Details about the Initial NDT Certification Process

Here you will find useful preliminary information about the NDT (CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014) certification process. To proceed directly to applying, or for detailed instructions related to the application form and a list of other items to include in your application package, go to Apply for NDT certification. If you are interested in recertification, please see NDT recertification.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014 standard before you apply.

Qualifying work experience

Gaining and proving you have work experience that qualifies you for CGSB certification is a key part of the certification process and requirements. For detailed information, see Qualifying work experience.

Improving how we process initial applications

We recently updated our initial application process to speed up turnaround times. While requisite items still need to be provided, some can be submitted at a later date. This provides easier access to initial examination admittance and registration forms and makes it easier for candidates to schedule their training and written certification exams. Once you have received your examination admittance and registration form(s), you can go ahead and schedule and attempt the examination. You may schedule the examination right after your training is completed, if the training and examination facility can accommodate it.

A note about transitioning to the new standard

The Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB) is now issuing non-destructive testing (NDT) certifications under standard CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014. Certifications awarded prior to this standard will be valid for the stated period of validity on the certification until the next step in the certification process (renewal, recertification, or revalidation), which will be carried out according to the current standard and the NRCan NDTCB Rules of Implementation.

Certification according to the current standard and Rules of Implementation will fulfill the requirements of both the current and preceding versions of the standard. Consequently, any requirement for certification to any edition of the CAN/CGSB-48.9712 standards shall be fulfilled by a valid certification according to the applicable standard at the time of issuance by the NDTCB.

This transitional framework is necessary in ensuring credible, fair and accessible mechanisms for individuals and the NDTCB to manage certification credentials and requirements with respect to variations of the ongoing standard publishing cycles.

Types of certification

NDTCB currently offers certification in two sectors: 1) Aerospace; and 2) Engineering, Materials and Components (EMC). Certification is offered in the following methods:

Eddy Current Testing (ET) EMC Sector, Levels 1, 2 and 3
Radiographic Testing (RT) EMC Sector, Levels 1, 2 and 3
Aerospace Sector, Levels 2 and 3
Penetrant Testing (PT) EMC Sector, Levels 2 and 3
Magnetic Testing (MT) EMC Sector, Levels 2 and 3
Ultrasonic Testing (UT) EMC Sector, Levels 1, 2 and 3
Visual Testing (VT) Currently under development

Understanding the sectors

The Engineering, Materials and Components (EMC) Sector includes manufacturing, fabrication/ assembly, construction, and general inspections in industry. For examination purposes, this sector includes:

  • Castings and forgings, composed of ferrous or nonferrous metallic alloys
  • Extrusions of shapes and seamless tubing composed of ferrous or nonferrous metallic alloys
  • Wrought product that has been rolled to form plates, blooms, bars or rods and composed of ferrous or nonferrous metallic alloys
  • Welds including brazing or soldering that is utilized during fabrication of ferrous or nonferrous metallic alloys
  • Composite materials concrete, plastics, and ceramics

The Aerospace Sector includes manufactured materials classified as primary, secondary or tertiary aircraft structures:

  • Primary structures bear flight loads that are critical to flight and include load-bearing portions of the fuselage, wings, empennage and control surfaces
  • Secondary structures are those that do not bear flight loads, such as fairings, cowlings and access panels
  • Tertiary structures are those that do not bear either a primary or secondary load, such as aircraft skin, floor panels or some access panels

Vision requirements for non-destructive testing certification

To work in non-destructive testing, your vision must meet a set of standards. As well, you must provide documented evidence of this—as determined by an ophthalmologist, optometrist, physician, nurse or other recognized medical professional—via the Vision Test Report Form for Non-Destructive Testing Personnel (see Apply for NDT Certification or Quick Downloads: NDT Forms and Guides). The requirements are:

  1. Near vision acuity shall permit reading a minimum of Jaeger number 1 or Times Roman N 4.5 or equivalent letters (having a height of 1.6 mm) at not less than 30 cm with one or both eyes, corrected or uncorrected.
  2. Colour vision shall be sufficient that you can distinguish contrast between the colours or shades of grey used in the NDT method concerned as specified by the employer.
  3. Distance vision acuity (for Visual Testing (VT) method only) shall be equal to or better than Snellen Fraction 20/30 with one or both eyes, either corrected or uncorrected.
  4. Subsequent to certification, visual acuity tests shall be carried out annually and verified by the employer or responsible agency (see paragraph 5.5.3 of the CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014 standard ).

Requirements for Level 3 certification

Candidates applying for Level 3 Certification must provide an expanded resume detailing their experience in addition to the qualifying experience and requisites for the previous levels.

Progressive NDT experience for Level 3 certification

  • Increased competence in using new or established techniques on a broader and/or more complex range of applications:
    • development of new techniques;
    • development and/or use of more complex evaluation procedures;
    • increased use of codes, standards and specifications;
    • also improved performance in selecting and applying other NDT methods;
    • published technical papers;
    • any other information deemed relevant for level 3 certification.

The additional documentation must be signed by both the applicant and his supervisor.

Timeframe for successful completion of qualification examinations and certification requirements

After your first examination attempt, you have two years before the examination results and/or remaining re-examination attempts expire. When examination results and/or remaining re-examination attempts expire, you will be required to reapply for and recomplete the applicable examination(s). After passing all examinations, you have two years to obtain and submit any remaining required work experience hours in order to achieve certification. If you do not gain certification during this two-year period, you will be required to reapply as an initial applicant.

Please note that when a candidate fails all three attempts at an examination part, the candidate is required to reapply for and recomplete the full examination part, as well as fulfilling other applicable requirements, such as successful completion of and submission of proof of an additional full method/level-specific training course from an NRCan NDTCB Recognized Training Organization (RTO). After three consecutive failed attempts, the results from the applicable examination part are no longer valid.

Period of validity for initial certification

If you gain certification in any one of these methods, you will be issued a certification valid for up to 5 years (60 months or less), expiring in the month of your birth.

Our responsibilities

The NDTCB strives to ensure that new applications are processed within ten (10) working days of receipt by our office, and that examination results are made available within fifteen (15) working days of receipt by our office. As applications and examinations are processed in arrival sequence, processing times may vary depending on the volume of applications and/or examinations received and are not guaranteed. Incomplete documentation or complexity of routine verifications and checks may also lead to longer processing times.

NRCan NDTCB makes all reasonable efforts to ensure candidate applications, examination requests and certification submissions are completed as per service standard targets 80% of the time (at minimum). Despite these efforts, errors, omissions and delays are possible. NRCan is not responsible for any direct and indirect costs, expenses or delays which may arise.

Information about other certification requirements

Follow the links below for detailed information about other requirements for NDT examination and certification eligibility.

Training requirements and prerequisites for NDT certification

Get important information about what training and perquisites you need to become certified in NDT.

Qualifying work experience for NDT certification

Find out how much work experience is required to obtain your eligibility for examination and to qualify you for certification to CGSB Standard CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014.

Initial NDT examinations

Consult charts that show the durations and further options for all levels of examinations in five areas of non-destructive testing.

Standards framework for NDT certification

Learn about the standards framework related to NDT certification.

Rules of implementation for CAN/CGSB-48.9712

Learn about the rules of implementation that pertain to NDT certification.

Considerations for foreign-certified personnel

Find out how to become NDT-certified to CGSB Standard CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014 if you obtained your initial NDT certification via a program other than Canada’s NRCan/CGSB program.

Find out more