON | Bioenergy | Demonstration | ecoEII | Completed | $2.7 M | $8.9 M | 2012-01-01 |
Modular Compact Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Using Local Heterogeneous Biomass Wastes | Enerkem Inc. | AB QC |
Bioenergy | Demonstration | ecoEII | Completed | $2.9 M | $10.3 M | 2012-01-01 |
Production and Conversion of Biorefinery Cellulose to Advanced Fuels, Biochemicals and Biomaterials | Lignol Innovations Ltd. | BC | Bioenergy | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.1 M | $2.63 M | 2012-01-01 |
Yukon Bioenergy Demonstration Project | Yukon Energy Corp. | YT | Bioenergy | FEED Study | ecoEII | Completed | $500,000 | $1.0 M | 2012-01-01 |
Alberta CO2 Purity Project (ACPP) | Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada | AB | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $525,000 | $955,000 | 2012-01-01 |
Atmospheric leak detection as a tool for bitumen steam chamber and oil well integrity risk analyses | Saint Francis Xavier University | NS | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | Demonstration | ecoEII | Completed | $300,000 | $539,000 | 2012-01-01 |
Carbon Storage Onshore Nova Scotia – Injection Site Characterization | CCS Research Consortium of Nova Scotia | NS | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $4.5 M | $7.7 M | 2012-01-01 |
Development of a Pilot-scale Supercritical-CO2 Brayton Cycle Demonstration Loop | Carleton University, Mechanical Engineering | ON | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.4 M | $2.2 M | 2012-01-01 |
Alberta Carbon Trunk Line Carbon Capture and Storage Project | Enhance Energy | AB | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $63 M | - | 2011-01-01 |
Enzymatic Technology for Efficient Carbon Capture from Oil Sands Operations | CO2 Solutions Inc. | QC AB |
Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $5.3 M | $8.5 M | 2012-01-01 |
Identification of Options for CO2 Storage in the Athabasca Area | Alberta Innovates – Technology Futures | AB | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $550,000 | $900,000 | 2012-01-01 |
Energy Quest Project | Shell Canada | AB | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $120 M | $1310 M | 2011-01-01 |
Surface Containment Monitoring for Carbon Capture and Storage | Saint Francis Xavier University | NS | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $909,000 | $1.6 M | 2012-01-01 |
Advanced Liquid Desiccant Air Handling System | Venmar CES, Inc. | SK | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.38 M | $3.48 M | 2012-01-01 |
Cold Climate Air-Source Heat Pump Demonstration | Ecologix Heating Technologies Inc. | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $4.5 M | $13 M | 2011-01-01 |
Community Integrated Energy Mapping Feasibility Study: Gateway to Alberta’s Energy Demand & Supply | Climate Change Central | AB | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $500,000 | $702,475 | 2012-01-01 |
Community-level Solar Energy Project | City of Colwood | BC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $2.1 M | $11.9 M | 2011-01-01 |
Energy OASIS (Open Access to Sustainable Intermittent Sources) Project | British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), Applied Research Team | BC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $4.4 M | $9.1 M | 2011-01-01 |
High Efficiency Commercial Refrigeration Systems utilizing an Ejector | Carnot Refrigeration Inc. | QC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $850,000 | $2.68 M | 2012-01-01 |
Integrated Air to Water Heat Pump System for Domestic Hot Water and Space Heating for Low Energy and Net Zero Energy Housing | Sumaran Inc. | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $983,000 | $1.84 M | 2012-01-01 |
Integrated Approach to Development of a High Efficiency Energy Recovery and Intelligent Ventilation System | dPoint Technologies | BC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $704,000 | $939,000 | 2012-01-01 |
Integrating Renewables and Conservation Measures in a Net-Zero Energy Low-Rise Residential Subdivision | Owens Corning Canada LP | NS QC ON AB |
Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | ecoEII | Completed | $1.9 M | $5.1 M | 2012-01-01 |
Intelligent Net-zero Energy Buildings | Concordia University | QC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.0 M | $1.7 M | 2012-01-01 |
Plug & Play Building-Integrated Photovoltaic and Thermal (BIPV-T) Technologies | Montréal ZERO Inc. | QC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $560,000 | $788,000 | 2012-01-01 |
Thermoacoustic Cogeneration Engine Development | Etalim Inc. | BC | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.4 M | $4.9 M | 2012-01-01 |
A 10 MW Wind Technology Research and Development Park | Wind Energy Institute of Canada | PE | Renewables | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $12 M | $24.8 M | 2011-01-01 |
BC Remote Community Integrated Energy BCRCIE Project | Province of British Columbia | BC | Renewables | Demonstration | ecoEII | Completed | $203,000 | $453,000 | 2012-01-01 |
Canadian Hydrokinetic Turbine Test Centre (CHTTC) | University of Manitoba | MB | Renewables | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $2.2 M | $4.0 M | 2012-01-01 |
Community-Based Geothermal Demonstration in Remote First Nations Community | Borealis GeoPower Inc./ Acho Dene Koe First Nation | AB | Renewables | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $469,000 | $1.14 M | 2011-01-01 |
Demonstration of Waste-Heat Recovery at Compressor Stations | Great Northern Power Corp. | AB | Renewables | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $978,000 | $3.2 M | 2011-01-01 |
Development of Codes and Standards for Marine Energy Converters | Marine Renewables Canada Society | BC | Renewables | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.2 M | $2.1 M | 2012-01-01 |
Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) Study Whapmagoostui - Wind Hybrid Power Plant | Nimschu Iskudow (NI) Inc. | QC | Renewables | FEED Study | ecoEII | Completed | $700,275 | $2.5 M | 2012-01-01 |
Front End Engineering and Design Study (FEED) for the Dent Island Tidal Power Generation Project | Water Wall Turbine Inc. | BC | Renewables | FEED Study | ecoEII | Completed | $300,000 | $600,000 | 2012-01-01 |
Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Study: Williston Basin Low Temperature Geothermal Demonstration | Deep Earth Energy Production Corp. | SK | Renewables | FEED Study | ecoEII | Completed | $1.0 M | $2.1 M | 2012-01-01 |
Front End Engineering Design Study (FEED) of Xstrata’s Raglan Renewable Electricity Micro-Grid & Smart-Grid Pilot Demonstration | TUGLIQ Energy Co. | QC | Renewables | FEED Study | ecoEII | Completed | $720,000 | $2.0 M | 2012-01-01 |
Glencore RAGLAN Mine Renewable Electricity Smart-Grid Pilot Demonstration | TUGLIQ Energy Co. | QC | Renewables | Demonstration | ecoEII | Completed | $7.8 M | - | 2012-01-01 |
Integration of deep geothermal energy in Canada's energy portfolio | Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ) | QC | Renewables | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $800,000 | $3.3 M | 2012-01-01 |
Kortright Energy Yield Test Standard | Toronto and Region Conservation Authority | ON | Renewables | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.0 M | $1.4 M | 2012-01-01 |
Pan-Canadian Wind Integration Study | Canadian Wind Energy Association | ON | Renewables | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.75 M | $2.75 M | 2012-01-01 |
Reducing the cost of in-stream tidal energy generation through comprehensive hydrodynamic site assessment | Acadia University | NS | Renewables | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.97 M | $3.77 M | 2012-01-01 |
Tidal Energy Project in the Bay of Fundy | Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy | NS | Renewables | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $23 M | $50.7 M | 2011-01-01 |
VB (Virtual Blade) Wind Power | GTRenergy Ltd. | PE ON |
Renewables | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $600,000 | $1.1 M | 2012-01-01 |
Wasdell Falls Hydro Power Project | Coastal Hydropower Corp. (Wasdell Falls LP) | ON | Renewables | Demonstration | ecoEII | Completed | $2.0 M | $14.0 M | 2012-01-01 |
Dent Island Tidal Power Generation Project | Water Wall Turbine Inc. | BC | Renewables | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $2.25 M | $5.17 M | 2011-01-01 |
West Coast Wave Initiative (WCWI) | University of Victoria | BC | Renewables | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.93 M | $3.77 M | 2012-01-01 |
Wind and Storage Demonstration in a First Nations Community | Cowessess First Nation | SK | Renewables | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $2.78 M | $6.85 M | 2011-01-01 |
British Columbia Electric Vehicle Smart Infrastructure Project | BC Hydro | BC | Smart Grid and Storage | Demonstration | ecoEII | Completed | $4.1 M | $8.39 M | 2012-01-01 |
Commercial Demonstration of a Management System for Electrical Vehicle Charging Station Networks | AddÉnergie Technologies Inc. | QC | Smart Grid and Storage | Demonstration | ecoEII | Completed | $4.5 M | $31 M | 2012-01-01 |
Development of a Utility Grade Controller for Remote Microgrids with High Penetration Renewable Generation | Hatch Ltd. | ON | Smart Grid and Storage | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $2.2 M | $3.48 M | 2012-01-01 |
Direct-Current (DC) Arc-Free Circuit Breaker for Utility-Grid Battery Storage System | University of Toronto | ON | Smart Grid and Storage | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $560,000 | $1.08 M | 2012-01-01 |
