New Standard Implementation
Updated certification requirements and forms according to CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 standard is currently in effect as of March 31, 2024. Please refer to the new Rules of Implementation for the CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 / (ISO 9712:2021, IDT) rollout and the list of key updates on Non-Destructive Testing Certification page.
Three (3) time Failure
A candidate failing two (2) re-examinations (total of 3 attempts) on one or more examination elements is required to recomplete the applicable method and level training course, submit an updated vision report (if no longer valid) and recomplete all initial certification examination elements. Examination elements include general, specific, practical, written instruction (Level 2 only), basic and main method (level 3 only) examinations.
Online Examination System for CAN/CGSB-48.9712 NDT and XRF Written multiple-choice questions exams
All written multiple-choice examinations for CAN/CGSB-48.9712 NDT and XRF have been updated to a computer-based electronic format (in-person live proctored). Immediately after completing an exam, candidates can view unofficial examination results through the online examination system. Refer to Non-Destructive Testing Certification for more information.
NRCan NDTCB Service fees update
Effective April 1, 2023, the NRCan NDTCB has implemented service fees update. Visit Fees for NDT Certification and Examination for more information.
Access to an examination centre will be denied if you fail to bring a copy of your scheduling confirmation email for multiple-choice electronic/online exams or if you fail to produce an examination admittance and registration form for practical and paper-based written examinations.
Registering for initial written examinations
Once you have submitted an Application Form for Non-Destructive Testing and have been issued examination authorization/admittance from the Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB), you can arrange and complete your written examinations.
Multiple-choice written examinations available via the online examination system
Once you have been approved for examination and you receive an electronic written examination authorization letter, you can register for and book your electronic examination(s) through the online exam system portal and select the closest available examination centre. Please note: you can only register to complete your electronic/online examinations at one of the listed centers in the online examination system. Candidates who have valid written examination admittance and registration forms can obtain authorization for the electronic written examination(s) by submitting a request to the NRCan NDTCB by email.
Paper-based written examinations
Once you have been approved for examination and you receive an examination admittance and registration form, you may contact the Authorized Examination Centre (AEC) of your choice to arrange an examination date.
Registering for written re-examinations
To apply for re-examination, you must submit a fully completed Page 1 of the NDT Application Form complete with the applicable written registration fee(s),no earlier than 30 days from the date of the last examination. After it is approved, you will receive an electronic written examination authorization (online exams) or an examination admittance and registration form (paper exams) and you can arrange for examination with an examination centre (electronic examinations can only be booked using the online exam system). See Quick Download page in the Find out more section below.
For re-examination, you are not required to resubmit certain documentation (i.e., training, education, eye examination report, etc.) unless you didn’t submit it before the initial examination attempt, or it needs updating.
Please note that when a candidate fails all three attempts at an examination element, the candidate is required to reapply for and recomplete all initial certification examination elements, as well as fulfilling other applicable requirements, such as successful completion of and submission of proof of an additional full method/level-specific training course from an NRCan NDTCB Recognized Training Organization (RTO). After three consecutive failed attempts, the results from any applicable examination elements are no longer valid.
You can send your request for re-examination to the NRCan NDTCB by mail, fax or e-mail.
Registering for practical examination
To complete practical examinations, if you have been approved for examination and issued a practical examination admittance and registration form, you will make your own arrangements with the Authorized Examination Centre (AEC) of your choice.
Registering for practical re-examination
To apply for practical re-examination, you must submit a fully completed Page 1 of the NDT Application Form, complete with the applicable practical registration fee, no earlier than 30 days from the date of the last examination. Following approval, you will be issued an examination admittance and registration form and you can arrange for examination with an examination centre. See Quick Download page in the Find out more section below.
Please note that when a candidate fails all three attempts at any practical examination specimen/subpart examination part, the candidate is required to reapply for and recomplete the all initial certification examination elements, as well as fulfilling other applicable requirements, such as successful completion of and submission of proof of an additional full method/level-specific training course from an NRCan NDTCB Recognized Training Organization (RTO). After three consecutive failed attempts, the results from any applicable examination elements are no longer valid.
You can send your request for re-examination to the NRCan NDTCB by mail, fax or e-mail.
Taking the examinations
As an eligible NDT candidate, you will be provided with a letter confirming your eligibility for written and/or practical examination. The letter will be accompanied by an NDT examination admittance and registration form (or electronic written examination authorization). You will be denied access to the examination centre if you cannot produce an examination admittance and registration form (or a copy of the exam scheduling confirmation email for electronic exams) and government issued photo identification.
You should bring the following items to examinations:
- Examination admittance and registration form/exam scheduling confirmation email for electronic exams
- Government issued photo identification
- Pen or pencil
- Non-programmable scientific calculator with no internet connectivity