Rules of Implementation for CAN/CGSB-48.9712

CGSB/NRCan Rules of Implementation for CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014 / ISO 9712:2012 are currently in effect. For information purposes, we are including the Rules of Implementation for the upcoming rollout of CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 / (ISO 9712:2021, IDT)

CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 Implementation Schedule

January 15, 2024
Announcement of CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022

  • Public publishing of Rules of Implementation on NRCan website.

March 31, 2024
Launch of CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022

  • Updated forms to become available and updated certification requirements to be applied.

March 31, 2024 to June 30, 2024
Transition - grace period

  • Forms and processes related to CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014 will still be accepted within this period. (With applications postmarked prior to March 31, 2024)

July 1, 2024
Transition ends. CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022, new requirements apply only, and all applications considered to be “in process” will be automatically transitioned to the CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 standard.



NRCan NDTCB Implementation of: CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 / (ISO 9712:2021, IDT)

Non-destructive Testing - Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel


Initial Version for CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022: 2022-01 (2023-12-06)

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB)

Setting the Latitude, Interpretation and Implementation of the CAN/CGSB standard

CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 / (ISO 9712:2021, IDT) states in the Introduction, “Where latitude is provided in the criteria within this International Standard, the certification body has the final decision in determining specific requirements.” This document provides clarification to the ‘latitude’ and interpretations that are applied by the NRCan NDTCB in the Canadian implementation of the CAN/CGSB standard. These Rules were developed and prepared by the NDTCB following the recommendations provided by the national Scheme Committee of the NDTCB.

The rules for the NRCan NDTCB implementation of a Canadian adoption of CAN/CGSB-48.9712:2022 are stated below. Additional certification and administrative requirements will be implemented with interpretation and processes as outlined on the NRCan NDTCB’s website, online portal and forms.


  1. NRCan’s Recognition of Training Organizations, Training Courses, and Trainers

    In order to satisfy the requirements of 7.2.1 and 7.2.2, the NRCan NDTCB manages a procedure for the recognition of training organizations, their training courses and trainers. Training organizations need to be well-qualified to best prepare competent candidates for certification and NRCan NDTCB examination. While companies may provide specialized training for their employees, the basic CGSB Standard training requirements must be properly managed for the training organizations. The NRCan NDTCB’s process of recognition will provide a level-playing field for the provision of quality training through standardized procedures and processes. Such recognition must encompass the Quality Triad: the organization, the course and the trainer. The responsible trainer must be certified under the Canadian Standard in the method that he is teaching in accordance with the provisions 6.2. g) and h) and 6.3.2 d) and e) of CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022.
  2. The NRCan NDTCB will publish a list of all Recognized Training Organizations (RTOs) and courses on its website.

    The NRCan NDTCB has implemented and transitioned to Recognized Training Organizations (RTOs) for the provision of NDT training, effective October 05, 2018. Satisfactory proof of training completed at previously listed Accepted Training Organizations (ATOs) prior to October 05, 2018, will be considered valid for a period of 10 years from the date of training completion.
  3. New training requirements for Recognized Training Organizations.

    Recognized Training Organizations have until June 30, 2024 to ensure that any updates to training courses under CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 are in place. This is in specific reference to 7.2.4, Table 2 of CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022: the UT Level 1 training hours increased from 40 hours (approximately 5 days) to 8 days. Satisfactory proof of UT1 training completed prior to June 30, 2024 will be considered valid for a period of 10 years.

    As per 7.2.4, Table 2 regarding training days/hours for each course: “One day in duration is at least 7 hours, which can be achieved on a single day or by accumulating hours”. The minimum 7-hour days are considered to be inclusive of training time specifically, and do not include time for breaks.