Electricity Load Control Demonstration | New Brunswick Power Corporation | PE NB NS |
Smart Grid and Storage | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $15.6 M | $32 M | 2011-01-01 |
Energy Management Business Intelligence Platform Development and Demonstration | Power Measurement Ltd. | ON AB BC |
Smart Grid and Storage | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $3.6 M | $10 M | 2011-01-01 |
Integrated Urban Community Energy Project | Opus One Solutions Energy Corporation | ON | Smart Grid and Storage | Demonstration | ecoEII | Completed | $5.3 M | $12.6 M | 2012-01-01 |
Interactive Smart Zone Demonstration in Québec | Hydro-Québec | QC | Smart Grid and Storage | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $7.5 M | $49.8 M | 2011-01-01 |
Iqaluit Smart Grid | Qulliq Energy Corporation | NU | Smart Grid and Storage | Demonstration | ecoEII | Completed | $1.3 M | $2.7 M | 2012-01-01 |
Managing Energy Storage Capacities Dispersed in an Electrical Grid to Reduce the Effects of Renewable Energy Source Variability | La Corporation de l’École Polytechnique de Montréal | QC | Smart Grid and Storage | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.1 M | $1.5 M | 2012-01-01 |
Powering Plug-In Electric Vehicles with Renewable Energy Supply in BC | University of Victoria | BC | Smart Grid and Storage | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $600,000 | $1.68 M | 2012-01-01 |
Energy Storage and Demand Response for Near-Capacity Substation | BC Hydro | BC | Smart Grid and Storage | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $6.49 M | $13.49 M | 2011-01-01 |
Utility Scale Electricity Storage Demonstration Using New and Re-purposed Lithium Ion Automotive Batteries | Electrovaya Corp | ON | Smart Grid and Storage | Demonstration | CEF | Completed | $3.66 M | $7.6 M | 2011-01-01 |
Prolucid Technologies for Distributed Generation Monitoring and Control | Prolucid Technologies Inc. | ON | Smart Grid and Storage | Demonstration | ecoEII | Completed | $2.85 M | $6.59 M | 2012-01-01 |
Developing Electrical Safety Standards to Introduce Electric Vehicles into Canada | CSA Group | ON | Transportation | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.9 M | $3.1 M | 2012-01-01 |
Development of Thick Film Electric Heaters for Thermal Modulation of Battery Systems | Dana Canada Corporation | ON | Transportation | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.19 M | $1.66 M | 2012-01-01 |
Electric Mobility Adoption and Prediction Tool | The Pollution Probe Foundation | ON | Transportation | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.0 M | $1.5 M | 2012-01-01 |
High Energy Density Energy Storage for Automotive Applications | University of Waterloo | ON | Transportation | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.87 M | $2.67 M | 2012-01-01 |
Improved Fluxless Aluminum Brazing Materials and Process Technology for Manufacturing of Advanced Battery Cooling Heat Exchangers | Dana Canada Corporation | ON | Transportation | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.86 M | $2.66 M | 2012-01-01 |
Low Cost Wheel Motors for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles | TM4 Inc. | QC | Transportation | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $3.7 M | $5.68 M | 2012-01-01 |
Applying Duplex Wave Migration (DWM) and Seismic Modelling Technology to Delineate Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage process Steam Chambers and Reduce CO2 Emissions | TetraSeis Inc. | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.17 M | $1.76 M | 2012-01-01 |
Canada-Israel Energy Science & Technology Fund | Canada-Israel Industrial R&D Foundation | ON | Unconventional Oil and Gas | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $5.0 M | $11.7 M | 2012-01-01 |
Dewatering Wet Tailings Generated From Oil Sands Extraction | University of Alberta | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $859,000 | $2.17 M | 2012-01-01 |
Emissions Reductions and Energy Efficiency in Crude Bitumen and Heavy Oil | Petroleum Technology Allicance Canada (PTAC) | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $387,000 | $886,000 | 2012-01-01 |
Enhancements to an Online Steam Analyser for Thermally Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery | Petroleum Technology Allicance Canada (PTAC) | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $1.0 M | $2.06 M | 2012-01-01 |
Fundamentals of Non-Aqueous Extraction of Oilsands | University of Alberta | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $998,000 | $1.41 M | 2012-01-01 |
Inline Dewatering of Oil Sands Tailings, InLine Dewatering Limited | InLine Dewatering Limited | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $759,000 | $2.1 M | 2012-01-01 |
