Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program

Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program - #FloodMapping

In Canada, many detailed engineered flood maps are not always available or up-to-date. Yet, high-quality flood mapping that is current and accessible helps governments, communities, and individuals understand flood hazards and implement effective mitigation strategies to reduce the impacts of flooding.

That is why the Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program (FHIMP) is investing in updating Canada’s existing flood mapping capabilities. In partnership with provincial and territorial governments, the FHIMP aims to complete flood hazard maps of higher-risk areas in Canada and make this flood hazard information accessible. These maps will help emergency planning by guiding the placement of evacuation routes and support land use planning by identifying locations for building critical infrastructure and flood mitigation structures like dikes. Flood maps provide reliable information on flood hazards and support decision-makers and Canadians in their efforts to adapt to a changing climate while protecting properties and lives.

Program results


investment outlined


Flood hazard maps


Flood mapping
related projects


Communities across
Canada impacted

Funded Projects

FHIMP projects

The FHIMP is co-sharing costs with provincial and territorial governments to fund eligible activities to improve flood mapping. Below is a list of active projects funded in part by FHIMP. Projects are grouped by activity type.

Number of Projects: 257
Last Updated: November 25, 2024

Province or territory Project name Activity type Status Location
Alberta Hinton - Flood Mapping Flood Mapping Completed Hinton
Alberta Vegreville - Flood Study Flood Mapping Completed Vegreville
Alberta Stettler - Flood Study Flood Mapping Completed Stettler
Alberta Red Deer County and Markerville - Flood Study Flood Mapping Completed Red Deer County
Alberta Manning - Flood Study Flood Mapping In Progress Manning
Alberta Grande Prairie - Flood Study Flood Mapping In Progress Grande Prairie
Alberta Paddle Prairie - Flood Study Flood Mapping In Progress Paddle Prairie
Alberta Ponoka - Flood Study Flood Mapping In Progress Ponoka
Alberta Watino - Flood Study Flood Mapping In Progress Watino
Alberta Lacombe - Flood Study Flood Mapping In Progress Lacombe
Alberta Lamont - Flood Study Flood Mapping In Progress Lamont
Alberta Millet - Flood Study Flood Mapping In Progress Millet
Alberta Kinuso - Flood Study Flood Mapping In Progress Kinuso
Alberta Robb - Flood Study Flood Mapping In Progress Robb
Alberta Peers - Flood Study Flood Mapping In Progress Peers
Alberta Edson - Flood Study Flood Mapping In Progress Edson
Alberta Alberta Spring 2024 LiDAR Acquisition - Robb, Peers, Edson, Chateh, and Carbon Data Acquisition In Progress Carbon; Chateh; Edson; Peers; Robb
British Columbia Lower Fraser-Coquihalla - Flood Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Fraser River (Yale to Mission)
British Columbia Upper Fraser-Nechako - Flood Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Fraser River (Prince George); Nechako River
British Columbia Bulkley-Skeena - Flood Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Bulkley River; Skeena River
British Columbia Shuswap Lake Region - Flood Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Shuswap Lake
British Columbia Grand Forks to Carson - Flood Mapping Flood Mapping Completed Kettle River
British Columbia GeoBC Staff Data Organization and Portal Development Dissemination and Engagement In Progress
British Columbia Columbia River - Flood Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Columbia River (Edgewater to Canal Flats)
British Columbia Lower Mainland - Scoping and Mapping Prioritization Completed Lower Mainland
British Columbia Coastal B.C. - Scoping and Mapping Prioritization Completed Central Coast; Haida Gwaii; Vancouver Island
British Columbia Interior B.C., North Area - Scoping Prioritization Completed
British Columbia Topographic LiDAR over Elk River, Kootenay River, Kimberly, Cranbrook, Lillooet River, eastern Lower Mainland and Upper Fraser River Data Acquisition Completed Cranbrook; Elk River; Kimberley; Kootenay River; Lillooet River; Lower Mainland
British Columbia Interior B.C., South Area - Scoping Prioritization In Progress
British Columbia B.C. Floodplain Mapping Guidelines Technical Guidance In Progress
British Columbia JBA Tier 1 Map Data Acquisition Completed
Manitoba Assiniboine River - Field Data and Report; Rat and Roseau Rivers - Flood Studies Flood Mapping Completed Assiniboine River; Rat River; Roseau River
Manitoba Assiniboine River - Sonar Survey (St. Lazare to Brandon) Data Acquisition Completed Assiniboine River
Manitoba Assiniboine River - Hydrodynamic Model Development and Flood Risk Mapping (Shellmouth to Brandon) Flood Mapping In Progress Assiniboine River
Manitoba Fisher River - Bathymetry Data Acquisition (Cross Sections) Data Acquisition Completed Fisher River
Manitoba Fisher River - Hydrodynamic Model Update and Flood Risk Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Fisher River
Manitoba Whitemouth River - Bathymetry Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Completed Whitemouth River (North)
Manitoba Fisher and Whitemouth Rivers - Topographic Lidar Data Acquisition Completed Fisher River; Whitemouth River (North)
Manitoba Whitemouth River - Hydrodynamic Model Development and Flood Risk Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Whitemouth River (North)
Manitoba The Pas - Bathymetry Data Acquisition (Portions of the Saskatchewan, Carrot and Pasquia Rivers) Data Acquisition Completed The Pas
Manitoba The Pas - Hydrodynamic Model Development and Flood Risk Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress The Pas
Manitoba Red River - Sonar Survey Data Acquisition Completed Red River
