Slemon Park Microgrid Project

Strategic Area

Smart Grid and Energy Storage




Green Infrastructure



GI Contribution


Project Total




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PEI Energy

Lead Proponent

PEI Energy

Project Objectives

The objective of this Project is to deploy green electricity generation technologies, modular energy production, storage solutions, and smart microgrid management, delivering services directly to the Prince Edward Island(PEI) grid while supporting the three vital areas (efficiency, conservation and, renewables) of the PEI Energy Strategy. The project combines the installation of a 10MW PV solar array and a large grid connected battery array for flexible storage with remote control to provide clean energy and peak load management in a combined residential, industrial and commercial self-contained park. The resulting micro grid will be configured so that it can be connected to the grid or, when the grid is not available, disconnected to function as a fully operational, independent system.

Expected Results

This project will result in improved marketability for PEI (green energy, increased reliability, peak load reduction, and energy efficiency). It will offer opportunities for increased employment for on-going maintenance and in the applied research lab. Canadians will benefit from reduced GHG emissions, stabilized costs for electricity, and opportunity to broaden this experience throughout PEI, to remote communities in northern Canada, and to other small island communities.