Low Grade Heat Driven Produced Water Treatment | Saltworks Technologies Inc. | BC | Unconventional Oil and Gas | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $3 M | $5.78 M | 2012-01-01 |
Novel Water Treatment Technology for Application to Hydraulic Fracturing | Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC) | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $387,500 | $743,000 | 2012-01-01 |
Online Water Analysis in Thermally Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery | Agar Canada Corporation | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $900,000 | $1.89 M | 2011-01-01 |
Proppant Surface Treatment and Well Stimulation for Tight Oil and Shale Gas Development | Petroleum Technology Allicance Canada (PTAC) | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $217,000 | $965,000 | 2012-01-01 |
Submerged Combustion Vaporizer for Heating and Pressurizing Hydrocarbon Reservoirs | Combustions Solutions Inc. | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $2.14 M | $4.69 M | 2012-01-01 |
Technical and Economic Benefits of Gas Injection in Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Wind Down | Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC) | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $97,500 | $238,000 | 2012-01-01 |
Understanding Oil Sands Tailings Treatment at Nano, Micro and Macro-Scales with Increased Water Recycling/Reuse | University of Alberta | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $377,200 | $759,200 | 2012-01-01 |
Understanding the Fate of Non-recovered Fracturing Water and the Source of Produced Salts for Optimizing Fracking Operations | University of Alberta | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | R&D | ecoEII | Completed | $450,000 | $770,000 | 2012-01-01 |
Air-to-Fuels Development, Feasibility, and pre-FEED Study for First Commercial-Scale Demonstration Plant | Carbon Engineering Ltd. | BC | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | FEED Study | EIP | Active | $2.25 M | $7.89 M | 2017-12-17 |
Carbon Nanoplatelet (CNP) Production from Exhaust CO2 Emissions | Carbon Upcycling Technologies Inc. |
AB | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | EIP | Active | $3.3 M | $7.8 M | 2017-12-17 |
VeloxoTherm™ CO2 Capture Process Demonstration | Inventys Thermal Technologies Incorporated | SK | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $2.6 M | $15.2 M | 2017-12-17 |
CO2 Conversion to Methanol | Quantiam Technologies Inc. | AB | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | EIP | Active | $3.15 M | $4.9 M | 2017-12-17 |
Harmonized Methane Emission Platform | Alberta Energy Regulator | AB | Methane and VOC Emissions | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $1.27 M | $3.75 M | 2017-11-14 |
Greenhouse Gas Inventory System for the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry | Clearstone Engineering Ltd. | AB | Methane and VOC Emissions | R&D | EIP | Active | $730,000 | $1.2 M | 2017-11-14 |
A Tool for Design and Analysis of Vapour Collection and Control Systems (VCCSs) | Clearstone Engineering Ltd. | AB | Methane and VOC Emissions | R&D | EIP | Active | $430,000 | $800,000 | 2017-11-14 |
Assessing methane emissions from legacy fossil resources in Atlantic Canada | Dalhousie University | NS NB |
Methane and VOC Emissions | R&D | EIP | Active | $482,200 | $777,550 | 2017-07-28 |
Advanced Methane Detection, Analytics and Mitigation Project | Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC) | AB SK |
Methane and VOC Emissions | Demonstation | EIP | Active | $668,000 | $1.4 M | 2017-11-14 |
Area Methane Detection Using Work Trucks | Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC) | AB | Methane and VOC Emissions | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $300,000 | $640,030 | 2017-11-14 |
Field Assessment of Subsurface Migration, Groundwater Impacts and Fate of Fugitive Methane from Energy Resource Development in a Northeastern British Columbian Setting | University of British Columbia | BC | Methane and VOC Emissions | R&D | EIP | Active | $1.6 M | $2.4 M | 2017-11-14 |
Mobile Methane Sensing Analytics for Emissions Reduction | University of Calgary | AB | Methane and VOC Emissions | R&D | EIP | Active | $300,000 | $400,000 | 2017-11-14 |
Canada’s Geothermal Village – “Sustainaville” GeoPark | Borealis GeoPower Inc. | BC | Renewable Energy, Smart Grids and Storage | Demonstration | EIP | Completed | $1.32 M | $2.64 M | 2018-04-10 |
Canadian Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Roadmap | Canadian Nuclear Association | ON | Renewable Energy, Smart Grids and Storage | Roadmap | EIP | Active | $224,408 | $520,000 | 2018-02-22 |
Power Simulator (SimP): experimentation and standardization infrastructure for smart grid technologies | Hydro-Québec Research Institute (IREQ) | QC | Renewable Energy, Smart Grids and Storage | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $949,000 | $2.1 M | 2018-05-17 |