Manitoba Red River - Hydrodynamic Model Development and Flood Risk Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Red River
Manitoba Little Saskatchewan - Bathymetry Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Completed Little Saskatchewan River
Manitoba Little Saskatchewan - Hydrodynamic Model Development and Flood Risk Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Little Saskatchewan River
Manitoba Birdtail Creek, Turtle River, Rolling River and Little Saskatchewan River - Topographic Lidar Data Acquisition In Progress Birdtail Creek; Little Saskatchewan River; Rolling River; Turtle River
Manitoba The Pas, Dauphin Lake Tributaries, Mantagao River, Fisher River, and Petersfield - Topographic Lidar Data Acquisition In Progress Dauphin Lake Tributaries; Mantagao River; Petersfield; Saskatchewan River Delta (East)
Manitoba Birdtail Creek - Bathymetry Data Acquisition Completed Birdtail Creek
Manitoba La Salle River - Bathymetry Data Acquisition Completed La Salle River
Manitoba Brokenhead River, Assiniboine River, La Salle River, Sturgeon Creek, Culross and Morden - Topographic Lidar Data Acquisition In Progress Assiniboine River (Brandon to Portage); Brokenhead River; Culcross; La Salle River; Morden; Sturgeon Creek; Winkler
Manitoba Netley Creek - Bathymetry Data Acquisition Completed Netley Creek
Manitoba Sturgeon Creek - Bathymetry Data Acquisition Completed Sturgeon Creek
Manitoba Lower Seine River (including Manning Canal) - Bathymetry Data Acquisition Completed Manning Canal; Seine River
Manitoba Deadhorse Creek, Hespeler Drain & Winkler Coulee Bypass - Bathymetry Data Acquisition In Progress Deadhorse Creek; Hespeler Drain; Winkler
Manitoba Vermillion River - Bathymetry Data Acquisition Completed Vermillion River
Manitoba Rolling River - Bathymetry Data Acquisition In Progress Rolling River
Manitoba Turtle River - Bathymetry Data Acquisition In Progress Turtle River
Newfoundland and Labrador Flood Hazard Mapping for Ferryland, Brigus, Heart’s Delight-Islington, Hant’s Harbour, and Winterton Flood Mapping Completed Brigus; Ferryland; Hant's Harbour; Heart's Delight-Islington; Winterton
Newfoundland and Labrador SW Coast Flood Mapping Study for Codroy Valley and Southwest Coast of Newfoundland (Burgeo; Burnt Islands; Town of Channel and Port aux Basques; Codroy Valley; Isle aux Morts; Rose Blanche – Harbour le Cou) Flood Mapping In Progress Burgeo; Burnt Islands; Codroy; Ilse aux Morts; Rose Blanche - Harbour Le Cou; Town of Channel and Port aux Basques
Newfoundland and Labrador Topographic LiDAR over Stephenville, Kippens, Cox's Cove, Corner Brook, Codroy Valley, Channel-Port aux Basques, Burgeo, Ramea, Francois Data Acquisition In Progress Burgeo; Codroy; Corner Brook & Cox's Cove; Francois; Parson's Pond; Ramea; Stephenville & Kippens; Town of Channel and Port aux Basques; Trout River
Newfoundland and Labrador West Coast Flood Hazard Mapping Study for Parson's Pond, Trout River, Corner Brook, Cox's Cove, Stephenville and Kippens Flood Mapping In Progress Corner Brook & Cox's Cove; Parson's Pond; Stephenville & Kippens; Trout River
Newfoundland and Labrador Flood Hazard Mapping Study for St. John's Flood Mapping In Progress St. John's
Newfoundland and Labrador Web-Based Coastal Flood Hazard Mapping System for Newfoundland and Labrador Dissemination and Engagement In Progress St. John's
Newfoundland and Labrador Topographic LiDAR for regions of Burin, Connaigre, Southern Avalon, Trinity Bay and Gander Loop Data Acquisition In Progress Burin; Connaigre Peninsula; Gander; Southern Avalon Peninsula; Trinity Bay
Newfoundland and Labrador 2024-25 Climate Change Flood Risk Mapping for: Bay Roberts, Clark Beach, Cupids, Harbour Grace, Holyrood and Spaniard's Bay Flood Mapping In Progress Bay Roberts; Clarke's Beach; Cupids; Harbour Grace; Holyrood; Spaniard's Bay
Nova Scotia Meteghan Watershed Detailed Flood Line Mapping - Phase 1 Flood Mapping Completed Meteghan Watershed
Nova Scotia Sissiboo-Bear Watershed Detailed Flood Line Mapping - Phase 1 Flood Mapping Completed Sissiboo Bear
Nova Scotia Gaspereau Watershed Detailed Flood Line Mapping - Phase 1 Flood Mapping Completed Town of Kentville; Town of Wolfville
Nova Scotia South-West Antigonish Watershed Detailed Flood Line Mapping - Phase 1 Flood Mapping Completed South-West Antigonish
Nova Scotia Eastern Shore Coastal Flood Modeling and Mapping - Phase 1 Flood Mapping In Progress Eastern Shore
Nova Scotia Annapolis Primary Watershed - Phase 2 Flood Mapping In Progress Annapolis
Nova Scotia Halifax Regional Municipality Flood Hazard Mapping Flood Mapping Completed Halifax Regional Municipality
Nova Scotia Halifax Regional Municipality Data Collection Data Acquisition Completed Halifax Regional Municipality
Nova Scotia Upper Fundy - Municipal Flood Line Mapping - Phase 2 Flood Mapping In Progress Kelly-Maccan-Hebert; Missaguash; Parrsboro; Tisdnish-Shinimicas
Nova Scotia Northumberland Region - Data Collection and Engagement - Phase 2 Data Acquisition In Progress Northumberland Region
Nova Scotia Eastern Shore Region - Municipal Flood Line Mapping - Phase 2 Flood Mapping Completed Eastern Shore; Halifax Regional Municipality; Mulgrave; South-West Antigonish
Nova Scotia Minas Bassin Region - Municipal Flood Line Mapping - Phase 2 Flood Mapping In Progress Colchester County; Stewiacke; Truro
Nova Scotia Nova Scotia - Methodology Development for Regional Scale Flood Modeling for Watersheds in Nova Scotia Technical Guidance In Progress
Nova Scotia Northumberland Region Coastal Flood mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Northumberland Region
Nova Scotia Northumberland Region Watersheds Flood mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Northumberland Region
Nova Scotia Southwest Nova Scotia Data Collection Flood Mapping In Progress
Nova Scotia Data Collection in Musquodoboit watershed to Support riverine flood modeling (HRM) Data Acquisition In Progress
Nova Scotia Engagement and Data Collection in the CBRM watersheds to Support riverine flood modeling (CBRM) Data Acquisition In Progress