  4. ‘Satisfactory Completion’ of Training

    The NRCan NDTCB will require that training documentation issued to candidates by the Recognized Training Organization to state:
    • The Recognized Training Organization name and address;
    • Student/candidate’s full name;
    • The method, level, and sector for the training course;
    • The date of completion and duration in days of the training course, with theoretical and practical portions individually noted in hours or as a percentage i.e. 5 days (xx% theory. xx% practical) OR 5 days (xx hrs theory, xx hrs practical). A minimum of 40% of the training time must be devoted to practical training.
    • That the candidate completed the required training days; (including minimum practical training requirements);
    • That the candidate obtained a passing grade (≥70%) on the course examination;
    • That the training complies with the requirements of the NRCan National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body per: CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 / (ISO 9712:2021, IDT);
    • Attestation of the completed training with the name, date and signature of:
      • The recognized trainer.
      • The responsible representative of the training organization.
  5. Prerequisites: Math Skills; Materials & Processes Knowledge; and for RT-only, Radiation Safety
    1. Math Skills Pre-Screening – to be administered by RTOs (attestation not required for certification application)
      Recognized Training Organizations will be responsible to properly pre-screen or administer a math-skill examination for their students in all NDT Methods. The NRCan NDTCB will assist the RTOs by providing a template math examination that can be used by the RTO. The NRCan NDTCB will request the RTOs to individually provide and document their pre-screening criteria to comply with this element. This pre-requisite is for training only.
    2. Materials-Processes Knowledge (M&P) Course Pre-Requisite – to be administered by RTO [attestation required for certification application]
      Recognized Training Organizations will be responsible for preparing and delivering a minimum 32-hour course in materials and processes. Applicants must pass (≥70%) the materials and processes examination supplied by the NRCan NDTCB before being allowed to take training courses in the NDT methods. In the case of individuals claiming prior related education, the RTO can confirm by appropriately screening this education and administer the materials and processes examination. The NRCan NDTCB will request the RTOs to individually provide and document their screening criteria to comply with this element. The curriculum and the examination for the M&P knowledge will be defined jointly by the NRCan NDTCB and the RTOs, whereas the NRCan NDTCB will then compile and provide the approved examination to the RTOs. The M&P exam is to be proctored in person (i.e. cannot be provided remotely without physical invigilation). The RTO shall provide the candidate with document of completion.
    3. For a) & b): currently or previously certified personnel are considered to already possess the Math and M&P pre-requisites.
    4. For RT-only: Radiation Safety Training - pre-requisite to training
      [attestation required for certification application]
      The candidate shall complete radiation safety training (minimum 8 hours) provided by a Recognized Training Organization. The training provided shall be in accordance with an NDTCB recognized radiation safety curriculum. An end-of-course exam is not required. Candidates with a valid CNSC EDO certification are considered to already possess the Radiation Safety Training pre-requisite.
  6. No Reduction of Training for Higher Level of Education


  1. Detailed Assessment of Levels of Industrial Experience

    To achieve a more comprehensive assessment of experience, candidates will report experience using a templated NRCan NDTCB experience form that demands information for each method of certification including basic equipment used and types of inspections performed.
  1. Validated Attestations of Experience
    1. Employer: On the updated application form, each level of reported experience (trainee, Level 1 and Level 2) will be attested to in writing by the candidate’s Employer.
    2. Supervisor: On the updated application form, each level of reported experience (trainee, Level 1 and Level 2) will be attested to in writing by the employee’s Supervisor.
    3. Sponsor/Referee: A Sponsor (CGSB certified Level 2 or 3) must co-sign the attestation of the various levels of experience.

    Special Cases: If the experience claimed is questionable, the NRCan NDTCB will perform a detailed assessment and investigation, and may also require further documentation to verify the experience. In special situations, (for example: self-employed work status, or other misc. situations, etc.), special accommodations may be granted on a case-by-case basis by the NRCan NDTCB, provided that supporting written attestations are available.

    Verification: As a general process guideline, NRCan will verify the claimed experience of 25% of applicants.

    Important Note: Falsification of information (including but not limited to) the reported industrial experience with the intent to deceive is a serious offense under the NRCan NDTCB Code of Conduct.

  1. Minimum Industrial Experience Prior to Examination

    For Written Examinations:

    1. Level 1: 0%
    2. Level 2: 0%
    3. Level 3 direct access with higher education: 40%

    For Practical Examinations:

    1. Level 1: 0%
    2. Level 2: 0%
    3. Level 3 direct access with higher education: 40%

    Note: The NRCan NDTCB encourages candidates for all Levels of certification to gain (and submit proof of) some amount of industrial experience prior to attempting examinations.
  1. Limits on the ‘Experience’ from “Accelerated Experience Credit Program (AECP)”/ “Structured Experience Program (SEP)” via practical workshops

    5 days maximum for each method, level, and sector, equivalent to 25 days of experience maximum for each method, level and sector, so long as the total days of experience acquired does not exceed 50% of the required experience for the applicable method/level/sector.

