Strategic Area
Smart Grids & Energy Storage
Green Infrastructure
GI Contribution
Project Total
Cobourg, ON
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Lead Proponent
Lakefront Utilities
Project Objectives
The project will deploy Utilismart’s Digital Utility Platform (DUP) that will enable operating and production efficiencies while increasing benefits to customers. The DUP will allow for increased uptake of Distributed Energy Resources (DER), Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations and improve asset utilization and efficiency. Automated, 24/7 monitoring will increase ability to mitigate risks, improve response times and conduct more efficient customer communication. This project will also support customers in conservation efforts with hourly and historical data, detailed billing and conservation tips.
Expected Results
The DUP will expand customer opportunities to take advantage of enhanced energy services and solutions, as well as reduce GHG emissions. Energy losses will be reduced by conducting load flow, feeder and short-circuit analysis to identify overloaded transformers and feeders. This project will lead to a more reliable and resilient distribution grid.