Strategic Area
Smart Grid and Energy Storage
Green Infrastructure
GI Contribution
$ 1,375,301
Project Total
$ 3,594,149
Quaqtaq, QC
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Lead Proponent
Project Background
In Nunavik, a region located in northern Québec, nearly all the electricity is generated from diesel, a non-renewable source that produces a significant amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The modular structures supporting the solar panels are made of aluminum and easy to assemble.
This technology demonstration program in the village of Quaqtaq involved deploying a microgrid with solar PV panels and battery energy storage units to complement the current diesel power generation output. The project’s aims were to upgrade current equipment, maximize the integration of renewable energies to current production, reduce GHG emissions, and foster local energy generation projects by developing compatible IT infrastructure.
Energy security is an important issue for the communities of Nunavik and others further south that are not connected to Hydro-Québec’s main grid. The lessons learned from this demonstration program could prove beneficial to the energy transition and decarbonization efforts of these communities.
The project has made possible to:
- Test the deployment of our first centralized energy storage system in Nunavik. We gained a better understanding of the daily use of this type of system in northern conditions, and we plan to use the lessons learned in future deployments.
- Upgrade Quaqtaq’s power plant automations to allow greater integration of renewable energy technologies.
- Better understand the challenges associated with installing and operating solar panels technology in a northern village. The data collected has already been integrated into our analysis models for new projects.
- Further the development of advanced controls for our diesel power plant and future renewable energy power projects. The progress made has led to the publication of a scientific paper.

Storage System batteries
Benefits to Canada
- Progress in microgrid expertise that is transferable to other remote communities across the province and elsewhere in Canada.
- A cutting-edge technology showcase that will position Canada as an innovation leader in energy quality, cost, and energy security for off-grid communities.
- Training of highly qualified personnel.
- Reductions in environmental impact reductions, namely GHGs.
- Fostering of business opportunities for local communities to get involved in renewable power generation projects.

Building on the power plant site housing the equipment and batteries used during the Storage System phase.
Next Steps
- Hydro-Québec will continue developing renewable energy integration advanced control systems.
- Renewable energy purchase agreements negotiations are underway with Tarquti, our regional partner.
- The culmination of this project would be the decarbonization of Nunavik, with more diesel replaced by Inuit-owned renewable power generation.

Work carried out on the solar panels in January, when the historical average temperature in Quaqtaq ranges from -23 °C to -29 °C (source: