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Office of Energy Research and Development Programs

Current initiatives are delivering high-quality research, development and demonstration (RD&D) projects for Canadians


Energy Innovation Program

Over $70 million per year

OERD’s flagship on-going program is funding energy RD&D projects that aim to reduce GHG emissions by 4.25 Mt/year by 2030 while increasing competitiveness, affordability and reliability in Canada’s energy sector.

In addition:

  • Up to $319 million over 7 years for CCUS RD&D to advance the commercial viability of CCUS technologies in three focus areas: capture, storage and transportation, and utilization.
  • Up to $47 million over 3 years to support key Smart Grid technology, market and regulatory innovations that address barriers in order to scale pilot projects into grid-wide deployments.


Green Infrastructure: Energy Efficient Buildings

$42.4 million over 8 years

Projects are demonstrating innovative building technologies through deep-energy retrofits and the construction of new buildings.


Green Infrastructure: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations

$76.1 million over 6 years

Demonstration projects are addressing technological gaps and barriers to the introduction of electric vehicles, such as cost, safety, charging speed and function in very cold climates.


Green Infrastructure: Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities

$135.7 million over 10 years

Demonstration projects are reducing reliance on diesel fuel in Canada’s rural and remote communities, primarily indigenous communities, by supporting a transition to more sustainable energy solutions.


Federal Internal Energy R&D

Up to $50 million per year

Together, the Program of Energy Research and Development and the internal component of the Energy Innovation Program fund energy-related RD&D activities undertaken in federal departments and agencies.


Impact Canada – Oil Spill Response Challenge

Up to $10 million over 3 years

The Oil Spill Response Challenge, with its two streams, will spark new ideas and engage diverse perspectives to spur the development of innovative and rapidly deployable solutions that improve oil spill response in diverse Canadian aquatic environments.


Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program

Up to $35.5 million over 5 years

Building from the Energiespring model, the Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program (GNPP) aims to validate the benefits and business cases of aggregated deep energy retrofits approaches in up to six community housing neighbourhoods in Canada.

Recently completed Programs. All funding under these programs has been allocated and projects continue to report on progress and achievements.


Clean Growth Program

$155 million over 4 years ended March 31, 2022

Projects addressed pressing environmental challenges and economic opportunities in Canada’s energy, mines and forestry sectors, for an expected GHG reduction of 0.3 to 0.7 Mt/year by 2026.


Impact Canada Clean Tech Challenges

$75 million over 4 years ended March 31, 2022

Under six Clean Tech Challenges, innovators unlocked breakthrough solutions to complex and persistent problems in developing clean technology.


Green Infrastructure: Smart Grids

$100 million over 5 years ended March 31, 2023

Funding utility-led projects are reducing GHG emissions, better utilizing existing electricity assets and fostering innovation and clean jobs by demonstrating smart grid technologies and integrated systems.

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