Advancements in environmental technologies for tidal energy development | Offshore Energy Research Association of Nova Scotia | NS | Renewable Energy, Smart Grids and Storage | R&D | EIP | Active | $1.0 M | $2.5 M | 2017-06-22 |
Demonstration of new generation integrated smart infrastructures for charging electric vehicles | AddÉnergie Technologies Inc. | Across Canada | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $6.7 M | $16.9 M | 2017-02-22 |
High Voltage Utility Connected Level 2 Electric Vehicle Charging Demonstration | British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority | BC | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $1.2 M | $2.4 M | 2018-02-23 |
Next Generation EV Charging Infrastructure | British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) | BC | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $1.04 M | $2.1 M | 2018-02-23 |
Enhanced Charging Infrastructure Via Vehicle-Side Data | CrossChasm Technologies Inc. | Across Canada | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $3.25 M | $6.9 M | 2018-05-01 |
EV Charging Stations across Trans-Canada Highway (TCH) | eCAMION | ON MB |
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | EIP | Completed | $3.5 M | $11.3 M | 2017-07-17 |
TransLink Electric Bus Demonstration and Integration Trial | TransLink | BC | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | EIP | Completed | $1.2 M | $7.8 M | 2018-04-12 |
Novel Hot Solvent Extraction Process | Cenovus FCCL Ltd. | AB | Unconventional Oil & Gas | Demonstration | OGCT | Active | $7.5 M | $23.2 M | 2018-05-11 |
Pilot Facility for Scale Up and Testing Carbon Capture and Conversion Technologies | CMC Research Institutes | BC | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | Demonstration | OGCT | Active | $950,000 | $2.16 M | 2017-09-14 |
Clean Seas FEED Project | Field Upgrading Limited | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | FEED Study | OGCT | Active | $3.56 M | $16.5 M | 2018-05-11 |
Hydrogen-Donor Diluent Reduction (HDR) | Husky Oil Operations Limited | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | Demonstration | OGCT | Active | $9.4 M | $24.8 M | 2017-12-17 |
Carbon Conversion Technology Centre | InnoTech | AB | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | Demonstration | OGCT | Active | $9.8 M | $22 M | 2017-03-03 |
Enhanced Modified VAPour EXtraction R&D Operation | MEG Energy Corp | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | Demonstration | OGCT | Active | $9.9 M | $56.9 M | 2018-05-11 |
FEED Study for HYGENERATOR | Proton Technologies Canada Inc. | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | FEED Study | OGCT | Active | $375,000 | $750,000 | 2017-12-17 |
Combined Direct Contact Steam Generation and Non Aqueous Extraction Demonstration | Suncor Energy Oil Sands Limited Partnership | AB | Unconventional Oil and Gas | Demonstration | OGCT | Active | $7.8 M | $24.7 M | 2017-12-17 |
Advanced Membrane-Based Hybrid Process for Oil Spill Removal in Marine Environments | University of Alberta | AB | Oil Spill Response Science | R&D | OSRS | Completed | $600,000 | $1.65 M | 2017-12-08 |
The Development of Hybrid Rapid Response Agents to Mitigate the Impact of Oil Spills in Marine Environments | BC Research Inc. | BC | Oil Spill Response Science | R&D | OSRS | Completed | $1.89 M | $2.62 M | 2017-12-08 |
Development of an Integrated Mechanical Recovery and Oil Spill Response System for Heavy Oil in Cold and Ice Prone Marine Environments | Centre for Cold Ocean Resources Engineering | NL | Oil Spill Response Science | R&D | OSRS | Completed | $991,505 | $1.9 M | 2018-01-10 |
Development of In-Situ Foam Filtration System for Oil Spill Recovery | University of Toronto | ON | Oil Spill Response Science | R&D | OSRS | Completed | $400,000 | $807,000 | 2018-01-10 |
NB Power - Collaborative Grid Innovation for Atlantic Smart Energy Communities | NB Power Corporation | NB | Smart Grid and Energy Storage | Demonstration | GI | Active | $6.2 M | $29.5 M | 2019-06-12 |
Demonstration of a manufacturing process for biocarbon briquettes for the metallurgical industry | Elkem Metal Canada | QC | Forestry – Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $5.0 M | $18.8 M | 2020-09-08 |
Borden 'Mine of the Future' Energy Innovations | Newmont Corporation (Goldcorp Canada Ltd.) | ON | Mining - Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $5.0 M | $37.1 M | 2018-10-29 |