Nova Scotia Engagement and Data Collection for external coast draining Cape Breton watersheds to Support riverine flood modeling (EDPC) Data Acquisition In Progress
Northwest Territories Topographic LiDAR for Yellowknife, Aklavik, Fort Resolution and Jean Marie River Data Acquisition Completed Aklavik; Fort Resolution; Jean Marie River; Yellowknife
Northwest Territories Data Acquisition and Support for 2022 Data Acquisition Completed Aklavik; Hay River
Northwest Territories Aklavik, Fort Simpson, and Hay River - Preliminary Inundation Mapping Flood Mapping Completed Aklavik; Fort Simpson ; Hay River
Northwest Territories Community Engagement and Data Acquisition for 2023 Data Acquisition Completed Aklavik; Fort Good Hope; Fort Liard; Fort McPherson; Fort Resolution; Fort Simpson ; Hay River; Jean Marie River
Northwest Territories Finalization of Preliminary Inundation Maps for 3 Communities Flood Mapping Completed Aklavik; Fort Simpson ; Hay River
Northwest Territories Flood Frequency Analysis & Linear Regionalisation Research Research Completed Aklavik; Fort Simpson ; Hay River
Northwest Territories Regulatory Flood Analysis and Mapping for Hay River, Fort Simpson, Aklavik Flood Mapping In Progress Aklavik; Fort Simpson ; Hay River
Northwest Territories Flood Mapping Jurisdictional Review Technical Guidance Completed
Northwest Territories NWT Flood Mapping Viewer Dissemination and Engagement In Progress
Nunavut Imagery and elevation acquisition (Drone) - Iqualuit & Kimmirut Data Acquisition In Progress Iqaluit; Kimmirut
Nunavut Imagery and elevation acquisition (Drone) - Kinngait, Igloolik & Sanirajak Data Acquisition In Progress Igloolik; Kinngait; Sanirajak
Nunavut Imagery and elevation acquisition (Drone) - Baker Lake, Coral Harbour, Chesterfield Inlet, Whale Cove Data Acquisition In Progress Baker Lake; Chesterfield Inlet; Coral Harbour; Whale Cove
Nunavut Imagery and elevation acquisition (Drone) - Arviat & Naujaat Data Acquisition In Progress Arviat; Naujaat
Nunavut Imagery and elevation acquisition (Drone) - Resolute Bay, Grise Fiord & Pond Inlet Data Acquisition In Progress Grise Fiord; Pond Inlet; Resolute
Nunavut Imagery and elevation acquisition (Drone) - Qikiqtarjuaq & Pangnirtung Data Acquisition In Progress Pangnirtung; Qikiqtarjuaq
Nunavut Imagery and elevation acquisition (Drone) - Clyde River & Arctic Bay Data Acquisition In Progress Arctic Bay; Clyde River (NU)
Ontario Topographic LiDAR for Eastern Ontario Conservation Authorities Data Acquisition Completed Cataraqui Conservation Authority; Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority; Raisin Region Conservation Authority; Rideau Valley Conservation Authority; South Nation Conservation Authority
Ontario Topographic LiDAR for Belleville, Quinte and Trent regions Data Acquisition Completed Crowe Valley Conservation Authority; Lower Trent Conservation Authority; Quinte Conservation Authority
Ontario Topographic LiDAR for East Coast of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay Data Acquisition Completed Georgian Bay - South Coast; Lake Huron - East Coast
Ontario Topographic LiDAR for the Georgian Bay area, Kawartha lakes, Sault-Ste-Marie, Sudbury, Thunder Bay Data Acquisition In Progress Alliston; Bruce Peninsula; Kawartha Lakes; Manitoulin Island; Sault Ste. Marie; Sudbury; Thunder Bay
Ontario Toronto and Region Conservation Authority - 2023 Jurisdictional LiDAR Acquisition Data Acquisition Completed Credit River Conservation Authority; Halton Conservation Authority; Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority; Toronto Regional Conservation Authority
Ontario Topographic LiDAR for Chapleau, Timmins, Ignace, Dryden, Sioux Lookout, Atikokan and Northeastern Ontario Data Acquisition In Progress Atikokan; Chapleau; Dryden; Ignace; Sioux Lookout; Timmins
Ontario Lower Trent Conservation - Floodplain Mapping for Rawdon Creek Flood Mapping Completed Rawdon Creek
Ontario Lower Trent Conservation - Floodplain Mapping for Butler Creek - Town of Brighton Flood Mapping Completed Butler/Proctors Creek
Ontario Municipality of Trent Lakes - Nogies Creek Flood Plain Mapping Study Flood Mapping Completed Nogies Creek
Ontario Municipality of Trent Lakes - Miskwaa Ziibi River Flood Plain Mapping Study Flood Mapping Completed Miskwaa Ziibi River
Ontario Lower Trent Conservation - Floodplain Mapping for Mayhew Creek - Trenton - 2 Zone Update; Floodplain Mapping for Cold Creek - Frankford - 2-Zone Update Flood Mapping In Progress Cold Creek; Mayhew Creek
Ontario The Corporation of the Municipality of Huron Shores - Floodplain Mapping in Huron Shores Flood Mapping In Progress Huron Shores
Ontario City of Ottawa - Flood Mapping in the Bear Brook Watershed Flood Mapping Completed Bear Brook Watershed
Ontario City of Ottawa - Flood Mapping in the Castor River Watershed Flood Mapping In Progress Castor River Watershed
Ontario South Nation Conservation - Flood Mapping in the South Branch of the South Nation River Flood Mapping In Progress South Branch of the South Nation River
Ontario Maitland Valley Conservation Authority - Flood Hazard Mapping and Knowledge Sharing Study Flood Mapping In Progress Maitland Valley - ACW; Maitland Valley - Central Huron; Maitland Valley - Goderich
Ontario Lower Trent Conservation - Floodplain Mapping for Colborne Creek - Town of Colborne Flood Mapping In Progress Colborne Creek
Ontario City of Kitchener - Topographic and Bathymetric Survey of Watercourse Cross-sections and Hydraulic Structures in the City of Kitchener Data Acquisition In Progress Kitchener
Ontario Corporation of the County of Essex - Essex Region Coastal Flood Hazard Mapping and Data Sharing Project Flood Mapping In Progress City of Windsor; County of Essex
Ontario South Nation Conservation - Land Cover Update in Eastern Ontario Data Acquisition In Progress Eastern Ontario
Ontario Raisin Region Conservation Authority - Eastman Drain Flood Mapping Flood Mapping Completed Eastman Drain
