CanmetENERGY's engineering experts have developed innovative clean energy project analysis, modelling, and simulation software tools to help users:
- assess various types of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies
- reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- optimize integrated energy efficient design in domestic and international markets
- reduce operating costs & comply with code requirements
- qualify for funding and incentive programs
RETScreen Expert
Clean Energy Management Software
A comprehensive software platform which intelligently enables professionals and decision-makers to rapidly identify and assess the viability of potential energy efficiency, renewable energy and cogeneration projects; and to easily measure and verify the actual and ongoing energy performance of buildings, factories and power plants around the world. -
Air source heat pump sizing and selection toolkit
A downloadable guide, checklist, tool, and case studies
Designed to help mechanical system designers and renovation contractors size and select air source heat pumps (ASHP) for Canadian climates, in both new and existing (retrofit) residential applications. -
Energy modelling software
Demonstrate performance path compliance with the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2011 (NECB 2011) and support the design of high performance commercial and institutional buildings. -
Weather forecast Software
CanMETEO is a free software tool created to facilitate the implementation of weather forecasts in building operation. CanMETEO is based on raw weather forecast files (GRIB files) produced periodically by the numerical weather predictions of the Canadian Meteorological Service (Environment Canada). These raw output files are first decoded and converted to comma-separated value format (CSV files) that can then be easily read by building energy management systems (BEMS) and can be created periodically and automatically.
Post-processing calculations are then used to estimate solar radiation on different surfaces of a building. The CSV files facilitate the use of weather forecast for advanced control strategies, and provide an estimate of the output of photovoltaic (PV) electricity generated on-site.
Modelling software for cogeneration systems
COGEN is a state-of-the-art, flowsheeting-type modelling software to simulate and optimize industrial cogeneration systems. By combining powerful diagnostic and optimization capabilities, COGEN can quickly identify and provide solutions to improve the performance and profitability of utility systems by taking into account a set of operational and design constraints. -
CTAP Community Technology Assessment Platform
An easy-to-use tool to assist small and medium communities define a program for their residential building stock green house gas (GHG) reduction. Determine how many energy retrofits are needed and how many conversions to alternative technologies are required (PV, heat pumps, battery, etc.) to achieve a given percentage in GHG reduction. Obtain an approximate value of the investment necessary to implement this program.
Earth to Air Thermal Exchanger (EATEX)
A downloadable guide, tool, and case studies
The EATEX Concept Design Tool allows building designers to assess the energy performance of various design options for a series of Canadian climates. -
Building modelling software
Automate energy use assessments of new building design rules and verify that a design is at least 25% more energy efficient than if constructed to meet Model National Energy Code for Buildings (MNECB) 1997 requirements. -
Enerpool 3.0
Solar collection software tool
Model the performance of a solar collector when used for a swimming pool. -
Multivariate data analysis software
EXPLORE is a software suite for rapid data recovery, preparation and analysis. Models created for analysis can be used for multivariate process monitoring.
The EXPLORE suite is designed for process engineers, building managers, data analysts, or any individual needing to analyze complex data. Although it was developed for an industrial environment, EXPLORE can be used to analyze data of any kind.
Heat pump pre-screening tool
HPAC is a software tool that provides rapid assessment of heat pump systems for a specific set of building parameters with minimum input requirements. HPAC aims at supporting energy management consultants and building engineers in justifying a comprehensive Heat Pump project feasibility study. -
Residential energy analysis and rating software
The Canadian standard for evaluating the energy performance of houses and multi-unit residential buildings. -
Software for heat recovery optimization in industrial processes
INTEGRATION is a state-of-the-art software package that helps optimize heat recovery and reduce thermal energy use in industrial facilities. It brings together powerful diagnosis and optimization capabilities to quickly identify and deliver heat recovery solutions that can improve the performance of heat exchanger networks and utility systems, while considering a range of operational and design constraints. -
CADSIM simulation platform for new technology assessment in Kraft pulping processes
KraftSIM is a CADSIM simulation platform for assessing new process technology to reduce energy consumption and emissions production in Kraft pulping processes. This platform includes a base case Kraft mill and a set of ten new technologies aimed at improving energy efficiency in energy-intensive departments (evaporator and pulp/paper dryers), and at creating a decarbonized Kraft mill in the future. Users can evaluate different technologies independently and in combination. -
Master Planning & Decision Tool for Natural Gas Mechanical Systems
Master Planning & Decision Tool for Natural Gas Mechanical Systems
Builders, mechanical designers and contractors can use this tool together to quickly define the type of mechanical system required for a new home or a new subdivision of homes. This tool helps in the use of the Master Planning & Decision Guide for Natural Gas Mechanical Systems. -
Material Carbon Emissions Estimator (MCE2)
A downloadable tool and user guide
Designed to support the homebuilding and renovation industries in making informed material choices to reduce up-front carbon emissions. MCE2 allows users to estimate the cumulative carbon footprint of their home and renovation projects with a comprehensive set of calculations, and provides insights for reduction opportunities. -
PV Perform Mod
Photovoltaic System Analysis Software
PV Perform Mod predicts the electricity output of a photovoltaic (PV) system, detects faults – system produces less electricity than it should at given operating conditions – and evaluates system performance.PV Perform Mod aims at supporting operators in monitoring and maximizing PV system output as well as engineers and researchers in R&D projects related to PV system performance.
PV & Solar Maps
Photovoltaic potential and solar resource maps of Canada
Interactive maps providing mean daily global insolation and PV potential. -
Recommissioning (RCx)
Pre-Screening tool
Select the best building candidate(s) for recommissioning. This pre-screening tool is designed to be used at the planning phase of the standardised RCx process. -
SolarWall® simulation software
Predict the amount of heat gathered from solar energy, the resulting air temperature inside the building, the amount of energy used by conventional heating systems that has been avoided as a result of using SolarWall, and more.