The Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB) develops and implements programs to certify people who inspect the metals and materials in the components and structures used in Canada’s natural resources industries. The certification program also aims to continually improve and maintain reliability, security and safety with regards to how industries use metals and materials across Canada. We are committed to quality, and have achieved certification for our quality management system to the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
Becoming certified
To be certified for non-destructive testing, you must achieve certification in compliance with the CAN/CGSB-48.9712 standard (Qualification and Certification of Non-Destructive Testing Personnel).
Your responsibilities
We advise certification candidates to study independently before writing the certification examinations, and to use the latest versions of the Initial Certification Examination Guides (go to our “Quick Downloads” page to obtain initial certification examination guides). We encourage candidates to consult all available reference materials, including the applicable acts, standards, regulations and safety codes.
Examinations for NDT certification
The first step to becoming certified in NDT is to apply for certification, and register for and pass the relevant examination(s). You can find information on how to do this starting on apply for NDT Certification.
Details about the NDT certification process
Find out about the steps involved in becoming certified in NDT.
Standards framework for NDT certification
Learn about the standards framework related to NDT certification.
Rules of implementation for CAN/CGSB-48.9712
Learn about the rules of implementation that pertain to NDT certification.
Training requirements and prerequisites for NDT certification
Get important information about what training and perquisites you need to become certified in NDT.
Recognized training organizations for NDT certification
Find out which organizations across Canada are considered recognized for offering NDT training.
Qualifying work experience for NDT certification
Find out how much work experience is required to obtain your eligibility for examination and to qualify you for certification to CGSB Standard CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022.
Initial NDT examinations
Consult charts that show the durations and further options for all levels of examinations in five areas of non-destructive testing.
Authorized examination centres for NDT certification
See a list of examination centres across Canada that are authorized to administer NDT certification exams.
Considerations for foreign-certified personnel
Find out how to become NDT-certified to CGSB Standard CAN/CGSB-48.9712 if you obtained your original NDT certification in a country other than Canada.