    • For a Level 1 application (volumetric – UT, ET, RT) (which requires a minimum of 45 days of experience) only 22.5 days of experience gained via the AECP/SEP can be counted towards total experience.
  2. Reduction in Experience for Higher Education for Level 3

    General guidelines of acceptability: An engineering or materials science (post-secondary) degree or diploma will be considered for acceptable higher education to qualify for a reduction of minimum required experience hours for Level 3 certification. Verifiable proof of this education in the form of a copy of the degree or diploma issued by the educational institution is required to be submitted to the NRCan NDTCB. The candidate must include this with their work experience submission. The NRCan NDTCB will review these documents and determine the candidate’s eligibility for this reduction.
  3. Minimum experience requirements when adding an additional sector/technique of the same method

    A candidate adding an additional sector (example: RT Aerospace sector) or technique (example: UT Phased Array technique) to an NDT method certification will need to obtain and submit proof of at least 25% of the minimum required experience for the specified method, with this experience being specific to the applicable sector/technique.

  4. Reductions for industrial experience for certified personnel adding an additional method certification:

    A 25% reduction of minimum required industrial experience for addition additional methods will be applied to:
    1. Level 2 - Surface methods: MT2, PT2, VT2;
    2. Level 3 - All methods: PT3, MT3, VT3, UT3, ET3 & RT3.

    Note : to be eligible for the reduction, candidates must be actively certified in at least one of the above certifications applicable to the level in which they are seeking certification.

    No reduction in experience for adding an additional method for:

    1. Level 1’s - All methods
    2. Level 2’s - Volumetric Methods
  5. Accommodation process for candidates currently certified via another third-party or independent international scheme (certification must be verifiable on certification body’s registry of certified personnel)
    1. Training:A candidate certified via another international scheme, claiming previous training, will be directed to a Recognized Training Organization of his choice, where they must pass the training organization's tests for:
      1. Materials & processes, and
      2. NDT method(s)

      NRCan will accept as proof of adequate prior training, documentation issued by the recognized training organization stating that the candidate had passed these tests (i, ii).

      Note: The candidate does not have to take the training courses - just the end of course examinations. The candidate has one attempt at the examinations. In the event that the candidate cannot pass the tests, the candidate must take the necessary training course(s) appropriate to pass each of the tests. This training must be completed prior to attempting the certification examinations.

      NRCan will evaluate both national and foreign candidates on the same requirements. All must produce documentation from an NRCan NDTCB Recognized Training Organization stating the candidate has passed the training organizations test for materials and processes and all tests pertaining to the NDT methods/levels for which certification is sought.

    2. Experience: A candidate, claiming previous experience in another scheme, will be required to meet the same requirements as national candidates.  In cases where the experience is questionable and/or difficult to verify (i.e., previous supervisors reside in a foreign country, NRCan-certified sponsor not available), NRCan will further assess the submitted claims of experience on a case-by-case basis.
    3. Certification:NRCan will assess the submitted claims of certification of a foreign candidate.  The candidate’s certifications may be acceptable proof of prior training and experience and NRCan may allow him to proceed to full or partial examination.  On the other hand, the foreign candidate may be required to demonstrate training and experience as per item 14 a.) and b.).

      Foreign certificated candidates are still required to fully complete all CGSB/NRCan certification method/level/sector written and practical examinations, as well as the training and prerequisites as detailed in this para 14.

    4. Note: there may be other considerations for future reciprocity agreements
  6. NRCan to Apply Transition Rules
    1. After the CGSB Committee approves an updated CGSB standard for adoption as the new Canadian Standard, the NRCan NDTCB will implement the new rules into an updated scheme and certification process.
    2. Candidates in process of certification at the time of the implementation of this new standard will be transitioned under the new standard automatically by July 1, 2024. A candidate for certification will be considered "in process of certification" if they have already submitted an application for certification and/or began the examination process.
    3. Implementation of the Structured Credit System for renewal of Level 1, 2 and 3 (or the completion of a practical exam element, see rule 19 for details) for transition between the CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014 standard and the CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 standard: mandatory Structured Credit System (or completion of a practical exam element) will be required for compliance to the standard within 2 years of the implementation of this standard (i.e. certifications due for renewal March 31, 2026 and later). Certificate holders will be notified at least one (1) year in advance of these requirements. A pro-ration of structured credit system minimum points will be applied for candidates given less than 5 years notice of these requirements, based on their renewal due date(s).


