Natural Resources Canada has developed and patented a number of technologies. This portfolio contains patents, software, documents, and training material.
If you are interested in any of our technologies please email the Intellectual Property Division.
Technology Title | Industry | Filed | NAICS Code | Asset Type |
Advanced Flame Imaging System (AFIS) | Manufacturing | 2017 | 3336 - Engine, turbine and power transmission equipment manufacturing | Patent |
An Energy Efficient Low Emissions Process Integrating Fossil Fuel Combustion with a Supercritical CO2 Closed Brayton Cycle for Clean Power Generation with CO2 Capture for Re-use or Storage | Oil and Gas | 2011 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
Asphaltene Components as Organic electronic Materials | Advanced Materials | 2011 | 3255 - Paint, Coating and Adhesive Manufacturing | Patent |
Base Simp Algorithm (Energyplus) | Construction | n/a | 2361-Residential Building Construction | Software |
Building Technology Assessment Platform (BTAP) | Construction | n/a | 2362-Non-Residential Building Construction | Software |
Canadian Wind Turbine Database | Electric Power generation, transmission and distribution | n/a | 2211 (221119) - Electric power generation, transmission and distribution | Software |
CANMET High Efficiency Recycled Flue System; (CHERFS) | Oil and Gas | 2010 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
CanmetENERGY Hybrid Rankine Cycle (HyRC) | Energy Storage | 2014 | 33591 - Storage Battery Manufacturing | Patent |
CanMETEO | Building Energy Efficiency | n/a | 54171 - Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences | Software |
CAN-QUEST | Building Energy Efficiency | n/a | 54171 - Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences | Software |
CAN-QUEST Training Material | Building Energy Efficiency | n/a | 54171 - Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences | Training Material |
Catalyzed Process for Conversion of Natural Gas to Synthesis Gas | Manufacturing | 2001 | 3241 -Petroleum and Coal Product Manufacturing | Patent |
CO2 Capture and Compression Processes based on Low-temperature Gas Separation with Auto-refrigeration and Gas Recycle | Oil and Gas | 2010 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
Combined Grinding and Leaching Process For Ores and Wastes and Apparatus Thereof | Metals and Mining | 2018 | 21229 - Other metal ore mining | Patent |
Conversion of glycerol to naphtha range oxygenates | Oil and Gas | 2008 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
Decoupled Clock Model with Ambiguity Datum Fixing | Manufacturing | 2009 | 3345 - Navigational, measuring, medical and control instruments manufacturing | Patent |
Diagnostic Agent for Building Operators (DABO) Software | Building Energy Efficiency | n/a | 54171 - Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences | Software |
Dollars to $ense (energy management workshops) | Building Energy Efficiency | n/a | 54171 - Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences | Training Material |
EE4 | Building Energy Efficiency | n/a | 54171 - Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences | Software |
Explore Software | Industrial Technologies | n/a | 54171 - Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences | Software |
Explore Training Material | Professional, scientific and technical Services | n/a | 5416 (541690)-Management, scientific and technical consulting services | Training Material |
Fabrication Method for Polymer Composites Reinforced with both Coated and Uncoated Long Fibers | Advanced Materials | 2004 | 3261 - Plastic Product Manufacturing | Patent |
Fabrication of Isotropic, Zero Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Material | Advanced Materials | 2003 | 3329 - Other fabricated metal product manufacturing | Patent |
Gas-Phase Hydrotreater with monolithic Catalyst for Hydrodesulphurization of Middle Distillates | Oil and Gas | 2008 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
Heat Integration Software | Professional, scientific and technical Services | n/a | 5416 (541690)-Management, scientific and technical consulting services | Software |
Heat Integration Training | Industrial Technologies | n/a | 54171 - Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences | Training Material |
High Pressure Direct Contact Oxy-Fired Steam Generator | Manufacturing | 2009 | 3241 -Petroleum and Coal Product Manufacturing | Patent |
High Pressure Oxy-Fired Combustion System | Oil and Gas | 2011 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
Hot Sieving Electrostatic Precipitator | Oil and Gas | 2010 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
Housing Technology Assessment Platform (HTAP) | Construction | n/a | 2361-Residential Building Construction | Software |
HPAC | Building Energy Efficiency | n/a | 54171 - Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences | Software |
