Non-Destructive Testing Certification

Visual Testing Launch

NRCan NDTCB Visual Testing (VT) new method deployment: Target launch date on January 31, 2025.

UT-PA Launch

NRCan NDTCB Ultrasonic Testing Phased Array (UT-PA) Level 2 technique will be launched in two (2) phases:

  • Phase 1: NRCan CGSB UT-PA certification of candidates currently holding UT-PA certification(s) from other ISO 9712 certification schemes – Launch date: October 28, 2024
  • Phase 2: NRCan CGSB UT-PA certification of initial candidates without any valid UT-PA certification – Launch date: December 13, 2024

For more information, see UT-PA Rules of Implementation and Application Guide page to start your application. Download the UT-PA level 2 and Visual Testing initial examination guides and application forms at Quick Downloads: NDT Certification Body Forms and Guides page.

CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 / ISO 9712:2021 Standard Implementation

Changes due to the updated standard deployment impact the management of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) initial certification, renewal, and recertification at NRCan NDTCB, Authorized Exam Centres (AEC), Recognized Training Organizations (RTO) and directly affect how candidates apply for and maintain NDT certifications.

Here is a list of some key updates according to the 2022 version of the CAN/CGSB-48.9712 standard that directly affect candidates and certificate holders moving forward.

  1. Re-examination: A candidate failing two (2) re-examinations (total of 3 attempts) on one or more examination elements is required to recomplete the applicable method and level training course, submit an updated vision report (if no longer valid) and recomplete all initial certification examination elements. Examination elements include general, specific, practical, written instruction (Level 2 only), basic and main method (level 3 only) examinations.
  2. Radiographic Testing level 2 (RT2) EMC and A/S sectors changes: 1) Written Instruction element will be included in the initial RT2 practical examination. Direct access to Level 2 initial practical examinations, which include the exposure curve, will have a duration of 2 ½ days. Exams without the exposure curve requirement (not direct access), will remain at a duration of 2 days; 2) The Written Instruction element will be included in the RT Level 2 Recertification examination, which will remain at a duration of 1 day. 3) RT level 2 training will include the drafting of a written instruction.

The new requirement will only affect candidates beginning a first attempt practical after the implementation date. Any candidates currently in-process, will not need to complete the written instruction during the practical re-examination process.

  1. Revised Structured Credit System (SCS) activities and accorded points for Level 3 Recertification.
  2. Ultrasonic testing Level 1 (UT1) minimum training hours requirement is increased to 8 days.
  3. Successful examination results validity is increased to 5 years.
  4. Training validity for initial certification is 10 years from the date of successful completion.
  5. Minimum industrial Qualifying Work Experience (QWE) required prior to attempting either a written or practical exam for levels 1 & 2 is now at 0%. Candidates applying for direct access to Level 3 with higher education are required to have a minimum of 40% QWE prior to attempting either the written or practical exams.

Note: 100% of the required QWE remains a requirement prior to certification for all levels and must be satisfied within 5 years from successful completion of all exams. Please refer to updates on the NRCan website for the QWE requirements.

  1. A 25% reduction of minimum required industrial experience for additional certifications will be applied to all level 2 surface methods and Level 3 all methods. No additional reduction percentage is allowed for adding more methods within the same application. Please refer to updates on the NRCan website for the Rules of Implementation for CAN/CGSB-48.9712.
  2. Reduction in Experience for Higher Education for Level 3 - An engineering or materials science (post-secondary) degree or diploma will be considered for acceptable higher education to qualify for a reduction of minimum required experience hours for Level 3 certification. Verifiable proof of this education in the form of a copy of the degree or diploma issued by the educational institution is required to be submitted to the NRCan NDTCB. The candidate must include these documents with their work experience submission. The NRCan NDTCB will review these documents to determine the candidate’s eligibility for this reduction.
  3. Responsible level 3 personnel acting on behalf of the employer can appoint a trained professional to administer the vision test. This must be documented using the attestation form accessible from the NRCan NDTCB website and is submitted together with the candidate’s completed Vision Test Form.
  4. Near and distance vision acuity results are valid for 1 year, while colour vision and/or grey scale perception results are valid for 5 years.
  5. The exam duration of online multiple-choice question written exams for all methods & levels is increased to two (2) minutes per question for a written General exam and three (3) minutes per question for a written Specific (ex. Engineering, Materials and Components (EMC) sector, Aerospace sector) exam. The exam time duration for the level 3 basic examination (Part B) is increased to three (3) minutes per question. Updated Exam guides for initial certification for all methods will be available from the NRCan NDTCB website.
  6. Number of questions for Level 3 Recertification online multiple-choice question written exam is increased to 45; adding 5 more questions from the CAN/CGSB-48.9712 standard. Exam time duration is increased to 2 1/4 hours. Updated Exam guide for Recertification will be available in the Quick Downloads: NDT Certification Body Forms and Guides page.
  7. A new structured credit requirement has been added for renewal. Certified personnel due for renewal are now required to complete either 1) A Renewal Structured Credit System (SCS) OR 2) A Renewal Practical exam.
  8. Renewal applications may be submitted to NRCan NDTCB up to 12 months prior to the certification expiry date.
  9. Recertification practical re-examination attempts for all levels are allowed after at least 7 days and within 12 months of the first attempt at the recertification examination by submitting a re-test application to the NRCan NDTCB.

The NRCan NDTCB would like to thank you for your support to Canada’s National Non-destructive Testing Certification program. If you have any questions or would like clarification about the implementation of the updated standard, please contact us at or 1-866-858-0473.

A note about transitioning to the new 2022 standard

NRCan NDTCB is now issuing non-destructive testing (NDT) certifications under the CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 standard effective April 1, 2024. Certifications awarded prior to this new standard will be valid for the stated period of validity on the certification until the next step in the certification process (renewal, recertification, or revalidation), which will be carried out according to the 2022 standard and the new NRCan NDTCB Rules of Implementation.

Certification according to the 2014 standard and Rules of Implementation will fulfill the requirements of both the 2014 version and preceding versions of the standard. Consequently, any requirement for certification to any version of the CAN/CGSB-48.9712 standards shall be fulfilled by a valid certification according to the applicable standard at the time of issuance by the NDTCB.

This transitional framework is necessary in ensuring credible, fair and accessible mechanisms for individuals and the NDTCB to manage certification requirements with respect to variations of the ongoing standard publishing cycles.

Online Examination System for CAN/CGSB-48.9712 NDT and XRF multiple-choice questions exams

All written multiple-choice examinations for CAN/CGSB-48.9712 NDT and XRF have been updated to a computer-based electronic format (in-person live proctored) as of July 28, 2023.

Once candidates receive official electronic written examination authorization from the NRCan NDTCB, they can register for and book their examinations through the online exam system portal and select the closest available examination centre. Candidates who have valid written examination admittance and registration forms for the methods/examinations listed above must submit a request to the NRCan NDTCB by email at to receive electronic written examination authorization. Immediately after completing an exam, candidates can view unofficial examination results through the online examination system.

Paper-based NDT multiple-choice examinations have been phased out, however paper-based XRF examinations will be maintained for use by select special XRF examination centres (SXECs). Additionally, Special Written Examination Centres (SWECs) for NDT and XRF written exams are no longer available. For more information, please contact the NRCan NDTCB.


Learn about becoming certified in NDT
Read detailed information about how non-destructive testing certification works, including application procedures, examinations, training requirements and more.

Apply for NDT certification
Initiate your CGSB certification by completing the required forms and understanding the associated fees.

Manage your NDT certification
Apply for certification renewal, recertification or certification revalidation.

Certified personnel directory
View the list of NDT and XRF personnel that are currently certified, and find out when certifications expire (require renewal) and when certifications are due for recertification.