  1. Defined Vision Requirements

    Personnel administering vision tests:

    As per 7.4.4, near vision acuity testing, colour vision and/or grey scale perception verification(s) shall be administered by a licensed physician, nurse, ophthalmologist, or optometrist; or by another trained professional approved and documented by an NRCan/CGSB certified level 3 personnel acting on behalf of the employer.

    In the case that a “trained professional approved and documented” by an NRCan/CGSB certified level 3 personnel acting on behalf of the employer administers the test, the documentation for the approval completed by the NRCan/CGSB certified level 3 personnel shall be included with the submission of the Vision Test Form.

    Note: A new version of ISO 18490 is in the process of being updated and released. Once it is released, it will be reviewed as required.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Minimum age for certification: Age of Majority

    18 or 19 years old depending on the province/territory. Requirement for Age of Majority comes into effect for the date of certification issuance, and not the application submission date.

Renewal, Recertification and Revalidation

  1. The NRCan NDTCB to define applicable renewal, recertification and revalidation details for CAN/CGSB - Canada.

    Flexible options are needed to achieve an effective and achievable implementation for new renewal requirements compliance per CAN/CGSB-48.9712:


    The NRCan NDTCB shall require, as per 10.1 e), that the candidate, in addition to requirements specified in 10.1, a), b) and c) successfully meet the requirements of the structured credit system as given in 10.2 and Annex C.

    If the candidate cannot successfully complete the structured credit system requirements as per 10.1 e), 10.2 and Annex C, the candidate can, as per 10.1 d) successfully complete a practical examination element in accordance with 11.2.2, except that only one specimen will be required for examination.

    As per Rule 15 c), mandatory Structured Credit System (or completion of a practical exam element) will be required for compliance to the standard within 2 years of the implementation of this standard (i.e. certifications due for renewal March 31, 2026 and later). Certificate holders will be notified at least one year in advance of these requirements. A pro-ration of structured credit system minimum points will be applied for candidates given less than 5 years notice of these requirements, based on their renewal due date(s).

    Note: As a reminder, renewal requirements specified in 10.1 d) and e) are only required at the end of the period of validity for which renewal only (not recertification) is due.


    The updated structured credit system for level 3 recertification (in lieu of the written recertification examination) as per 11.3.1 and 11.3.2, and Table C.1 and its associated form shall be implemented by March 31, 2024. The previous version of the Structured Credit System Application form will not be accepted after June 30, 2024. As there are more stringent criteria for point minimum and maximums for Level 3 recertification structured credit system, different forms and assessment processes will be implemented from those for renewal structured credit system.

    Revalidation (after withdrawal or suspension):

    Revalidation is a term is no longer defined in CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022.

    The NRCan NDTCB defines revalidation (after withdrawal or suspension) as the set of procedures for reinstating valid certification when a certificate has been suspended and/or withdrawn as per the various references in CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 noted below. Revalidation may be obtained a) via completion of the recertification examination requirements specific to the method/level/sector, b) via completion of the initial certification examinations specific to the method/level/sector and as required some additional initial certification requirements, or c) as otherwise specified by the NRCan NDTCB for suspension or withdraw of a certification that is not related to failure to renewal, failure to recertify or a significant interruption in work activity.

    1. Revalidation via recertification examination:

      If a candidate (due for renewal only at the end of their period of validity) cannot meet the requirements for renewal within 12 months of the expiration date of the certification or has a significant interruption in work activity, the candidate can revalidate via recertification examination.

      If the revalidation of the certificate takes place within the 12 months following the date of expiration (renewal grace period), the date of expiration of the reinstated certificate shall be no more than 5 years from the date of expiration of the original certificate. However, if the revalidation of the certificate takes place 12 months or more following the date of expiration, the date of expiration of the reinstated certificate shall be based off the date that the certificate was revalidated (a period of 5 years or less, depending on the candidate’s birth month).
    2. Revalidation via initial certification examinations/other requirements as applicable:

      If a candidate fails all allowable examination attempts for recertification or a candidate (due for recertification at the end of their period of validity) cannot meet the requirements for recertification within 12 months of the expiration date of the certification or has a significant interruption in work activity, the candidate can revalidate via completion of initial certification examinations (and other initial certification requirements as needed/specified by the NRCan NDTCB).