Codes and Standards for the Zero-Emission Vehicle Sector in Canada | CSA Group | ON | Transportation | R & D | GI | Active | $1.7 M | $2.2 M | 2020-09-18 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training and Implementation Planning in NunatuKavut | NunatuKavut Community Council Inc. | NL | Renewable Energy | Energy planning | Impact | Active | $500,000 | $622,000 | 2020-12-21 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training and Implementation Planning in Haida Gwaii | Haida Enterprise Corporation | BC | Renewable Energy | Energy planning | Impact | Active | $500,000 | $500,000 | 2020-12-21 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training and Implementation Planning in Kugaaruk | Hamlet of Kugaaruk | NU | Renewable Energy | Energy planning | Impact | Active | $500,000 | $501,700 | 2020-12-21 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training and Implementation Planning in Gjoa Haven | Hamlet of Gjoa Haven | NU | Renewable Energy | Energy planning | Impact | Active | $500,000 | $550,000 | 2020-12-21 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training and Implementation Planning in Kinoosao | Jobb Developments | SK | Renewable Energy | Energy planning | Impact | Active | $500,000 | $570,000 | 2020-12-21 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training and Implementation Planning in Coral Harbour and Naujaat | Sakku Investments Corporation | NU | Renewable Energy | Energy planning | Impact | Active | $500,000 | $500,000 | 2020-12-21 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training and Implementation Planning in Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | BC | Renewable Energy | Energy planning | Impact | Active | $500,000 | $535,000 | 2020-12-21 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training and Implementation Planning in Kuujjuaq | Societe Kuujjuamiut Inc. | QC | Renewable Energy | Energy planning | Impact | Active | $500,000 | $541,580 | 2020-12-21 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training and Implementation Planning in Heiltsuk First Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | BC | Renewable Energy | Energy planning | Impact | Active | $500,000 | $530,000 | 2020-12-21 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training and Implementation Planning in Fort McPherson | Teetl'it Gwich'in Band Council | NT | Renewable Energy | Energy planning | Impact | Active | $500,000 | $500,000 | 2020-12-21 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training and Implementation Planning in Taloyoak | Aqqaq's Clean Energy Enterprise | NU | Renewable Energy | Energy planning | Impact | Active | $500,000 | $510,000 | 2020-12-21 |
Community Clean Energy Planning, Training and Implementation Planning in Nunatsiavut | Nunatsiavut Government | NT | Renewable Energy | Energy planning | Impact | Active | $500,000 | $574,000 | 2020-12-21 |
Beaufort Delta Renewable Resource Plan | Nihtat Energy Ltd. | NT | Renewable Energy | Energy planning | Impact | Active | $800,000 | $2.6 M | 2021-01-19 |
Next Generation Ultra Fast EV Charging Infrastructure | Hydro Québec | QC | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $1.2 M | $3.09 M | 2021-07-28 |
Alberta Biojet Initiative (ABI): Upgrading of University of Alberta's LTH technology to Biojet | University of Alberta | AB | Bioenergy | R&D | EIP | Active | $2.89 M | $7.4 M | 2021-03-31 |
Arviat Clean Energy Microgrid FEED Study | NRStor Inc. | NU | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities, Demonstration | Demonstration | GI | Active | $757,821 | $884,174 | 2021-04-06 |
Sanikiluaq High Displacement Renewable Energy | NGL Limited Partnership | NU | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities, Demonstration | Demonstration | GI | Active | $7.3 M | $14.3 M | 2021-04-06 |
Atmospheric Plasma Technologies Towards Elimination of Cyanides from Gold Extraction Processes | Laval University | QC | Mining - Technology and Innovation | R&D | CGP | Active | $730,096 | $1.0 M | 2021-04-15 |
FortisAlberta Waterton Energy Storage | FortisAlberta Inc. | AB | Smart Grid and Energy Storage | Deployment | GI | Active | $495,000 | $4.9 M | 2021-03-17 |
Conservation Voltage Reduction | Entegrus Powerlines Inc. | ON | Smart Grid and Energy Storage | Deployment | GI | Active | $75,343 | $301,371 | 2021-03-19 |
Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR) Deployment in Lethbridge Electric Utility (LEU) Distribution Network | City of Lethbridge | AB | Smart Grid and Energy Storage | Deployment | GI | Complete | $398,250 | $1,175,653 | 2021-03-19 |
eLeapPower R&D Collaboration with Purolator, Bell Canada & Cornerstone Hydro-Electric Concepts | eLeapPower | ON | Transportation | Demonstration | EIP | Active | $3.0 M | $7.6 M | 2020-02-12 |
EV Charging Infrastructure in Apartment, Commercial/Office and Retail Store Environments | Anvil Crawler Development Corp. | ON | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations | Demonstration | GI | Active | $2.3 M | $6.7 M | 2021-07-27 |
Hybrid Diesel-Electric Forestry Harvesting Trucks | FPInnovations | QC, BC | Forestry – Technology and Innovation | Demonstration | CGP | Active | $1.4 M | $2.17 M | 2021-07-29 |
