FEED study of Svante's Carbon Capture Technology for Suncor's Fluid Catalytic Cracker Flue Gas

Strategic Area

Carbon capture, utilization and storage




Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA)


Energy Innovation Program



EIP Contribution

$ 4,000,000

Project Total

$ 13,396,287



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Suncor Energy Inc.

Lead Proponent

Suncor Energy Inc.

Project Objectives

This project aims to complete a FEED study of novel Svante’s CO2 capture technology. Specifically, it will evaluate using Svante’s adsorption technology to capture CO2 from the Fluid Catalytic Cracker Unit (FCCU) flue gas stream and transport it to the Alberta carbon trunkline via a lateral pipeline for sequestration.

Expected Results

If the project is developed and constructed it will:

  1. Create new jobs for Canadians and support future CCUS developments in Alberta.
  2. Improve work processes for carbon capture and sequestration projects by advancing internal knowledge and through practical application of principles to an actual development.
  3. Advance the knowledge surrounding larger scaled use of Svante technology in CCUS applications.
  4. Support the scale up and commercialization of a novel CO2 capture technology developed by a Canadian company.