Our science and technology leadership is a cornerstone of Canada's strength as a natural resources powerhouse.
Services and information
Data and analysis
Data and insights on Canada’s natural resources and clean technology sectors.
Science and research
Ensuring sound scientific bases for strategic and effective policies, regulations and programs
Funding and partnerships
Grants and incentive programs to encourage research, development and demonstration.
Intellectual property
Comprehensive portfolio consisting of training and workshop material, software, and patented technologies.
Non-destructive testing
National program to certify non-destructive testing personnel.
Research centres and labs
See the variety of scientific research done in research centres and labs across the country.
Simply science
Science news and information related to Canada's natural resources.
Scientific Integrity Policy
Access the Scientific Integrity Policy and learn about its objectives and principles.
Impact assessments
Explore the role our Department plays in providing scientific and technical expertise to support the various federal assessment processes in Canada.