Ontario Toronto and Region Conservation Authority - Frenchman's Bay Watershed Hydrology and Flood Plain Mapping Update Flood Mapping In Progress Frenchman's Bay
Ontario Lower Trent Conservation - Floodplain Mapping for Trent River Flood Mapping Completed Trent River
Ontario Raisin Region Conservation Authority - Flood Hazard Identification and Priority Setting within the Raisin Region Prioritization In Progress Raisin Region Conservation Authority
Ontario Halton Region Conservation Authority - Bronte Creek Watershed - Structure Survey Data Acquisition In Progress Bronte Creek
Ontario Rideau Valley Conservation Authority - Rideau Lakes Flood Risk Mapping Data Acquisition In Progress Big Rideau Lake - Portland; Bobs Lake; Lower Rideau Lake; Otty Lake - Jebbs Creek
Ontario Rideau Valley Conservation Authority - City Flood Mapping Program Data Acquisition In Progress Brassils Creek; Flowing Creek; Graham Creek; Greens Creek; Sawmill Creek; Stillwater
Ontario Catfish Creek Conservation Authority - 2022 CCCA Port Bruce Riverine Floodplain Mapping and Coastal Floodproofing Flood Mapping In Progress Port Bruce
Ontario Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority - St. Lawrence River Flood Hazard Mapping Project Flood Mapping In Progress St. Lawrence River
Ontario Quinte Region Conservation Authority - Consecon Lake and Creek Flood Hazard mapping update Flood Mapping Completed Consecon Lake
Ontario Quinte Region Conservation Authority - Napanee River Upper Lakes Floodplain Mapping Study Flood Mapping Completed Napanee River Upper Lakes
Ontario Quinte Region Conservation Authority - Selby Creek Floodplain Mapping Update Flood Mapping In Progress Selby Creek (Sucker Creek)
Ontario Quinte Region Conservation Authority - Salmon River Upper Lakes Floodplain Mapping Study Flood Mapping In Progress Salmon River Upper Lakes
Ontario Quinte Region Conservation Authority - Salmon and Napanee Rivers Crossings and In-Line Structures Surveys Data Acquisition In Progress Napanee River; Salmon River
Ontario City of Barrie - Update Barrie Creeks Drainage Modelling & Digital Flood Mapping in Consideration of Climate Change Flood Mapping In Progress Barrie
Ontario Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority - Upper Mad River Flood Hazard Study Flood Mapping Completed Creemore
Ontario Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority - Clyde River Regulatory Floodplain Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Clyde River (ON)
Ontario Township of Ramara - Update Lake St. John Flooding Map Flood Mapping In Progress Lake St. John
Ontario Maitland Valley Conservation Authority - North Perth Floodplain Mapping Update Flood Mapping In Progress North Perth
Ontario Upper Thames River Conservation Authority - Upper Thames Field Survey Data Acquisition In Progress Upper Thames River
Ontario North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority - Lansdowne Creek Floodplain Mapping Project Flood Mapping In Progress North Bay-Mattawa
Ontario County of Haliburton - Haliburton Floodplain Mapping Project Flood Mapping In Progress Burnt River; Gull River
Ontario County of Renfrew - Renfrew County Flood Mapping for Ottawa River and Bonnechere River Prioritization In Progress Renfrew County
Ontario Long Point Region Conservation Authority - Long Point Region Flood Hydrology Study Flood Mapping In Progress Long Point Region
Ontario Kettle Creek Conservation Authority - KCCA Watershed Enhanced Riverine Floodplain Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Kettle Creek
Ontario Municipality of Muskoka - Flood Plain Mapping in the Muskoka River Watershed Flood Mapping In Progress Brunel; Central Gravenhurst; Northern Haliburton; Northern Huntsville; Northern Lake of Bays; Southern Lake of Bays; Utterson; West Gravenhurst
Ontario Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority - Flood Hazard Mapping, Municipality of West Grey, the Town of Saugeen Shores, and the Township of Huron-Kinloss Flood Mapping In Progress Clark Creek; Durham Creek; Pine River; Saugeen River
Ontario Regional Municipality of Durham - Floodplain Mapping Update and Flood Vulnerable Road Risk Assessment Flood Mapping In Progress Clarington
Ontario Crowe Valley Conservation Authority - Chandos Lake Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Flood Mapping Completed Chandos Lake
Ontario Crowe Valley Conservation Authority - Crowe River Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Flood Mapping Completed Crowe River
Ontario Technical Guidance - Flood Hazard Identification and Priority Setting Technical Guidance In Progress
Ontario Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River System Technical Guide Update Technical Guidance In Progress
Ontario Leaf-Off Aerial Photography To Support Flood Mapping Data Acquisition In Progress
Ontario Indigenous engagement Dissemination and Engagement In Progress
Prince Edward Island Improving Coastal Flood Hazard Maps for Prince Edward Island (Coastal Flood Depth Layer) Flood Mapping Completed Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island Pluvial Flood Hazard Mapping and Modelling Flood Mapping Completed
Prince Edward Island Flood Hazard Map Education and Training - Flood Maps Dissemination Dissemination and Engagement Completed
Prince Edward Island High-resolution pluvial flood mapping and community engagement to increase public awareness Flood Mapping Completed Prince Edward Island
Quebec LiDAR topographique (2021-2022) pour les rivières Gatineau, de la Lièvre, Saint-Maurice, Yamaska et Châteauguay Data Acquisition Completed Rivière Chateauguay; Rivière Gatineau; Rivière Petite Nation; Rivière Saint-Maurice; Rivière Yamaska; Rivière Yamaska Nord
Quebec LiDAR topo-bathymétrique (2021-2022) pour les rivières du Nord et Châteauguay Data Acquisition Completed Rivière Chateauguay; Rivière du Nord
