Standards Framework for the NDT Certification Program

The Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB) is a Canadian federal government program that issues personnel certifications according to the CAN/CGSB-48.9712 standard, which is developed and approved through the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) standards management process. The current applicable version of the CAN/CGSB-48.9712 standard is the 2022 version, CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022, along with the associated Rules of Implementation.

The NDTCB is solely responsible for, retains authority for, and does not delegate its decisions relating to certification, including the granting, maintaining, recertification, expansion and reduction of scope, suspension, or withdrawal of certifications.


The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) manages the standards that affect a variety of processes and industries. It develops standards based on the consensus of its representatives. For non-destructive testing (NDT) certification, CGSB manages the CGSB-48.9712 standard together with the specific 48/2 committee that it coordinates. The 48/2 committee is composed of stakeholders representing NDT and associated industries.

The International Standards Organization (ISO) also manages various standards across different areas. For NDT certification, it manages the ISO 9712 standard through Technical Committee 135 Sub-Committee 7 (TC-135 SC-7).

Clarifying the Recognition of other Certification Schemes (Equivalency)

The NDTCB’s position is that adopting ISO 9712-2021 as CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 / (ISO 9712:2021, IDT) synchronizes the published standards for the certification of NDT personnel but does not provide full harmonization or mutual recognition of various other certification schemes by default.

The scheme and implementation of the standard must also be harmonized and mutually recognized by the certification bodies involved in order to consider equivalency in the certifications being issued. Mutual recognition is provided once an equivalency is confirmed and accepted by the certification bodies involved, and an agreement is established to define the recognition.

Program information

Payment of fees does not complete or guarantee any candidate’s application and examination process. Each candidate is responsible for ensuring they have met all requisites/requirements prior to examination or final certification. Submitting training, prerequisites or visual acuity results after certification examinations is considered non-compliant and may result in exam results being voided. Certification status will not be granted until full completion, verification, and NRCan NDTCB approval of application, required fees and requisites. Any misrepresentation or falsification of any of the required documents may result in Code of Conduct violations.

NDTCB understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out its certification activities. Processes are in place to manage any potential conflicts of interest and to ensure the objectivity of all certification activities.

Service Standard

The NDTCB strives to ensure that new applications are processed within ten (10) working days of receipt by our office, and that examination results are made available within fifteen (15) working days of receipt by our office. As applications and examinations are processed in arrival sequence, processing times may vary depending on the volume of applications and/or examinations received and are not guaranteed. Incomplete documentation or complexity of routine verifications and checks may also lead to longer processing times.

The NDTCB makes every reasonable effort to ensure candidate applications, examination requests, and certification submissions are completed in accordance with our service standard targets at minimum 80% of the time. Despite these efforts, there can sometimes be errors, omissions, or delays. NRCan is not responsible for any direct and indirect costs, expenses, or delays that may arise.

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