Modelling Net-Zero with the Institut de l'énergie Trottier | La Corporation de L'école Polytechnique de Montréal, Institut de l'énergie Trottier | QC | National Energy Systems Modelling | Energy planning | EIP | Completed | $64,000 | $154,000 | 2021-11-12 |
Lafarge Canada Low Carbon Fuel Technology Expansion | Lafarge Canada Inc | BC, NS | Industry | Demonstration | EIP | Completed | $1.98 M | $18.5 M | 2022-02-24 |
Metal-Free Rechargeable CO2 Flow Battery: A Novel Technology for Renewable Energy Storage | Agora Energy Technologies Ltd | BC | Technology and Innovation | RD&D | Impact | Active | $770,000 | $1,332,000 | 2020-07-21 |
Nordic Battery Pack with Advanced Thermal Management and Data-Driven Battery Management System | Calogy Solutions Inc. | QC | Technology and Innovation | RD&D | Impact | Active | $770,000 | $907,000 | 2020-07-21 |
Commercialization of Lowest-Cost, Long Duration Energy Storage Systems | e-Zinc | ON | Technology and Innovation | RD&D | Impact | Active | $1,770,000 | $5,242,291 | 2022-03-30 |
Reducing the Cost of Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing | GBatteries Energy Canada | ON | Technology and Innovation | RD&D | Impact | Active | $770,000 | $781,445 | 2020-07-21 |
Safe and Long-Lasting Zinc-Ion Batteries for Energy Storage | Salient Energy Inc. | NS | Technology and Innovation | RD&D | Impact | Active | $770,000 | $1,016,244 | 2020-07-21 |
DEMOCRASI Project – Dispatchable Energy Market Optimized Constraint Real-time Aggregated System Interface | Bracebridge Generation | ON | Smart Grid and Energy Storage | RD&D | Impact | Active | $3,150,000 | $4,110,104 | 2019-06-20 |
Alba Nova Project: A Smart Grid Pilot Using Advanced Battery Storage | Equilibrium Engineering | NS | Smart Grid and Energy Storage | RD&D | Impact | Active | $4,017,471 | $4,142,471 | 2022-03-30 |
L2L (London Ontario to London UK) | London Hydro | ON | Smart Grid and Energy Storage | RD&D | Impact | Active | $3,150,000 | $3,934,000 | 2019-06-20 |
Ultra-low Carbon Intensity SAF made from Air, Water and Renewable Electricity | Carbon Engineering | BC | Technology and Innovation | RD&D | Impact | Active | $2,150,000 | $2,676,505 | 2019-05-29 |
Sustainable Aviation Fuels from Agro and Forestry Biomass and from Municipal Solid Waste through a Hub and Spoke Approach | Enerkem Inc. | QC | Technology and Innovation | RD&D | Impact | Active | $2,000,000 | $2,700,000 | 2022-03-30 |
Lipid-to-Hydrocarbon Biojet Project | FORGE Hydrocarbons | QC | Technology and Innovation | RD&D | Impact | Active | $2,150,000 | $2,292,552 | 2019-05-29 |
Production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel from flue gas–captured CO2 and low-carbon hydrogen | SAF+ Consortium | QC | Technology and Innovation | RD&D | Impact | Active | $2,150,000 | $3,000,000 | 2019-05-29 |
Williston Basin Geothermal Power Generation | DEEP Earth Energy Production Corp | SK | Renewable Energy | FEED Study | EIP | Completed | $350,000 | $3.4 M | 2019-01-11 |
Dispersa | Nivatha Balendra, Dispersa | QC | Cleantech | R&D | Impact | Complete | $921,851 | N/A | 2021-11-30 |
Evercloak | Evelyn Allen, Evercloak | ON | Cleantech | R&D | Impact | Complete | $921,851 | N/A | 2021-11-30 |
Genecis | Luna Yu, Genecis | ON | Cleantech | R&D | Impact | Complete | $921,851 | N/A | 2021-11-30 |
Open Ocean Robotics | Julie Angus, Open Ocean Robotics | BC | Cleantech | R&D | Impact | Complete | $921,851 | N/A | 2021-11-30 |
Solistra | Alexandra Tavasoli, Solistra | ON | Cleantech | R&D | Impact | Complete | $921,851 | N/A | 2021-11-30 |
Summit Nanotech | Amanda Hall, Summit Nanotech | AB | Cleantech | R&D | Impact | Complete | $1.9 M | N/A | 2021-11-30 |
ReCover Initiative: Panelized Deep Energy Retrofits of Municipal Buildings | RSI Projects Inc. | NS | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | GI | Active | $526,785 | $1,093,062 | 2022-11-16 |
Nanostructured Anti-reflection Glass for Solar Panels | Edgehog Advanced Technologies | QC | Smart Grid and Energy Storage | Demonstration | EIP | Completed | $750,000 | $1.8 M | 2022-11-10 |
Southeast Saskatchewan CCUS Hub | Whitecap Resources Inc. | SK | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | FEED Study | EIP | Active | $4,428,000 | $10,664,000 | 2023-09-27 |
Minnedosa Ethanol Plant CO2 Sequestration | Cenovus Energy Inc. | MB | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | FEED Study | EIP | Active | $3,000,000 | $7,969,607 | 2023-09-27 |
Enhance Central Alberta Carbon Sequestration Hub Technical Feasibility | Enhance Energy Inc. | AB | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | FEED Study | EIP | Active | $5,000,000 | $10,790,953 | 2023-09-27 |