Quebec LiDAR topographique (2022-2023) pour les rivières Petite-Nation, L'Assomption et Richelieu Data Acquisition Completed Rivière Petite Nation; Rivière aux Brochets; Rivière l'Assomption
Quebec LiDAR topographique (2022-2023) pour les rivières Batiscan et Ste-Anne Data Acquisition Completed Rivière Batiscan; Rivière Sainte-Anne
Quebec LiDAR topographique (2022-2023) pour les rivières Jacques-Cartier, du Gouffre, Petit Saguenay et Saint-Jean Data Acquisition Completed Rivière Jacques Cartier; Rivière Petit Saguenay; Rivière Saint-Jean; Rivière du Gouffre
Quebec LiDAR topo-bathymétrique (2022-2023) sur des portions des rivières Kinojévis, L’Assomption, Maskinongé, du Loup et Yamaska Data Acquisition Completed Rivière Kinojévis; Rivière Maskinongé; Rivière Yamaska Nord; Rivière du Loup; Rivière l'Assomption
Quebec LiDAR topo-bathymetrique (2022-2023) sur des portions des rivières Nicolet, Bécancour, du Sud et Chaudière Data Acquisition Completed Rivière Bécancour; Rivière Chaudière; Rivière Nicolet; Rivière du Sud
Quebec Québec multiples rivières - Acquisition de données terrain (jaugeages, bathymétrie et lignes d'eau) Data Acquisition In Progress Rivière Etchemin; Rivière Jacques Cartier; Rivière Matane; Rivière Monmorency (Sud); Rivière Nicolet; Rivière Ouiatchouan; Rivière Ristigouche; Rivière Saint-Maurice; Rivière Sainte-Anne; Rivière au Renard; Rivière aux Brochets; Rivière du Gouffre; Rivière du Loup; Rivière du Nord; Rivière l'Assomption
Quebec Fleuve Saint-Laurent - Modélisation hydrodynamique d’événement de crues du fleuve Saint-Laurent (collaboration ECCC) Flood Mapping In Progress Fleuve Saint-Laurent
Quebec Rivières Assomption – Modélisation hydraulique de tronçons de rivières Flood Mapping Completed Rivière Mitis; Rivière Rigaud; Rivière Saint-Jean
Quebec LiDAR topographique (2023-2024) pour les rivières Outaouais, Blanche, Maskinongé, Nicolet, Bécancour (phase 1) Data Acquisition Completed Rivière Bécancour; Rivière Maskinongé; Rivière Nicolet; Rivière des Outaouais (Nord)
Quebec LiDAR topographique (2023-2024) pour les rivières Montmorency, Cascapédia (Petite), Saguenay, Chicoutimi, Ha! Ha! (Phase 1) Data Acquisition Completed Rivière Cascapédia; Rivière Ha! Ha! (Sud); Rivière Monmorency (Sud); Rivière Saguenay
Quebec LiDAR topo-bathymétrique (2023-2024) pour les rivières Gatineau, du Nord, Yamaska, St-François, du Nord et Ste-Anne (Phase 1) Data Acquisition Completed Rivière Gatineau; Rivière Sainte-Anne; Rivière du Nord
Quebec Projet de recherche et analyse de levés LiDAR topo-bathymétriques - Université de Sherbrooke et Université Laval Research Completed Fleuve Saint-Laurent; Rivière Batiscan; Rivière Chaudière; Rivière Saguenay; Rivière Saint-Jean; Rivière Sainte-Anne
Quebec LiDAR topographique dans la Communauté Métropolitaine de Montréal (Phase 1) Data Acquisition In Progress Montréal
Quebec Lidar topographique pour la rivière St-François Data Acquisition In Progress Rivière Saint-François
Quebec Lidar topographique pour la rivière Blanche Data Acquisition In Progress Rivière Blanche
Quebec LiDAR topographique (2023-2024) pour les rivières Outaouais, Blanche, Maskinongé, Nicolet, Bécancour (phase 2) Data Acquisition In Progress Rivière des Outaouais (Sud)
Quebec LiDAR topographique (2023-2024) pour les rivières Montmorency, Cascapédia (Petite), Saguenay, Chicoutimi, Ha! Ha! (Phase 2) Data Acquisition In Progress Rivière Chicoutimi; Rivière Ha! Ha! (Nord); Rivière Monmorency (Nord)
Quebec LiDAR topographique dans la Communauté Métropolitaine de Montréal (Phase 2) Data Acquisition In Progress Montréal
Quebec LiDAR topo-bathymétrique (2023-2024) pour les rivières Gatineau, du Nord, Yamaska, St-François, du Nord et Ste-Anne (Phase 2) Data Acquisition In Progress Rivière Saint-François; Rivière Yamaska
Quebec Modélisation hydrodynamique d’événement de crues du fleuve Saint-Laurent (collaboration ECCC) - suite Flood Mapping In Progress Fleuve Saint-Laurent
Quebec Modélisation de la rivière Saint-Maurice Flood Mapping In Progress Rivière Saint-Maurice
Quebec Modélisation de 16 bassins versants - Du Lièvre, Petite Nation, Du Nord, Mitis, Du Gouffre, Renard, Rigaud, St-Jean (Saguenay), Bécancour, Du Moulin, Petit-Saguenay, Richelieu, Gatineau, Ouiatchouan, Harricana, St-Jean (BSL) Flood Mapping In Progress
Quebec Modélisation Rivière Assomption Flood Mapping In Progress Rivière l'Assomption
Quebec Acquisition données terrain Data Acquisition In Progress
Quebec Contrat de recherche pour améliorer l'aquisition topo-bathy (suite) Technical Guidance In Progress
Quebec Lidar topo-bathymétrique côtier aux Îles-de-la-Madeleine Data Acquisition In Progress
Quebec Orthophotos - Régional (Îles de la Madeleine) Data Acquisition In Progress
Quebec Lidar topo-bathymétrique côtier dans la MRC Avignon. Data Acquisition In Progress
Quebec Lidar topo-bathymétrique côtier dans la MRC de Bonaventure Data Acquisition In Progress
Quebec Orthophotos - Régional (Gaspésie Nord) Data Acquisition In Progress
Saskatchewan Topo-bathymetric LiDAR for North & South Saskatchewan Rivers (Option 1) Data Acquisition Completed North Saskatchewan River; South Saskatchewan River (Saskatoon to Duck Lake)
Saskatchewan Topo-bathymetric LiDAR for North & South Saskatchewan Rivers (Option 3) Data Acquisition Completed North Saskatchewan River; South Saskatchewan River (Saskatoon to Duck Lake)
Saskatchewan Topographic LiDAR (2022-23) over Swift Current, Meota, Saskatoon, South Sask River, Meeting Lake and Cumberland House Data Acquisition Completed Cumberland House; Meeting Lake; RM of Meota; Saskatoon; South Saskatchewan River (Alberta to Eston); Swift Current
Saskatchewan Topographic LiDAR (2023-24) over Mervin, Wood River, Beaver River, Radville and Buffalo Narrows Data Acquisition Completed Beaver River; Buffalo Narrows; Gravelbourg; RM of Mervin; Radville
Saskatchewan Climate Change in Closed-Basin Lakes Research Initiative Research Completed
Saskatchewan Cumberland House - Survey Data Collection Data Acquisition Completed Cumberland House
Saskatchewan Regina - Survey Data Collection Data Acquisition Completed Regina