      If the revalidation of the certificate takes place within the 12 months following the date of expiration (recertification grace period), the date of expiration of the reinstated certificate shall be no more than 5 years from the date of expiration of the original certificate. However, if the revalidation of the certificate takes place 12 months or more following the date of expiration, the date of expiration of the reinstated certificate shall be based off the date that the certificate was revalidated (no more than a period of 5 years, depending on the candidate’s birth month).
    3. Revalidation as otherwise specified by the NRCan NDTCB

      Revalidation for all other circumstances for which a certification is suspended or withdrawn shall be decided by the NRCan NDTCB on a case-by-case basis, allowing for precedence of previous cases and decisions where applicable.

      Following revalidation in these circumstances, the date of expiration of the reinstated certificate shall be determined by the NRCan NDTCB and in any case will be no more than a period of 5 years, depending on the candidate’s birth month.

The transition from CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2006 / ISO 9712:2005 to CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014 / (ISO 9712:2012, IDT) was completed on July 1, 2015. If you have any questions, please contact the NRCan National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB).

NRCan implementation of CGSB standard CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014 / (ISO 9712:2012, IDT):

Non-destructive testing – Qualification and certification of NDT Personnel



Initial Version: 2014-01 (2014-12-10)

Updated Version: 2014-04 (2019-01-03)

NRCan National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB)

Setting the Latitude, Interpretation and Implementation of the CAN/CGSB standard

CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014 / (ISO 9712:2012, IDT) states in the Introduction, “Where latitude is provided in the criteria within this International Standard, the certification body has the final decision in determining specific requirements.” This document provides clarification to the ‘latitude’ and interpretations that would be applied by the NRCan NDTCB in the Canadian implementation of the CAN/CGSB standard. These Rules were developed and prepared by the NDTCB following the recommendations provided by the national Scheme Committee of the NDTCB.

The list of rules for NRCan implementation of a Canadian adoption of CAN/CGSB-48.9712:2014 is presented below. Additional certification and administrative requirements will be implemented with interpretation and processes as outlined in the NRCan website and forms.


  1. NRCan NDTCB’s Recognition of Training Organizations, Training Courses, and Trainers

    In order to satisfy the requirements of 7.2.1 and 7.2.2, the NRCan NDTCB manages a procedure for the recognition of training organizations, their training courses and trainers. Training organizations need to be well-qualified to best prepare competent candidates for certification and NRCan NDTCB examination. While companies may provide specialized training for their employees, the basic CGSB Standard training requirements must be properly managed for the training organizations. The NRCan NDTCB’s process of recognition will provide a level-playing field for the provision of quality training through standardized procedures and processes. Such recognition must encompass the Quality Triad: the organization, the course and the trainer. The responsible trainer must be certified under the Canadian Standard in the method that he is teaching in accordance with the provisions 6.2. g) and h) and 6.3 e) and f) of CAN/CGSB-48.9712.
  2. The NRCan NDTCB will publish on the web a list of all Recognized Training Organizations (RTOs) and courses.

    Please note: The NRCan NDTCB has implemented and transitioned to Recognized Training Organizations (RTOs) for the provision of NDT training, effective October 05, 2018. Satisfactory proof of training completed at previously listed Accepted Training Organizations (ATOs) prior to October 05, 2018 will be considered valid for a period of 10 years from the date of training completion.
  3. ‘Satisfactory Completion’ of Training

    The NRCan NDTCB will require that training certificates issued to candidates by the Recognized Training Organization to state:
    • The Recognized Training Organization name and address;
    • The Recognized Training Organization status with respect to NDTCB (i.e. Recognized Training Organization for methods [Insert Methods] per the NRCan NDTCB);
    • The student/candidate’s full name;
    • The method, level, and sector for the training course;
    • The date of completion and duration (in hours) of the training course, with theoretical and practical hours individually noted;
    • That the candidate completed the required training hours (including minimum practical training hours);
    • That the candidate obtained a passing grade (≥70%) on the course examination;
    • That the training complies with the requirements of the NRCan National NDT Certification Body per: CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014 / (ISO 9712:2012, IDT);
    • Attestation of the completed training with the name, date and signature of:
      • The recognized trainer;
      • The responsible representative of the training organization.
  4. Prerequisites: Math Skills; Materials & Processes Knowledge; and for RT-only, Radiation Safety
    1. Math Skills Pre-Screening – to be administered by RTO (attestation not required for certification application)
      Recognized Training Organizations will be responsible to properly pre-screen or administer a math-skill examination for their students in all NDT Methods. The NRCan NDTCB will assist the RTOs by providing a template math examination that can be used by the RTO. The NRCan NDTCB will request the RTOs to individually provide and document their pre-screening criteria to comply with this element. This pre-requisite is for training only.
    2. Materials-Processes Knowledge (M&P) Course Pre-Requisite – to be administered by RTO (attestation required for certification application)
      Recognized Training Organizations will be responsible for preparing and delivering a 32-hour course in materials and processes. Applicants must pass (≥70%) the materials and processes examination before being allowed to attend training courses in the NDT methods. The grade obtained on the materials and processes examination will be provided by the RTO to the NRCan NDTCB as part of the candidate’s application for certification.  
    3. For a) & b): currently or previously certified personnel are considered to already possess the Math and M&P pre-requisites
    4. For RT-only: Radiation Safety Training - pre-requisite to training
      (attestation required for certification application)

