Battery Innovation
Energy Innovation Program – Battery Industry Acceleration Call: Closed
Why we are working on battery innovation
Batteries play an important role in the ongoing energy transition. They are one of the few clean energy technologies that have already directly offset carbon emissions from internal combustion engine vehicles and indirectly offset fossil fuel-powered electricity generation.
Battery innovation is needed to help meet global demand for battery electric vehicles, which exceeded 10 million in 2022, representing 14% of passenger vehicles sold worldwide. In the same year, global stationary storage capacity increased by 68% and is expected to grow 23% annually.
To support this growing market, batteries must become more affordable and sustainable. Canadian innovators and firms are developing promising battery technologies, but gaining a competitive foothold in the global market requires targeted investments for emerging technologies. Investing in research, development, and demonstration across the battery value chain will help establish a stable, sustainable, and affordable domestic and international battery supply.
How far we’ve come
Canada has a long history of battery innovation, from producing the world’s first commercial rechargeable Li battery in the 1980s to developing some of the dominant lithium-ion battery chemistries used today.
Across Canada, battery research and innovation activities are actively taking place in small, medium, and large-scale industry, universities, and governments. With funding from the Energy Innovation Program, a map of the battery ecosystem was developed and is available through Accelerate.
OERD’s Battery Innovation Investments
Where we’re going
The expansion of the battery ecosystem in Canada provides an opportunity to differentiate Canada’s industry on a global scale through a deliberate approach tailored to Canadian battery innovation. OERD has developed a strategic approach to battery innovation, which builds on two of its missions: improving energy efficiency and processes to reduce emissions from energy end-use, and accelerating electrification and maximizing benefits to renewable heat and power.
This approach highlights key domains for future funding calls, challenges, and other non-funding supports like creating connections among the Canadian battery ecosystem, government, laboratories, and industry.
Value Chain Decarbonization, Security, and Competitiveness
Promote leadership in full value chain decarbonization
Target innovation in critical battery applications that reduce reliance on insecure supply chains
Support innovation-led domestic commercial growth to create long-term economic benefits for Canada
Innovation Infrastructure
Support Canadian innovation infrastructure at each stage of the supply chain
Support the “missing middle” in infrastructure to support expensive, high-risk innovation activities
Support battery workforce growth and transition
Promote local-to-global awareness and collaboration
Support innovative companies, particularly in areas where Canada has natural advantage or innovation addresses unique Canadian use case
Grow/encourage connections between Canadian companies, academics, industry associations, adopters, federal labs
Support Canadian IP development and retention
Increase the value for companies to stay in Canada
Promote Canadian innovators
Importantly, this work will continue to be informed by OERD’s collaboration with industry and other government departments.
Funding Activities
The Energy Innovation Program – Battery Industry Acceleration Call supports technologies that accelerate battery value chain decarbonization, security, and competitiveness for Canada. It contributes to federal efforts to strengthen the network of Canadian battery innovators to help grow world-class Canadian firms in the battery value chain.
Learn more about the projects we are funding.
In the Spotlight
On September 28, 2023, Natural Resources Canada announced a $500,000 federal investment in Accelerate Alliance Inc., an industrial alliance of Canada’s Zero Emission Vehicle actors.
This investment supported the development of Accelerate’s Battery Innovation Roadmap, which advances a shared vision of success and strategies to support Canadian battery innovation.
Strategic Approach to Battery Innovation
A strategic approach to evaluating battery innovation investments
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