Strategic Area
Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities
Avalon Master Builder
BC Housing
BC Hydro
Big Block Construction
Bluewater Energy
Building Knowledge Canada
Doug Tarry Homes
EfficiencyOne Services
Enbridge Gas Inc.
Innovative Residential
Priority Submetering Solutions
s2e Technologies
Union Gas
Zirnhelt Timberframes
Green Infrastructure
GI Contribution
$ 2,667,955
Project Total
$ 5,677,320
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Lead Proponent
Canadian Home Builders’ Association
Project Objectives
The objective of this Project is to validate that the use of panelized/modular construction and integrated mechanical system technologies, design and practices on Net Zero Energy Ready and Net Zero Energy Multi-Unit Residential Buildings (‘MURBs’) to optimize energy efficient performance, reduce costs, increase construction productivity and reduce construction schedules.
The project will build up to 7 demonstration buildings (over 100 residential units) across 4 provinces, covering all major Canadian climate zones; confirm the actual buildings performance through one full year of post project monitoring and build capacity through training of builders and energy advisors across the country.
The project supports program objectives by helping to drive down the cost and creating market confidence in Net-Zero Energy Ready construction.
Update Summer 2020:
Builders are close to finalizing their designs and optimizing their mechanical systems. One builder has been able to calculate the total cost of ownership, and has found it’s cost comparable to non-NetZero MURB units, but with additional benefits of comfort, quiet, indoor air quality, and peace of mind on maintenance.
Some builders are already utilizing the lessons in multiple projects all at once or upgrading other MURB projects that may begin construction prior to their Net Zero MURBs. The opportunity and reach of this project has already expanded beyond the seven MURB buildings, officially pursuing the first Net Zero MURB Labels and the project team continues collaborating extensively on opportunities and solutions.
Expected Results
These demonstrations will accelerate Canada’s knowledge base for the requirements to building MURBs in different climate zones with a focus on affordability.
The homes will be next-zero and affordable, with the following benefits:
- Shift consumer spending from utility expenses to investment in home equity
- Reduced energy bills
- More comfortable homes with less drafts and cold/hot spots
- Improved indoor air quality due to improved ventilation and balanced humidity
- A quieter home with reduced infiltration of outside noise pollution
- More resilient homes during times of extreme weather events
- Homes with a negligible negative impact on the environment
- Increased resale value