St. John's Non-Profit Housing Deep Retrofits

Strategic Area

Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities




Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
NRCan CanmetENERGY Ottawa


Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program



GNPP Contribution

$ 5,363,038

Project Total

$ 10,856,076



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City of St. John's

Lead Proponent

City of St. John's

Project Objectives

The objective of this project is to pilot three deep energy retrofit approaches at scale, to enable a comparative analysis of energy performance and cost and identify the most cost-effective approach applicable to regional archetypes. A combination of these solutions will be demonstrated to undertake deep energy retrofits of 101 community housing units.

Expected Results

This project aims to:

  1. Reduce GHG emissions and assess the feasibility of deep energy retrofits conducted from the building interior vs. exterior.
  2. Enhance energy efficiency, comfort, and reduce long-term Total Cost of Building Ownership (TCBO) in community housing.
  3. Identify feasible deep energy retrofit pathways for the City of St. John's community housing inventory.