Download EE4 (ZIP, 6.3 MB)


Please note that EE4 is a 32-bit program that may require an emulator to run on 64-bit Operating Systems (OS). An emulator, such as VMWare or Virtual PC, allows a 32-bit OS to be loaded on a partition of a computer’s hard-drive and a 32-bit program to be run.

EE4 version 1.7 automates energy use assessments and applies all of Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan’s) validation of new building designs rules to verify that a design is at least 25% more energy efficient than if constructed to meet Model National Energy Code for Buildings (MNECB) 1997 requirements.

NRCan’s validation is recognized by such organizations as the Canada Green Building Council for LEED® Canada and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and can also help you to apply for financial incentives from some utilities or to meet requirements in certain jurisdictions. Use it to ensure your proposed building will not consume more energy than if every element of the building envelope, lighting, HVAC and service water systems were designed in accordance with strict prescriptive requirements under the model code.

EE4 Version 1.7 offers flexibility in modelling many building types and functions. The software develops the reference building according to the MNECB addressing the following issues:

  • detailed transmission, solar, internal and ventilation load calculations;
  • a broad range of primary and secondary systems and components;
  • flexible scheduling of occupancy, lighting and equipment loads, temperature schedules, water heating loads and fans; and
  • automated generation of detailed compliance reports.

New Features of EE4 Version 1.7 as of February 2008:

  1. Plant chiller heat recovery for service hot water (SHW) and space heating. Chiller heat recovery can be used for SHW only, for space heating only, or for both SHW and space heating.
  2. Capability to model SHW using boiler, tankless heater, air-source heat pump, or indirectly from either a coil connected to the plant boiler or a central ground-source heat pump.
  3. Capability to specify modulating type for system furnace and plant boiler.

The Modelling Guide for EE4 Version 1.7 (PDF format 2.3 MB) includes information EE4 simulators are likely to require, including updated detailed guidelines on how to model buildings. The Modelling Guide also provides Work Around Rules for handling known bugs. You can also download the EE4 Outdoor Air Rule for Building Take-Off Spreadsheet and the basic rules about building take-off.

Use the contact us form if you have questions or comments about the modelling.