Hinton Pulp Beccs for Negative Emissions FEED Study | Vault 44.01 Ltd. | AB | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | FEED Study | EIP | Active | $5,300,000 | $15,575,000 | 2023-09-27 |
FEED study of Svante's Carbon Capture Technology for Suncor's Fluid Catalytic Cracker Flue Gas | Suncor Energy Inc. | AB | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | FEED Study | EIP | Active | $4,000,000 | $13,396,287 | 2023-09-27 |
Oil Sands CCUS: Pathways Alliance | Canada Natural on behalf of Pathways Alliance | AB | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | FEED Study | EIP | Active | $7,000,000 | $35,200,000 | 2023-09-27 |
Project Clear Horizon | City of Medicine Hat | AB | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | FEED Study | EIP | Active | $5,000,000 | $13,259,750 | 2023-09-27 |
Lindbergh Semi-Closed Cycle Flue Gas Recirculation and Carbon Capture | Strathcona Resources LTD. | AB | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | FEED Study | EIP | Active | $3,238,050 | $6,476,100 | 2023-09-27 |
Heat Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage at a Potash Mine | K+S Potash Canada | SK | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | FEED Study | EIP | Active | $1,727,011 | $3,454,025 | 2023-09-27 |
Canadian Battery Innovation Centre | Dalhousie University | NS | Batteries | R&D | EIP | Active | $8,150,852 | $18,282,924 | 2024-07-31 |
Development of High Temperature Steam/CO2 Electrolysis Towards Clean Fuels Manufacturing | Canadian Nuclear Laboratories LTD | ON | Cleantech | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $1,000,000 | $2,209,495 | 2024-08-21 |
Acho Dene Koe Geothermal Energy Development - Phase 2 | ADK Holdings LTD. | NT | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities | Demonstration | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities | Active | $1,951,672 | $1,951,672 | 2024-11-26 |
Novel Carbon Storage Solution Through Critical Minerals Production: In Process Tailings Carbonation | Canada Nickel Company Inc. | ON | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $3,362,416 | $6,831,577 | 2025-02-12 |
Computational and experimental research and development on advanced sorbents for efficient, low-cost DAC systems | Université Laval | QC | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $600,000 | $917,260 | 2025-02-12 |
Direct Air Capture of CO2 using pH-swing and Electrochemical Capture Liquid Regeneration | The Governing Council of the University of Toronto | ON | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $2,500,000 | $3,400,000 | 2025-02-12 |
Development of Extraction and Carbonation Technology for Ultramafic Rocks | Kemetco Research Inc. | BC | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $2,279,463 | $3,071,090 | 2025-02-12 |
Enbridge-Imperial Conventional CO2 Storage Assessment for Ontario | Enbridge Gas Inc. | ON | Carbon Capture, Use and Storage | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $5,000,000 | $21,559,843 | 2025-02-12 |
Ohskimahkahn (Renewable) | Samson Cree Nation | AB | Renewables | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $500,000 | $500,000 | 2024-10-06 |
Kangirsuk Wind and Hydro Project | Tarquti Energy | QC | Renewables | R&D | Energy Innovation Program | Active | $500,000 | $500,000 | 2024-10-06 |
St. John's Non-Profit Housing Deep Retrofits | City of St. John's | NL | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program | Active | $5,363,038 | $10,856,076 | 2025-03-14 |
Demonstrating Effective Deep Energy Retrofits of Townhouse Buildings in Canada | CityHousing Hamilton Corporation | ON | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program | Active | $10,000,000 | $27,341,893 | 2025-03-14 |
Nuxalk Nation – Clean Energy Implementation & Capacity Support | Nuxalk Nation | BC | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities | Demonstration | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program | Active | $500,000 | $500,000 | 2025-03-19 |
Solar North Expansion | Tll Yahda Energy Ltd. | BC | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities | Demonstration | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program | Active | $1,167,000 | $1,315,958 | 2025-03-19 |
Small-Scale Geothermal Heat Pump Pilot Project | Société Kuujjuamiut Inc. | QC | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities | Demonstration | Strategic Partnerships Initiative | Active | $683,837 | $729,446 | 2025-03-19 |
Kugaaruk Energy Efficiency Program (Keep) Implementation | Hamlet of Kugaaruk | NU | Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities | Energy Planning | Strategic Partnerships Initiative | Active | $500,000 | $500,000 | 2025-03-19 |
Tetl'it Zheh Home Retrofits | Dinji Zhuh Solutions | NT | Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities | Demonstration | Strategic Partnerships Initiative | Active | $500,000 | $500,000 | 2025-03-19 |