Focusing on clusters of low-rise housing, the Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program (GNPP) seeks to pilot the Energiesprong aggregated deep energy retrofit model in the Canadian market. This model, developed by the Netherlands and adopted by the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the United States, accelerates the pace and scale of retrofits by aggregating similar homes and buildings in an entire neighbourhood to create mass demand for deep energy retrofits. This scale of project and similarity of buildings can leverage new retrofit approaches such as the use of prefabricated exterior panels to reduce on-site labour time and overall project costs, while reducing the energy use intensity and emissions from each retrofitted building. This support for community-level home retrofits aligns with the Net-Zero Advisory Body’s recommendation to seek out opportunities to decarbonize multiple buildings at once.
Program Timelines
The Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program is investing $35.5M over five years. Recipients periodically report on their project activities during project implementation, and report on post-project results for 5 years following project completion. NRCan uses this information to report to Canadians on the use of public funds as well as for market analysis and program lessons to inform future program and policy development.

Greener Neighbourhood Pilot Program timeline – text version
Timeline from 2023-2033 indicating the program started in 2023-2024.
The Market Development Team project implementation, activities, and progress reporting will take place during 2023-2027. The Market Development Team outcome reporting (e.g., industry impacts and retrofit market uptake) will take place during 2027-2032. NRCan analysis (e.g., industry impacts, retrofit market uptake, and lessons learned) will take place during 2027-2032.
The Demonstration Projects will complete retrofits and report on progress during 2023-2028. The Demonstration Projects outcome reporting (e.g., project impacts, benefits, and performance) will take place during 2028-2033. NRCan analysis (e.g., retrofit analysis, benefits, and lessons learned) will take place during 2028-2033.
Program Overview
More than two thirds of buildings that will be standing in Canada in 2050 have already been built today, and many of them need to be retrofitted to make them more sustainable. The Government of Canada is investing $35.5M over five years, starting in 2022-23, for Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) to implement a Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program (GNPP) that aims to validate the benefits and business cases of aggregated deep energy retrofit approaches in up to six community housing neighbourhoods in Canada.
The GNPP will pilot the Energiesprong model in Canada through initiatives that:
- Validate the technical and economic feasibility of the Energiesprong deep energy retrofit approach;
- Support regional Market Development Teams (MDTs) in their work to accelerate the market for aggregated deep energy retrofits;
- Support deep energy retrofit demonstration projects in community housing buildings in up to six communities (100 or more units per demonstration site);
- Fund critical S&T activities to overcome challenges in implementing novel retrofit solutions, and support engagement and sharing of best practices with stakeholders.
The GNPP program is expected to achieve the following outcomes:
- Increased uptake of deep energy retrofits across the residential sector through aggregation and replication;
- Reduced overall cost, construction time, energy use intensity and GHG emissions from aggregated deep energy retrofits;
- Improved comfort, energy efficiency and environmental outcomes for Canadian homes.
The success of the Energiesprong model is underpinned by the presence of MDTs. These are third-party organizations who convene and coordinate supply- and demand-side actors to broker aggregated deep energy retrofit projects at pilot- or full-scale, find solutions to regional gaps and barriers, and drive market transformation in their regions. Examples of other industry terms for MDTs or similar concepts include “retrofit coordinators”, “retrofit accelerators,” or “retrofit transaction enablers.”
The GNPP builds from foundational innovations pioneered by CanmetENERGY on the Prefabricated Exterior Energy Retrofit (PEER) concept as well as the successful implementation of Energiesprong-inspired deep energy retrofit projects funded under NRCan’s Green Infrastructure Energy Efficient Buildings Program (EEB). The EEB Program provided $547,500 in funding to the Ottawa Community Housing Corporation to demonstrate a replicable, prefabricated modular approach for retrofitting a four-unit townhouse, with an emphasis on exploring opportunities for standardization and industrialization, providing a replicable solution that benefits Canadians. The EEB Program also provided $2.7 million in funding to the Sundance Housing Co-operative to demonstrate a first-in-Canada scale-up of the Energiesprong approach to 59 units of a townhouse complex.
In parallel to the launch of this program, NRCan has launched the Deep Retrofit Accelerator Initiative (DRAI). The DRAI is a complementary program that will support retrofit accelerators that focus on providing services to the owners of large buildings, including commercial, institutional, and mid- or high-rise multi-unit residential buildings.
Supported Projects
Market Development Teams (MDTs)
Status: RFP Call Closed (Projects In-Progress)
Funding call to support MDTs in their work to develop the regional market for aggregated deep energy housing retrofits at scale.
Status: Closed (selected projects undergoing due diligence review)
Funding call to support demonstrations of the Energiesprong model for community housing.
Coming Soon! Selected Demonstration projects
Map of projects funded by the Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program
Text version: Table 1. List of projects funded by the Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program
Recipient | Organization Type | Project Title | Region Served | Building Type(s) |
Earthrise Building Services Inc. | For Profit - Micro | Earthrise Retrofit Accelerator | Yukon, with a focus on engaging with Indigenous communities | Single detached, semi-detached houses |
First Nations Power Authority of Saskatchewan Inc. | Indigenous Group | FNPA's Market Development Initiative for Community-Scale Energy Efficiency Retrofits in Indigenous Communities | Saskatchewan, Federal Lands | Single detached houses |
Sustainable Buildings Canada | Not-for-Profit | Enabling Energiesprong Market Transformation by Supporting Ontario's Social Housing Market | Ontario | Row houses, multi-unit residential buildings |
EnviroCentre | Not-for-Profit | Future Homes Accelerator | Eastern Ontario | Townhouses, stacked townhouses, semi-detached houses |
Conseil régional de l'environnement et du développement durable de l'Outaouais (CREDDO) | Not-for-Profit | Communauté du bâtiment vert de l'Outaouais | Outaouais, Quebec | All residential building types of four stories or less |
The ReCover Initiative | For Profit - Micro | Atlantic Canadian Retrofit Roadmap | Atlantic Canada | Low-rise multi-unit residential buildings |
Recipient | Organization Type | Project Title | Project Location | Building Type(s) |
Retrofit Canada Society | Not-for-Profit | National Retrofit Repository and Engagement to Advance Canadian Deep Energy Retrofits | Canada | All residential building types of four stories or less |
Market Development Team Application Guide
Demonstration Project Application Guide
Prefabricated Exterior Energy Retrofit (PEER) Guide
Local Energy Efficiency Partnerships (LEEP)
Contact us
For any questions regarding the Greener Neighbourhood Pilot Program, or our Terms and Conditions, please contact NRCan at
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