In order to encourage the use of process integration as a means to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in plants with complex energy systems, CanmetENERGY has developed a 3-day training course entitled “Heat Integration of Industrial Processes”.
To allow participants to broaden their technical knowledge in the area of process integration and identify projects for reducing the energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of industrial processes. The course specifically aims to provide participants with the basic knowledge and tools to enable them to evaluate heat recovery projects and improve equipment operating conditions through a comprehensive approach that covers utility systems (or services) and the process as a whole.
By the end of the course, participants will have gained a good understanding of process integration principles, which they will be able to integrate into their energy analyses. Participants will also be able to use the different modules of the INTEGRATION software, developed by CanmetENERGY.
Target Audience
The course is intended for engineers and professionals specializing in industrial energy efficiency, for process design engineers and for plant project managers having to carry out or oversee analyses aimed at improving complex industrial energy systems.
- Introduction to process energy integration
- Basic Pinch analysis concepts: determining the minimum energy consumption of a given process and the potential for heat recovery
- Analysis of heat exchanger networks and identification of heat exchanges that are sources of energy inefficiencies
- Process steam production, refrigeration, and air and gas compression systems: energy performance computation, waste heat assessment and analysis of energy recovery opportunities
- Global analysis including process equipment and utility systems
- Support programs for process integration and measures implementation
To allow participants to implement the newly-learned techniques, practical hands-on exercises and case studies are performed throughout the training course, using the INTEGRATION software developed by CanmetENERGY.
Dates and Registration
The Heat Integration of Industrial Processes course is currently being given in Canada. Visit the Canadian Institute for Energy Training’s (CIET) and RER Energy websites to see the dates of upcoming sessions.
Contact us for more information.