Saskatchewan Regina - Flood Hazard Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Regina
Saskatchewan Tisdale - Survey Data Collection Data Acquisition Completed Tisdale
Saskatchewan Tisdale - Stakeholder Engagement Dissemination and Engagement In Progress Tisdale
Saskatchewan Melfort - Survey Data Collection Data Acquisition Completed Melfort
Saskatchewan Yorkton - Survey Data Collection Data Acquisition In Progress Yorkton
Saskatchewan Saskatoon - Survey Data Collection Data Acquisition Completed Saskatoon
Saskatchewan Saskatoon - Flood Hazard Mapping Flood Mapping Completed Saskatoon
Saskatchewan Weyburn - Survey Data Collection Data Acquisition Completed Weyburn
Saskatchewan Weyburn - Flood Hazard Mapping Flood Mapping Completed Weyburn
Saskatchewan Weyburn - Stakeholder Engagement Dissemination and Engagement In Progress Weyburn
Saskatchewan Moose Jaw Flood - Stakeholder Engagement Dissemination and Engagement In Progress Moose Jaw
Saskatchewan Eastend Flood - Stakeholder Engagement Dissemination and Engagement In Progress Eastend
Saskatchewan Meeting Lake - Survey Data Collection Data Acquisition Completed Meeting Lake
Saskatchewan Swift Current - Survey Data Collection Data Acquisition In Progress Swift Current
Saskatchewan Rural Municipality of Meota - Survey Data Collection Data Acquisition Completed RM of Meota
Saskatchewan Rural Municipality of Meota - Flood Hazard Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress RM of Meota
Saskatchewan Rural Municipality of Meota - Stakeholder Engagement Dissemination and Engagement In Progress RM of Meota
Saskatchewan Gravelbourg - Survey Data Collection Data Acquisition Completed Gravelbourg
Saskatchewan Lumsden - Stakeholder Engagement Dissemination and Engagement In Progress Lumsden
Saskatchewan Moose Jaw - Survey Data Collection Data Acquisition Completed Moose Jaw
Saskatchewan Flood Vulnerability Assessment and Prioritization Study Prioritization Completed
Saskatchewan Whitesand River - LiDAR Acquisition Data Acquisition Completed Whitesand River
Saskatchewan Whitesand River - Data Collection Data Acquisition In Progress Whitesand River
Saskatchewan Vanguard - Data Collection Data Acquisition Completed Vanguard
Saskatchewan Little Manitou Lake - Data Collection Data Acquisition Completed Little Manitou Lake
Saskatchewan Static Survey Hydrometric Survey Tie-in Data Acquisition In Progress
Saskatchewan Misc community LiDAR and Survey Engagement Dissemination and Engagement In Progress
Saskatchewan Saskatchewan River Delta - Lidar Acquisition Data Acquisition Completed Red Earth Cree Nation; Saskatchewan River Delta (West); Shoal Lake Cree Nation
Saskatchewan Lake Roy - Lidar Acquisition Data Acquisition In Progress Estevan; Lampman; Oxbow; Roche Percée; Souris River
Saskatchewan Topographic lidar for Carrot River, Melfort, Tisdale, and Prince Albert Data Acquisition In Progress Carrot River; Melfort; Prince Albert; Tisdale
Saskatchewan Langenburg - Data Collection Data Acquisition In Progress Langenburg
Saskatchewan Souris River - Flood Extent Flood Mapping In Progress Souris River
Yukon Southern Lakes - Flood Mapping Flood Mapping Completed Carcross; Lake Laberge; Marsh Lake; Tagish
Yukon Southern Lakes - Lidar Acquisition Survey Data Acquisition Completed Lake Laberge; Marsh Lake; Tagish
Yukon Southern Lakes, Teslin and Pelly Crossing - GCP Survey Data Acquisition Completed Lake Laberge; Marsh Lake; Pelly Crossing; Tagish; Teslin
Yukon Carmacks, Dawson City, Klondike Valley, Mayo, Ross River, Old Crow, Upper Liard, Whitehorse - GCP Survey Data Acquisition Completed Carmacks; Dawson City; Klondike Valley; Mayo; Old Crow; Ross River; Upper Liard; Whitehorse
Yukon Carmacks - Flood Mapping Flood Mapping Completed Carmacks
Yukon Carmacks - Engagement (Community Events) Dissemination and Engagement Completed Carmacks
Yukon Southern Lakes - Engagement (Community Events) Dissemination and Engagement Completed Carcross; Lake Laberge; Marsh Lake; Tagish
Yukon Teslin - Engagement (Community Events) Dissemination and Engagement Completed Teslin
Yukon Indigenous Knowledge in Flood Mapping Forum Dissemination and Engagement Completed
Yukon Teslin - Flood Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Teslin
Yukon Old Crow, Dawson City, Klondike Valley, and Carcross - Lidar Re-Projection and Classification Data Acquisition Completed Carcross; Dawson City; Klondike Valley; Old Crow
Yukon Teslin - Lidar Acquisition Survey Data Acquisition Completed Teslin
Yukon Teslin - GCP Survey Data Acquisition Completed Teslin
Yukon Carmacks & Teslin - LiDAR Processing Data Acquisition Completed Carmacks; Teslin
Yukon Engagement Planning & Support for 2023 Flood Mapping Dissemination and Engagement In Progress Carcross; Carmacks; Lake Laberge; Marsh Lake; Tagish; Teslin
Yukon Carcross - GCP Survey (Lidar Correction) Data Acquisition Completed Carcross
Yukon Southern Lakes - Engagement (CTFN, KDFN Committee Participation) Dissemination and Engagement Completed Carcross; Lake Laberge; Marsh Lake; Tagish
Yukon Teslin - GCP Survey (Lidar Correction) Data Acquisition Completed Teslin
Yukon Old Crow - Flood Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Old Crow
Yukon Mayo - Lidar Data Processing Data Acquisition Completed Mayo
Yukon Carmacks - Bridge As-Built Survey Data Acquisition Completed Carmacks
Yukon Dawson City and Klondike Valley - Flood Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Dawson City; Klondike Valley
Yukon Mayo - Flood Mapping Flood Mapping In Progress Mayo
Yukon Upper Liard - Lidar Acquisition Data Acquisition In Progress Upper Liard
Yukon Mayo - GCP Survey Data Acquisition Completed Mayo
Yukon YukonU - Break-up Modelling (Old Crow, Dawson City, Klondike Valley) Flood Mapping In Progress Dawson City; Klondike Valley; Old Crow
Yukon Engagement - Illustrations Dissemination and Engagement In Progress
Yukon Klondike - Lidar Acquisition Data Acquisition Completed Klondike Valley

