Lead Proponent: City of Surrey
Location: Surrey, BC
EIP Contribution: $ 1.3 M
Project Total: $ 43.5 M
Strategic Area: Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities
Project Objectives:
With this project, the City of Surrey will construct the largest Passive House community centre in the world, and the first in North America. Passive House is a leading standard in energy efficient construction, with buildings constructed to this standard achieving excellent indoor air quality, improved comfort, simplified operation and little to no direct GHG emissions.
This facility is anticipated to reduce energy use by 87% and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 98% compared to similar currently operating facilities in the City of Surrey.
Designing and constructing this facility to the Passive House standard provides benefits and opportunities including: substantial reductions in operational energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions; simplified building operation; improved comfort and wellbeing for building occupants; and support for local and Canadian net zero building market transformation by demonstrating innovative design and construction techniques for high-performance buildings of this type.
Expected Results:
This project is anticipated to help transition the Canadian market towards net zero and net zero ready new buildings. With recent commitments from the Province of British Columbia and Canadian government to achieve net zero buildings in the next 10-15 years, this project will act as an important demonstration of the design and construction technique required to achieve highly energy efficient multi-use buildings.
This project will also help support new training opportunities for professional and trades workers seeking certification to deliver the type of low energy buildings that benefit Canadians in the future.
Project Partners:
HCMA Architecture and Design
Passive House Canada
BC Hydro
British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines