The Canadian Forest Service

The Canadian Forest Service (CFS) collaborates closely with academia, industry as well as Canada’s provinces and territories to ensure our forests are sustainable and healthy.

About the Canadian Forest Service

Learn about the mandate and priorities of the Canadian Forest Service.

Forest research centres

Read about the activities going on at the Canadian Forest Service’s national and regional forest research offices across the country.

State of Canada’s Forests report

Read the latest report about Canada's forests, including information on the forest industry, carbon emissions and removals, and forest fires.

Forest sector funding programs

Explore federal funding programs for the Canadian forest sector.

Current lumber, pulp and panel prices

Track prices for softwood lumber, pulp and panel products.

Canadian Forest Service publications

Search our database to download or order publications.

Forestry glossary

Find definitions for hundreds of forestry-related terms.

Forest research projects

Read about the scientific research projects underway at the Canadian Forest Service.

Statistical data

Find current data on forest inventory, management, production, economic impact, trade and other forestry-related topics.

CFS Employee Profile Directory

Find contact information for Canadian Forest Service employees across the country.

Climate change and forests

Learn about the reciprocal relationship between Canada’s forests and climate change as well as mitigation and adaptation strategies for the forest sector.

Science to support tree planting

Find the latest information on science-based research and technical expertise.

Forest resources

Discover tools and resources, such as glossaries and statistical data related to wildland fires, climate change, forest insects, and more.

Wildland fires

Information relating to funding programs, managing and monitoring wildland fires in Canada.