(Project names are in the language of the region and could not be translated.)


Grants and Contributions Projects

Through Calls for Proposals, FHIMP is funding research, development, and implementation projects that support the creation of flood hazard information in Canada.

The focus of the Regional Modelling stream is the development and improvement of regional flood modelling approaches. These modelling approaches will focus on hydraulics and mapping, leveraging Natural Resources Canada’s foundational data, and ongoing climate and hydrology research at Environment and Climate Change Canada to produce coastal, fluvial, and pluvial flooding scenarios at a regional scale.

The focus of the Indigenous Traditional Knowledge stream is to facilitate the exchange between Indigenous knowledge and other scientific practices related to flood mapping.

Regional Modelling

Agreement Title: Regional flood modelling and mapping in the South Nation River Basin: Using new and innovative tools to map floods and build knowledge of flood risk under different flood scenarios

Recipient Legal Name: South Nation River Conservation Authority (SNC)

City: Finch

Recipient Province or Territory: Ontario

Agreement Value in CAD: $430,355

Project Objective and Expected Results: The recipient will use advanced science to develop accurate flood inundation maps for the South Nation River Watershed, enhancing flood risk decision support systems. These maps will be shared with municipal partners, planners, asset managers, emergency coordinators, and residents to improve flood risk awareness. The project will compare innovative flood mapping techniques with traditional methods and assess flood risks under various climate scenarios. The results will support land use planning and establish new flood mapping techniques, aiding both scientific research and practical decision-making in a rapidly growing region.

Agreement Title: Ice Thickness Modelling For Ice Jam Hazard Prediction and Mapping Using Machine Learning

Recipient Legal Name: Water Resources Management Division (WRMD) of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador (NL)

City: St. John’s

Recipient Province or Territory: Newfoundland and Labrador

Agreement Value in CAD: $225,000

Project Objective and Expected Results: The recipient will enhance capabilities for delivering machine learning (ML)-based solutions for: (1) river ice classification, (2) thickness forecasting, and (3) long-range break up prediction. This enhancement is intended to provide improved inputs to support the ice jam flood risk modeling and mapping outputs conducted by the Proponent. The project will leverage ML-based algorithms developed by the Proponent and its collaborator for river ice classification and ice thickness prediction, freely available satellite imagery, as well as the collaborator’s cloud-based service delivery platform.

Agreement Title: Research Investigation Towards the Compound Flooding Risks and the Accuracy and Uncertainty of Island-Wide Flood Mapping for PEI

Recipient Legal Name: Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation, University of Prince Edward Island

City: Charlottetown

Recipient Province or Territory: Prince Edward Island

Agreement Value in CAD: $459,266

Project Objective and Expected Results: The recipient will enhance island-wide pluvial flood modeling for PEI, addressing critical challenges to support the provincial government in developing more robust flood hazard maps amidst climate change. Key research questions include determining coastal boundary conditions for modeling compound flooding risks, integrating hydraulic infrastructures in the model, and assessing model accuracy and associated uncertainties.

Agreement Title: From fine to regional scales: Using physics-informed artificial intelligence and remote sensing for flood modelling and hazard mapping

Recipient Legal Name: University of Saskatchewan

City: Saskatoon

Recipient Province or Territory: Saskatchewan

Agreement Value in CAD: $181,700

Project Objective and Expected Results: The recipient will develop three key outputs for this project. First, they will create innovative methods that blend AI, process-based modeling, and remote sensing to generate flood hazard maps, which will be validated and shared through publications and conferences. Second, they will produce detailed flood hazard maps for the Assiniboine River Basin, providing risk categorization and uncertainty measures to support decision-making. Lastly, the recipient will design a user-friendly interface for viewing these maps, incorporating feedback from local collaborators and community workshops to enhance usability and effectiveness.

Agreement Title: Deep learning-based resolution enhancement of flood maps

Recipient Legal Name: CE Flood Analytics Ltd.

City: Steinbach

Recipient Province or Territory: Manitoba

Agreement Value in CAD: $143,812

Project Objective and Expected Results: The recipient will deliver a tool for local, regional, and national stakeholders to enhance the resolution of existing flood map products using machine learning and NRCan’s high-resolution terrain model, HRDEM. This tool will offer a low-cost solution to create high-resolution flood maps from global or regional models, making it accessible for non-expert stakeholders.

Agreement Title: State-of-the-art AI model development for reliable and accurate flood mapping under climate change: Supercharging flood mapping

Recipient Legal Name: The Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning/McGill University

City: Montréal

Recipient Province or Territory: Québec

Agreement Value in CAD: $257,600

Project Objective and Expected Results: The recipient will evaluate the use of transformer models for predicting water levels in Canadian watersheds, focusing on climate-induced uncertainty. They will deliver optimized probabilistic prediction models for approximately 300 locations (gauges) across Canada, making these tools accessible to researchers, decision-makers, and local communities. The project will also provide Python sample codes for flood mapping using Transformer models and HAND, available on GitHub for reproducibility. Expected results include detailed water level predictions (mean values and confidence levels) for three climate scenarios, yielding around 900 prediction sets in NetCDF format for widespread dissemination and use.

Agreement Title: Amélioration de la modélisation régionale des inondations fluviales basée sur les données LiDAR dans différents contextes géomorphologiques au Canada (French only)

Recipient Legal Name: Université Concordia

City: Montréal

Recipient Province or Territory: Québec

Agreement Value in CAD: $773,741

Project Objective and Expected Results: Le bénéficiaire améliorera une méthode de modélisation régionale des inondations fluviales, développée initialement au Québec, pour l'appliquer à l'ensemble des bassins versants du Canada. En intégrant l'intelligence artificielle pour détecter les chenaux lors de l'acquisition des données LiDAR, trois bassins pilotes, dont la rivière Rouge au Manitoba, seront analysés. Le projet aboutira à une méthodologie simplifiée pour la cartographie des zones inondables, incluant des programmes informatiques accessibles en libre accès et un guide d'application. Les résultats attendus comprennent des cartes de zones inondables, des modèles hydrauliques, et un rapport final, destinés aux gouvernements et autres intervenants pour améliorer la gestion des risques d'inondation et sensibiliser le public.

