CTAP - Community Technology Assessment Platform

An easy-to-use tool to assist small and medium communities define a program for their residential building stock green house gas (GHG) reduction. Determine how many energy retrofits are needed and how many conversions to alternative technologies are required (PV, heat pumps, battery, etc.) to achieve a given percentage in GHG reduction. Obtain an approximate value of the investment necessary to implement this program.

CTAP version Province Archetype Climate Zone (ACZ) Climate Zone
1 AB Lethbridge Area 6
2 AB Medicine Hat Area 6
3 AB Calgary Area 7A
4 AB Edmonton Area 7A
5 AB Cold Lake Area 7A
6 AB Fort McMurray Area 7B
7 AB Peace River Area 7B
8 BC Vancouver Area 4
9 BC Victoria Area 4
10 BC Kamloops Area 5
11 BC Port Hardy Area 5
12 BC Prince George Area 6
13 BC Cranbrook Area 6
14 BC Fort St John Area 7A
15 BC Smithers Area 7A
16 MB Winnipeg Area 7A
17 MB Brandon Area 7A
18 MB The Pass Area 7B
19 MB Portage La Prairie Area 7B
20 MB Churchill Area 8
21 MB Thompson Area 8
22 NB Fredericton Area 6
23 NB Charlo Area 7A
24 NF Saint Johns Area 6
25 NF Gander Area 7A
26 NU Resolute Area 8
27 NW Yellowknife Area 8
28 NW Inuvik Area 8
29 YK Whitehorse Area 8
30 NS Yarmouth Area 5
31 NS Sydney Area 6
32 NS Truro Area 6
33 ON Simcoe Area 5
34 ON Windsor Area 5
35 ON Ottawa Area 6
36 ON Sault St. Marie Area 6
37 ON North Bay Area 7A
38 ON Timmins Area 7A
39 PE Charlottetown Area 6
40 QC Montreal Area 6
41 QC Sherbrooke Area 6
42 QC Quebec Area 7A
43 QC Ste. Agathe-des-Monts Area 7A
44 QC Val D'Or Area 7B
45 QC Sept-Îles 7B
46 QC La Grande Riviere Area 8
47 SK Regina Area 7A
48 SK Saskatoon Area 7A
49 SK Yorkton Area 7B
50 SK Prince Albert Area 7B
51 SK Uranium City Area 8

Documents available for download

CTAP Manual Cover

Community Technology Assessment Platform (CTAP) User Manual (PDF, 2.7MB)