Manage Your NDT Certification

2022 Standard Implementation

Updated certification requirements and forms according to CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 standard is currently in effect as of March 31, 2024. Refer to the updated Rules of Implementation for the CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022 / (ISO 9712:2021, IDT) standard rollout and the list of key updates on the Non-Destructive Testing Certification page.

Online Examination System for CAN/CGSB-48.9712 NDT and XRF Written multiple-choice questions exams

All written multiple-choice examinations for CAN/CGSB-48.9712 NDT and XRF have been updated to a computer-based electronic format (in-person live proctored). Immediately after completing an exam, candidates can view unofficial examination results through the online examination system. Refer to Non-Destructive Testing Certification page for more information.

NRCan NDTCB Service fees update

Effective April 1, 2023, the NRCan NDTCB has implemented service fees update. Visit Fees for NDT Certification and Examination page for more information.

COVID temporary accommodations and extensions

For the on-going Covid temporary extensions, visit NDT Certification Body COVID Program Updates page for more information.

Once you have achieved your non-destructive testing (NDT) certification to the CAN/CGSB-48.9712 standard, it is your responsibility to keep an eye on its expiry date and to renew and recertify it on time or to revalidate it if necessary.

Renewal, recertification and revalidation in non-destructive testing


Renewal of your NDT certification is a process that extends the period of certification validity through Structured Credit System (SCS) OR practical examination. Renewal application can be submitted to NRCan NDTCB up to 12 months prior to certification expiry. Renewals are valid for a period of up to five years (60 months or less).

Refer to Renewing Your NDT Certification page in the quick links below for more information.


Recertification is a process that maintains the validity of your certification through examination. You are required to recertify your NDT certification before the end of your second period of validity, approximately 10 years from initial certification or last recertification (120 months or less).

Refer to Recertifying Your NDT Certification page in the quick links below for more information.


Revalidation for all other circumstances for which a certification is suspended or withdrawn shall be decided by the NRCan NDTCB on a case-by-case basis, allowing for precedence of previous cases and decisions where applicable. For more information, please contact the NRCan NDTCB.

The processes for renewal, recertification and revalidation are different, so please ensure you read the instructions for the process that you need to follow in your circumstances.

Renewing your NDT certification
Find out how to renew your NDT certification.

Becoming recertified for your NDT certification
Learn how to become recertified after your certification has lapsed.

Certified personnel directory
View the list of NDT and XRF personnel that are currently certified, and find out when certifications expire (require renewal) and when certifications are due for recertification.

Renewal policy for NDT experience
Find out what constitutes acceptable work experience for the purposes of renewing your certification.

Apply for NDT Recertification Re-Examination
Unsuccessful on a recertification examination? Learn about your next steps.

Find out more