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Sustainable forest management

Sustainable forest management decisions and activities are based on scientific research, rigorous planning processes and standards as well as public consultation.

Sustainable forest management in Canada

Learn more about Canada’s commitment to sustainable forest management.

Canada’s strict forest laws

Canada’s strong system of forest laws, monitoring and enforcement ensures sustainable forest management across the country. Find out more.

Boreal forest

Learn about Canada’s boreal forest from key facts, a map of the North American boreal zone, the latest research and recent publications.

Conservation and protection of Canada’s forests

Read about how Canada conserves and protects its forests through strict laws and science-based sustainable forest management practices.

Forest management planning

An approved forest management plan is required before any forestry operations occur on public land in Canada. Learn more about forest management planning in Canada.

Measuring and reporting

See the tools and techniques that Canada’s forest scientists use to understand and report on the country’s vast forests.

Forest land ownership

About 94% of Canada’s forests are publicly owned. Learn about public and private forest ownership in Canada.

Forest certification in Canada

Read about how certification provides added assurance that a forest company operates legally and complies with sustainable forest management standards.

Statistical forestry data

Find current data on forest inventory, management, production, economic impact, trade and other forestry-related topics.

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