Hybrid Reactor with Two Reaction Zones | Machine Manufacturing | 2010 | 3336 - Engine, turbine and power transmission equipment manufacturing | Patent |
Hydrocracking of Heavy Hydrocarbon Oils with Improved Gas-Liquid Distribution | Oil and Gas | 2002 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
Integrated Community Energy Planning (TaNDM METHODOLOGY) | Professional, scientific and technical Services | n/a | 5416 (541690)-Management, scientific and technical consulting services | Training Material |
Low Temperature production of hydrogen from biomass using stirred tank reactor | Oil and Gas | 2009 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
Master Planning & Decision Guide Tool | Construction | n/a | 2361-Residential Building Construction | Software |
Method and Apparatus for Producing Free Flowing Powder from Liquid Biomaterials (Jet Spouted Bed Dryer) | Industrial Technologies | 2003 | 54171 - Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences | Patent |
Method and Composite for Preparing Heat Exchangers for Corrosive Environments | Heat Exchangers | 2013 | 332410 - Heat exchangers manufacturing | Patent |
Method for Burning Coal Using Oxygen in a Recycled Flue Gas Stream for CO2 Capture | Oil and Gas | 2007 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
Method Of Direct Reduction Of Chromite with Cryolite Additive | Metals and Mining | 2017 | 21229 - Other metal ore mining | Patent |
Novel Binder System for Making Preforms for Magnesium Metal Matrix Composites | Advanced Materials | 2002 | 3329 - Other fabricated metal product manufacturing | Patent |
On-Line/Off-Line Analyser for Asphaltene Content and Solvent-to-Oil Ratio in Diluted Bitumen and Diluted Heavy Oils | Oil and Gas | 2003 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
Petroleum Bioconversion of Organic Acids to Prevent Refinery Corrosion | Oil and Gas | 2009 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
Petroleum BioProcessing to Prevent Refinery Corrosion | Oil and Gas | 2009 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
PEV-CIM | Energy Storage | n/a | 33591 - Storage Battery Manufacturing | Software |
Pozzalonic Activator for Non-ferrous Granulated Slag | Metals and Mining | 2009 | 2122 - Metal Ore Mining | Patent |
Process for Drying and Powderizing Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals, and natural Health Ingredients | Industrial Technologies | 2014 | 54171 - Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences | Patent |
Process for metals leaching and recovery from radioactive wastes | Metals and Mining | 2015 | 2122 - Metal Ore Mining | Patent |
Process for Sulphur Removal from Diesel Type Fuel (CANDES) | Manufacturing | 2002 | 3241 -Petroleum and Coal Product Manufacturing | Patent |
Process of Leaching Precious Metals | Metals and Mining | 2012 | 21229 - Other metal ore mining | Patent |
Production of Bio-Diesel From Waste Triglycerides Via a Thermal Route | Oil and Gas | 2006 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
Production of High Cetane Diesel Fuel from Low-Quality Biomass-Derived Feedstocks | Oil and Gas | 2006 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
Production of ultra-high Cetane diesel fuel (Candes Plus) | Manufacturing | 2010 | 3241 -Petroleum and Coal Product Manufacturing | Patent |
Protocol for Measuring the Minimum Burning Pressure (MBP) of Emulsion Explosives | Explosives | n/a | 325920 - Explosives manufacturing | Document |
Putting Energy and Emissions on the Map | Building Energy Efficiency | n/a | 54171 - Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences | Training Material |
PV Perform Mod | Industrial Technologies | n/a | 54171 - Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences | Software |
Recommissioning (RCx) | Building Energy Efficiency | n/a | 54171 - Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences | Training Material |
Retscreen 4 Software | Professional, scientific and technical Services | n/a | 5416 (541690)-Management, scientific and technical consulting services | Software |
Retscreen Plus Software | Professional, scientific and technical Services | n/a | 5416 (541690)-Management, scientific and technical consulting services | Software |
Sulfide Biosensor and Bio-Corrosion Probe | Industrial Technologies | 2002 | 3345 - Navigational, measuring, medical and control instruments manufacturing | Patent |
Thermal rock fragmentation by sweeping and grooving for continuous extraction in underground narrow-vein metal-bearing.. | Metals and Mining | 2004 | 2122 - Metal Ore Mining | Patent |
Tool for Optimising Mine Ventilation Systems (3D Canvent) | Metals and Mining | n/a | 333131-Mining Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing | Software |
Two-Stage Hydrocyclone System | Oil and Gas | 2003 | 21311 - Support Activities for Mining, and Oil and Gas Extraction | Patent |
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