CanMETEO is a free software tool created to facilitate the implementation of weather forecasts in building operation. CanMETEO is based on raw weather forecast files (GRIB files) produced periodically by the numerical weather predictions of the Canadian Meteorological Service (Environment Canada). These raw output files are first decoded and converted to comma-separated value format (CSV files) that can then be easily read by building energy management systems (BEMS) and can be created periodically and automatically.

Post-processing calculations are then used to estimate solar radiation on different surfaces of a building. The CSV files facilitate the use of weather forecast for advanced control strategies, and provide an estimate of the output of photovoltaic (PV) electricity generated on-site.

As of today, CanMETEO’s files apply only to the Canadian territory and some neighbouring regions in the United States near the Canadian border. The CanMETEO software, available in both English and French, was developed by CanmetENERGY-Varennes, a research centre of Natural Resources Canada.

Click here to download CanMETEO

System requirements

Microsoft® Windows Vista SP2 | Windows 7 | Windows 8 | Windows 10
Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.5 or higher


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By downloading this software, the user accepts the terms and conditions of the license agreement.