Data related to flood mapping

Looking for interactive maps ready to use? Access the Flood Map and Dataset Gallery.

Automatically Extracted Buildings

Access automatically extracted building footprint delimitations

Canada Flood Map Inventory

Discover the regions where a flood hazard map has been compiled and information on how to access it

Canadian Hydrospatial Network

Explore Canada's surface waters with the highest resolution available

Climate Data

Visualize and analyze climate data to support adaptation planning and decision-making

Flood Susceptibility Index

Find out which regions are prone to flooding with this national map created using machine learning

Floods in Canada

Access flood extent maps developed in near-real time using satellite imagery

High Resolution Digital Elevation Model

See a three-dimensional representation of the earth's surface

Historical Flood Events

Explore an archive of locations where some of the largest floods have taken place in Canadian history since 1696

Hydrometric Data

Download near-real-time hydrometric station data received via satellite or terrestrial transmission

Lidar Point Clouds

Explore point clouds from airborne lidar

Meteorological Data

Access weather, climate and related data

National Hydrographic Network

Navigate Canada's surface waters, including rivers, lakes and dams

Find out more about flood mapping

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