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Research agendas of the Canadian Forest Service

Five national-scaled plans are guiding the science, research and engagement activities of the Canadian Forest Service over the next 10 years.

Research agendas of the CFS:

Developed with input from academia, industry, governmental and non-governmental collaborators, these research agendas reflect national interests and priorities for 2019 to 2029. They outline the path forward to fill knowledge gaps and ensure Canada remains a leader in sustainable forest management.

Cumulative Effects on Canada’s Forests

Addressing Cumulative Effects of Natural Resources Development in Canada’s Forests identifies research gaps and sets priority areas for CFS research for 2019 to 2029. This research agenda will help Canada effectively manage cumulative effects by identifying ways that land managers and decision makers can proactively develop tools that support forest ecosystem resilience and sustainable resource development. The agenda recommends an integrated approach consistent with Indigenous knowledge and values to develop knowledge, tools, strategies and capacity to manage cumulative effects.

Download a PDF version of Addressing cumulative effects of natural resource development in Canada’s forests from our publications database.

Forest Climate Change

Enhancing Forest Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Canada is a strategic 10-year research agenda that promotes and strengthens collaborative climate change research. The agenda encourages and facilitates priority research and informed decision-making, science-policy interaction and knowledge exchange surrounding topics that are of key economic and strategic importance to Canada. This agenda recognizes that climate change research and knowledge are critical to enabling sustainable forest management, future bio- and circular economies, as well as healthy and resilient communities. Realizing the agenda also requires producing science and tools that are relevant, timely and useful.

Download a PDF version of Enhancing forest climate change mitigation and adaptation in Canada from our publications database.

Forest Pest Risk Management

Forest insects and diseases are important ecological components of forests, but their impacts may have negative economic, social or ecological outcomes under certain conditions. Scientific research helps us to better understand, predict, mitigate and adapt to these consequences. The Forest Pest Risk Management National Research Agenda sets a long-term path for collaboration and partnership in forest pest research in Canada. It also outlines critical research themes and priorities for forest pest risk management. Research results will generate knowledge and tools that support evidence-based policies and practices that help maintain forests and a strong forest sector. These policies and practices will also help to ensure that Canadian wood and wood products are safe for international markets.

Download a PDF version of the Forest Pest Risk Management: National Research Agenda (2019-2029) from our publications database.

Sustainable Forest Management

Enhancing Sustainable Forest Management Practices presents Canada’s commitment to ensuring that its forests maintain their environmental, social, cultural and economic values now and into the future. This agenda identifies research priorities for 2019 to 2029 that explore ways to enhance sustainable forest management (SFM) practices. It also reflects national interests and priorities, outlining the research needed to fill knowledge gaps and ensure Canada remains a leader in SFM. Through ongoing collaborative action, the CFS will continue to build a strong forest science foundation.

Download a PDF version of Enhancing sustainable forest management practices in Canada from our publications database.

Wildland Fire Science in Canada

The Blueprint for Wildland Fire Science in Canada (2019-2029) is a collaborative, strategic 10-year action plan focused on building national wildland fire science capacity across Canada. The report identifies existing research gaps, priority research topics as well as recommendations to enhance wildland fire research. Enhancing Canada’s forest science capacity will help us understand the ways that wildland fire may be changing and inform our response and adaptation efforts. As Canada experiences more frequent, extreme and complicated wildland fire events, strong wildland fire science can help make Canada more resilient to new and changing wildland fires.

Download a PDF version of Blueprint for Wildland Fire Science in Canada (2019-2029) from our publications database.

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