      The candidate shall complete radiation safety training (minimum 8 hours) provided by a Recognized Training Organization. The training provided shall be in accordance with an NDTCB recognized radiation safety curriculum. An end-of-course examination is not required.
  5. No Reductions in Training for Higher Level of Education


  1. Detailed Assessment of Levels of Industrial Experience

    To achieve a more comprehensive assessment of experience, candidates will report experience using a template NRCan NDTCB experience form that demands information for each levels of certification.

    Trainee Experience: A check-sheet listing basic equipment used and types of inspections performed and all NDT method experience prior to certification as a Level 1 or equivalent if the candidate is applying direct for Level 2 or Level 3.
    Level 1 Experience: A detailed listing of equipment used, reporting of experience by dated inspections performed and all NDT method experience as a certified Level 1 or equivalent if candidate is applying direct to Level 3. A candidate for Level 2 certification must report their experience time both as a trainee and as a Level 1.
    Level 2 Experience: A comprehensive listing of equipment used, detailed reporting of experience by dated inspections performed and all NDT method experience as a certified Level 2 or equivalent if candidate is applying direct for Level 3. A candidate for Level 3 must report his experience time as a trainee, as a Level 1 and as a Level 2.

25% Verification: As a general process guideline, the NRCan NDTCB will verify the claimed experience of 25% of applicants.

Questionable experience: If the experience claimed is questionable, the NRCan NDTCB will perform a detailed assessment and investigation, and may also further verify the experience.

  1. Validated Attestations of Experience
    1. Employer: On the updated application form, each level of reported experience (trainee, Level 1 and Level 2) will be attested to in writing by the candidate’s Employer.
    2. Supervisor: On the updated application form, each level of reported experience (trainee, Level 1 and Level 2) will be attested to in writing by the employee’s Supervisor.
    3. Sponsor: A Sponsor (CGSB certified Level 2 or 3) must co-sign the attestation of the various levels of experience.
  2. Minimum Period of Experience Prior to Examination

    The NRCan NDTCB to define meaningful % experience prior to practical & written examinations

    For Written Examinations:

For Practical Examinations:

    1. Level 1: 0%
    2. Level 2: 0%
    3. Level 3: 25%
    1. Level 1: 25%
    2. Level 2: 25%
    3. Level 3: 25%
  1. No Reduction in Experience for ‘Quality’ of Experience
  2. Limits on the ‘Experience’ from “Accelerated Experience Credit Programme” via practical workshops

    5 days maximum for each method, equivalent to 25 days of experience.
  1. No reduction in experience for ‘Quality’ of Education for Levels 1 and 2
  2. No Reduction/Increase for Experience in another Sector of the Same Method

    In the case of endorsements to existing-method certifications, additional training and experience requirements would need to be established by the certification body.
  1. Reductions may be considered for Simultaneous Experience in Different Methods for:
    1. MT2, PT2, VT2;
    2. PT3, MT3, UT3, ET3 & RT3.

No Reduction for Simultaneous Experience in Different Methods for

    • Level 1’s - All methods
    • Level 2’s - Volumetric Methods 

      Reference in standard (
      “Credit for work experience may be gained simultaneously in two or more of the NDT methods covered by this International Standard, with the reduction of total required experience as follows:
      — two testing methods: reduction of total required time by 25 %;
      — three testing methods: reduction of total required time by 33 %;
      — four or more testing methods: reduction of total required time by 50 %.” 
  1. Accommodation process for candidates certified via another international scheme
    1. Training: Candidates certified via another international scheme, claiming previous training, will be directed to a Recognized Training Organization of their choice, where they must pass the training organization's tests for:
      1. Materials & processes, and
      2. NDT method(s)

        The NRCan NDTCB will accept as proof of adequate prior training, a certificate issued by the Recognized Training Organization stating that the candidate had passed these examinations (i, ii).

