Initial NDT Certification Examinations

The charts on this page show you the durations and further options related to all levels of examinations for certification to Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) Standard 48.9712 in the following non-destructive testing (NDT) areas:

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Types and number of specimens for practical exams

The table below shows the minimum number and type of specimens for initial certification.

Types and numbers of specimens for practical initial certification examinations
Industrial sectors UT1 UT2 UT-PA2 RT1 RT2 ET1 ET2 MT2 PT2
EMC 2 f/w/e/wp 4 f/w/e/wp/p 3 w/wp 2
c/f/w/p +24 rs
Aerospace - - - - 4
+24 rs
- - - -


  • Where the sector examination involves multiple product types, the specimens are selected by the examiner from the product range or materials that make up the sector.
  • A set of radiographs is considered as one specimen.

Key: c = castings; EMC = Engineering, Materials and Components; f = forgings; w = weldments; e = various shapes and tubes; wp = wrought products; p = composite materials; fs = facility surveillance; rs = radiographs; as = aircraft structures; ac = aircraft components.

VT examinations

Exam VT Level 2 VT Level 3

Written: General - 1 hour & 20 minutes

Written: EMC sector - 2 ½ hours

Practical: 1 day

Written: General - 1 hour

Written: EMC sector codes and applications- 2 hours

1 Written procedure - 4 hours; or

Written procedure review- 1 ½ hours

2 Basic- 4 hours


1 Level 3 candidates who have successfully completed a 4-hour Written procedure examination will have the option to complete a 1½ hour Written procedure review examination for each additional Level 3 method.

2 The Basic paper is common to all methods and need not be repeated for other sectors and methods.

UT-PA examinations

Important! A valid CGSB Ultrasonic Testing Level 2 EMC Certification is a pre-requisite to the CGSB UT-PA Level 2 EMC technique certification.

Exam UT-PA Level 2

Written: EMC sector - Techniques and Application – 1 ½ hours

Practical: 2 days

RT examinations

Exam RT Level 1 RT Level 2 RT Level 3

Written: General - 1 hour & 20 minutes

Written: EMC sector - 2 hours

Radiation protection - 1 hour (common to all levels in industrial radiography)

Practical: ½ day

Written: General- 1 hour & 20 minutes

Written: EMC sector - 3½ hours

Written Aerospace sector, 1 ¾ hrs

Practical: 2 ½ days

Written: General - 1 hour

Written: EMC sector codes and applications - 2 hours

Written: Aerospace sector - 1 ¾ hrs

1Written procedure - 4 hours; or
Written procedure Review - 1½ hours

2Basic - 4 hours


1 Level 3 NDT candidates who have successfully completed a 4-hour Written procedure examination will have the option to complete a 1½ hour Written procedure review examination for each additional Level 3 method.

2 The Basic paper is common to all methods and need not be repeated for other sectors and methods.

UT examinations

Exam UT Level 1 UT Level 2 UT Level 3

Written: General - 1 hour & 20 minutes

Written: EMC sector - 2 hours

Practical: 1 day

Written: General - 1 hour & 20 minutes

Written: EMC sector – 3 ½ hours

Practical: 2 ½ days

Written: General - 1 hour

Written: EMC sector codes and applications - 2 hours

1Written procedure - 4 hours; or Written procedure review - 1 ½ hours

2Basic- 4 hours


1 Level 3 NDT candidates who have successfully completed a 4-hour Written procedure examination will have the option to complete a 1½ hour Written procedure review examination for each additional Level 3 method.

2 The Basic paper is common to all methods and need not be repeated for other sectors and methods.

MT examinations

Exam MT Level 2 MT Level 3

Written: General - 1 hour & 20 minutes

Written: EMC sector - 2 ½ hours

Practical: 1 day

Written: General - 1 hour

Written: EMC sector codes and applications- 2 hours

1Written procedure - 4 hours; or

Written procedure review- 1 ½ hours

2Basic- 4 hours


1 Level 3 candidates who have successfully completed a 4-hour Written procedure examination will have the option to complete a 1½ hour Written procedure review examination for each additional Level 3 method.

2 The Basic paper is common to all methods and need not be repeated for other sectors and methods.

PT examinations

Exam PT Level 2 PT Level 3

Written: General - 1 hour & 20 minutes

Written: EMC sector - 2 ½ hours

Practical: ½ day

Written: General - 1 hour

Written: EMC sector codes and applications- 2 hours

1Written procedure - 4 hours or

Written procedure review -1 ½ hours

2Basic - 4 hours


1 Level 3 candidates who have successfully completed a 4-hour Written procedure examination will have the option to complete a 1½ hour Written procedure review examination for each additional Level 3 method.

2 The Basic paper is common to all methods and need not be repeated for other sectors and methods.

ET examinations

Exam ET Level 1 ET Level 2 ET Level 3

Written: General - 1 hr & 20 minutes

Written: EMC sector - 2 hours

Practical: 1 day

Written: General - 1 hr & 20 minutes

Written: EMC sector- 3 ½ hours

Practical: 2 days

Written: General - 1 hour

Written: EMC sector codes and applications- 2 hours;

 1Written procedure - 4 hours or Written procedure review - 1½ hours

2Basic - 4 hours


1 Level 3 NDT candidates who have successfully completed a 4-hour Written procedure examination will have the option to complete a 1½ hour Written procedure review examination for each additional Level 3 method.

2 The Basic paper is common to all methods and need not be repeated for other sectors and methods.

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