The Green Infrastructure (GI) Smart Grid Program is closed to applications.
Check out our new Smart Grid funding call under the Energy Innovation Program.
The GI Smart Grid Program was one of Natural Resource Canada’s targeted national programs addressing key infrastructure to advance the goals of the Pan Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. Up to $100 million has been invested for utility-led projects to reduce GHG emissions, better utilize existing electricity assets and foster innovation and clean jobs for:
- demonstration of smart grid technologies
- deployment of smart grid integrated systems
GI Smart Grid Program Timeline
The smart grid program invested $100M over five years. During the program, recipients report on the deployment and grid impacts of their projects up-to-5 years following project investment. NRCan uses this information for analysis of grid impacts and program lessons to inform future program and policy development.
The Smart Grid Program was renewed, under the Energy Innovation Program, in Budget 2023.
Smart Grid program timeline - text version
Timeline from 2018-2028 indicating the program started in 2018-2019. The project implementation and deployment of assets and progress reporting will take place during 2018-2023. The outcome reporting (e.g., grid impacts, benefits, and technology performance) will take place during 2019-2028. NRCan Analysis (e.g., innovation analysis, benefits, and lessons learned) will take place during 2019-2028.
GI Smart Grid Program Overview
The Smart Grid Program Overview (PDF, 2 MB) lists projects funded by the Program.
Once implemented, the projects will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and have an impact in reducing the long-term economic impact to the customer.
Supported Smart Grid Projects under GI
Map of projects funded by the Smart Grid Program
Text version: Table 1. List of projects funded by the Smart Grid Program
Number | Recipient | Project Title | Project Type | System category |
1 | Yukon Energy | Residential Demand Response Program (RDRP) | Demonstration | DERMS |
2 | EPCOR | EPCOR Smart Grid System (ESGS) | Deployment | DERMS, Microgrid, Distributed energy storage |
3 | EQUS REA | Canada’s 1st Member-Owned Rural Smart Grid Project | Deployment | DERMS |
4 | ENMAX Power | Integrating Distributed Generation into Secondary Networks in Large Urban Centres | Demonstration | Grid monitoring and automation |
5 | FortisAlberta Inc. | FortisAlberta Waterton Energy Storage Project | Demonstration | Microgrid-connected |
6 | City of Lethbridge | Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR) Deployment in Lethbridge Electricity Utility (LEU) Distribution Network | Demonstration | Grid monitoring and automation |
7 | SaskPower | SaskPower Distribution Modernization Program | Deployment | Grid monitoring and automation |
8 | SSM PUC | Sault Smart Grid | Deployment | Grid monitoring and automation |
9 | Entegrus Powerlines Inc. | Conservation Voltage Reduction | Deployment | Grid monitoring and automation |
10 | Bracebridge | Smart, Proactive, Enabled, Energy Distribution; Intelligent, Efficiently, Responsive (SPEEDIER) Project | Hybrid | DERMS |
11 | London Hydro | West 5 Smart Grid Project | Hybrid | DERMS |
12 | Alectra Utilities | Power.House Hybrid: Minimizing GHGs and Maximizing Grid Benefits | Demonstration | DERMS |
13 | Alectra Utilities | GridExchange | Demonstration | DERMS |
14 | Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) | York Region Non-Wires Alternatives Demonstration Project | Demonstration | New markets & rate options (NRO) |
15 | Lakefront Utilities | Digital Utility Platform | Deployment | Grid monitoring and automation |
16 | Hydro-Quebec | Smart Grid Deployment of Off-Grid Networks | Deployment | Microgrid off-grid, grid monitoring, automation and storage off-grid |
17 | Hydro-Quebec | Lac-Megantic Microgrid | Hybrid | Microgrid-connected |
18 | Saint John Energy | Integrated Dispatchable Resource Network for Local Electric Distribution Utility | Hybrid | DERMS |
19 | New Brunswick Power | Collaborative Grid Innovation for Atlantic Smart Energy Communities | Hybrid | DERMS |
20 | Nova Scotia Power | Collaborative Grid Innovation for Atlantic Smart Energy Communities | Hybrid | DERMS |
21 | PEI Energy | Slemon Park Microgrid Project | Deployment | Microgrid, DERMS |
22 | Hydro-Québec | Diesel, solar, and battery microgrid: Hydro-Quebec Remote Communities in Nunavik (Quaqtaq) | Demonstration | Microgrid |
Legend: DERMS– Distributed Energy Resource Management |
In the Spotlight

Advancing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility in the Future Electricity Sector: Event Report
In 2022, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) collaborated with Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) to deliver a workshop to program participants on Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA).
The event report provides an overview of outcomes from speaker presentations and breakout discussions. The report also highlights key activities and considerations for advancing EDI in the electricity sector workforce, and points to key resources for continuous development.
Download a copy of the report – (PDF 566 KB)
Reports and Initiatives
Advancing Equity Diversity and Inclusion in the Electricity Sector: Event Report – (PDF 566 KB)
Grid Integration of Renewable Energy
Innovation and Electricity Regulation Initiative
Smart Grid in Canada Report: 2020-2021
The Smart Grid Program Overview – (PDF 1.73 MB)
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