        Note: The candidate does not have to take the training courses - just the tests. The candidate is allowed one attempt at the examinations. In the event that the candidate cannot pass the examinations, the candidate must take the necessary training course(s) appropriate to pass each of the examinations.

        The NRCan NDTCB will evaluate both national and foreign candidates on the same requirements. All must produce a certificate from an NRCan NDTCB Recognized Training Organization stating the candidate has passed the training organizations test for materials and processes and all tests pertaining the NDT methods/levels in which he/she seeks certification.
    1. Experience: A candidate, claiming previous experience in another scheme, will be required to meet the same requirements as national candidates. In cases where the experience is questionable and/or difficult to verify (previous supervisors reside in a foreign country, NRCan-certified sponsor not available), NRCan will further assess the submitted claims of experience on a case-by-case basis.
    2. Certification: NRCan will assess the submitted claims of certification of a foreign candidate. The candidate’s certifications may be acceptable proof of prior training and experience and the NRCan NDTCB may allow the candidate to proceed to full or partial examination. On the other hand, the foreign candidate may be required to demonstrate training and experience as per item 14. a) and b).

      Foreign certificated candidates are still required to fully complete the NRCan NDTCB method specific written and practical examinations as currently required for CGSB/NRCan certification, as well as the training and prerequisites as detailed in this para 14.
  1. NRCan NDTCB to Apply Transition Rules from Old Standard to New Standard
    1. As soon as the CGSB Committee approves an updated CGSB standard for adoption as the new Canadian Standard, the NRCan NDTCB will implement the new rules into an updated scheme and certification process. Ref Paragraph 14 in the standard.
    2. The NRCan NDTCB will apply the old (and these transitional rules) for training and experience up to three years from date of original application for multiple methods - subject to c) below.
    3. A candidate for certification will be considered "in process of certification" only if he has already submitted an application for certification and has attempted at least one examination in the method(s) and level(s) in which he sought certification.
    4. Implementation of recertification for transition between the CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2006 standard and the CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014 standard: mandatory recertification will be required for compliance to the standard – certificate holders requiring recertification will be notified and provided with a time period of 5 years to complete their recertification process.


  1. Defined Vision Requirements

    The NRCan NDTCB accepts Times Roman N4.5 or J2 for the previous 2005/2006 version of the standard, and will accept the same requirements for the CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014 version of the standard.


  1. Pass Grade = 70% or above

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Minimum age for certification: Age of Majority

    18 or 19 years old depending on the province/territory. Requirement for Age of Majority comes into effect for the date of certification issuance, and not the application submission date.


  1. NRCan to define applicable recertification details for CAN/CGSB - Canada.

    This is needed to consider and accommodate the specific needs of Canada, and provides clarity for various sections and requirements in the standard.

    Flexible options to achieve an effective and achievable implementation for full recertification compliance per CAN/CGSB-48.9712:
    • Practical examination specimens for recertification
      • Minimum number of specimens: 2 test pieces depending on Method/Level/Sector
      • Targeted selection and grading criteria for recertification exams
        • Not treated or graded as initial certification exam
    • Options for examination locations
      • Current network of Authorized Examination Centres (AECs)
      • Special Examination Centres for Recertification
      • These options may include:
        • On-Site locations - To allow registering of on-job-site locations as special examination centers (i.e. ref CGSB section 5.4.2). Procedures and control mechanisms will be incorporated to deal with potential conflicts of interest;
        • May be eligible for other task-qualification or performance-demonstration;
      • “Recertification examination kits” may be made available for Special Examination Centres or other viable examination proctoring locations.
    • Combine recertification implementation with also an extended renewal cycle (changeover from 3 to 5 years)
    • Transitional phase-in of 5 years from start of mandatory program – implementation period
      • Individuals due for recertification will be notified of the mandatory requirements to recertify within the next 5 years (within their next period of validity and mandatory step in the certification process), and during this transitional period, they will still be eligible to be issued a valid CGSB/NRCan renewal. Successful completion of recertification examinations during this transition period will be applied at the end of the 5 year period of validity for which the certificate was conditionally renewed. Following the satisfactory completion of the renewal process the individual will have valid certification for a period of 5 years.
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