Agreement Title: Improved model-based techniques for estimating low-frequency flood event magnitudes across Canada

Recipient Legal Name: University of Waterloo

City: Waterloo

Recipient Province or Territory: Ontario

Agreement Value in CAD: $595,000

Project Objective and Expected Results: The recipient will develop advanced techniques for estimating the uncertain magnitude of low-frequency flood events (e.g., 50-year, 100-year, 200-year floods) using hydrological models enhanced by machine learning. They will assess the value of alternative data sources, such as remotely sensed water level observations, to improve predictions of flood magnitudes at a regional scale. The expected outputs include high-resolution strategies for estimating flood discharges and lake levels in both gauged and ungauged basins, integration of machine learning tools like long short-term memory networks (LSTMs) into conventional flood modeling workflows, and methodologies for calibrating regional hydrologic models using river surface elevation and width data, leveraging information from the NASA Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission to enhance the accuracy of flood predictions.

Agreement Title: Local-scale Current and Projected Future Total Flood Hazard Mapping for Canada – Literature Review

Recipient Legal Name: Slobodan P. Simonovic Consulting Ltd

City: London

Recipient Province or Territory: Ontario

Agreement Value in CAD: $45,453

Project Objective and Expected Results: The recipient will conduct a focused literature review to advance understanding of global methodologies for creating national-scale total flood hazard maps, identifying approaches suitable for implementation in Canada. This review will cover methods for mapping fluvial, pluvial, and coastal flood hazards at various scales under changing climate conditions. The project will explore the integration of AI and remote sensing to refine regional flood maps to finer scales, expanding the scope to include pluvial and coastal hazards alongside existing expertise in fluvial mapping. The expected outcomes include identifying scalable, climate-informed methods and tools for national flood hazard assessment, supporting Canadian applications.

Indigenous Traditional Knowledge

Agreement Title: Harmonizing Hydrology and Heritage: Indigenous Knowledge Driven Flood Mapping for Six First Nations

Recipient Legal Name: Tribal Chiefs Ventures Inc. (TCVI)

City: Edmonton

Recipient Province or Territory: Alberta

Agreement Value in CAD: $250,000

Project Objective and Expected Results: The recipient will create a robust, culturally informed flood hazard mapping system that integrates traditional Indigenous knowledge with modern GIS and hydrological modeling techniques. The goal is to strengthen community resilience to flooding by improving preparedness, risk identification, and disaster management planning.

Agreement Title: Sqéwqel's Indigenous Knowledge Interweaving

Recipient Legal Name: Seabird Island Band

City: Agassiz

Recipient Province or Territory: British Columbia

Agreement Value in CAD: $250,000

Project Objective and Expected Results: The recipient will enhance resilience and preparedness among Seabird Island Band and neighboring communities against flood hazards by leveraging Indigenous Traditional Knowledge through the development of participatory tools, comprehensive traditional knowledge studies, and inclusive engagement processes. This project aims to integrate Indigenous perspectives into flood hazard mapping and emergency management, identify the impacts of flooding on Indigenous lands and communities, and foster capacity building to empower Indigenous participation in environmental stewardship and sustainable hazard mitigation strategies.

Agreement Title: Dene Nàhodhe (in tune with nature): Indigenous Perspectives on Flood Hazard and Response in KFN Traditional Territory

Recipient Legal Name: Kátł'odeeche First Nation

City: Hay River

Recipient Province or Territory: Northwest Territories

Agreement Value in CAD: $250,000

Project Objective and Expected Results: The recipient will create KFN Flood Hazard datasets that integrate Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science to improve flood data availability and understanding. It will assess flooding's impact on cultural activities, habitat, community safety, and infrastructure. The project will also develop culturally appropriate policy tools for flood mitigation and support knowledge transfer of Indigenous flood response strategies within the community, especial7ly from Elders to Youth.

About the program

Under the National Adaptation Strategy, the Government of Canada is investing $164.2 million (2024 to 2028) in FHIMP to help Canadians better plan and prepare for future floods. The original FHIMP investment totalled $63.8 million over three years (2021 to 2024).

FHIMP is one of many measures the Government of Canada is pursuing to increase the resiliency of Canadians in the face of the rising frequency and costs of flood events and other climate-related disasters. These efforts avoid duplication of other federal flood mapping activities, such as First Nation Adapt. The FHIMP is complementary to initiatives including:

Program eligibility

Provincial and territorial governments are the eligible recipients for funding under the FHIMP. However, they may collaborate with, and redistribute funding to eligible entities, such as:

  • municipal or other local governments
  • public sector bodies
  • private sector bodies
  • Indigenous communities
  • international non-government organizations, or
  • any combination of these entities

Historic flood programs

Text version

A timeline demonstrating the years different Flood-related programs have been active with brief descriptions.

  • From 1976 until 1996, the Flood Damage Reduction Program (FDRP) was in place. It was a national program that created flood maps in over 900 communities and was used to encourage the use of land-use controls within these mapped areas.
  • From 2016 onward, the First Nations Adapt Program (FNA) funds adaptation activities for First Nation communities south of 60 who are greatly impacted by climate change. The program provides support for community-led, needs-based, adaptation projects like risk assessments, cost benefit analysis of adaptation options, and flood mapping.
  • From 2016 onward, the Climate Change Preparedness in the North (CCPN) program provides support to northern communities and organizations to help them adapt to climate change impacts through projects like vulnerability and risk assessments, hazard mapping, and adaptation plans.
  • From 2015 until 2022, the National Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP) was established to reduce the impacts of natural disasters on Canadians by focusing investments on significant, recurring flood risks and costs. The four streams of funding included development/modernization of flood maps.
  • From 2021 until 2028, the Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program (FHIMP) will be active. The program includes collaborating with provinces and territories to create or update flood hazard maps for areas at higher risk of flooding.


Find out more about flood mapping

Reach out to us

For more information, please email geoinfo@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca