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CanmetENERGY in Ottawa

Clean Energy | Research | Innovation | Leadership

CanmetENERGY Ottawa’s mission is to lead the development of energy science and technology (S&T) solutions for the environmental and economic benefit of Canadians. In pursuit of this mission, we:

  • apply our scientific expertise and leverage our unique pilot-scale facilities
  • accelerate the advancement of clean energy technologies, from the initial research stage through to commercialization
  • collaborate with partners, including manufacturers, academia, planners, builders, and all levels of government

Our research and development (R&D) programs

With over 200 scientists, engineers, technologists, managers, and support staff, CanmetENERGY Ottawa develops and directs S&T programs and services aimed at a low-carbon future, and provides scientific and technical expertise in the following areas:

CO2 capture, utilization and storage

Explore our industrially focused program, which strives to control carbon emissions through transformative capture technologies, the utilization of carbon emissions, and improvements in storage capacity.


Learn how our R&D is addressing system-level technical barriers to electrifying transportation and controlling emissions from advanced internal combustion engines.


Learn how we are collaborating with industry to deliver transformative solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy efficiency from their operations.


Learn how our R&D is helping to integrate renewable energy sources into the electricity grid and allowing the dissemination of renewable energy to all regions of Canada.

Oil and gas

Discover how our R&D is helping to improve oil sands, and tight oil and shale gas extraction and processing, while reducing methane and CO2 emissions.

Built environment

Learn more about R&D supporting cost-effective pathways to carbon-neutral housing, buildings and communities.


Learn how our R&D is breaking down barriers that limit the growth of the Canadian bio-economy.

Northern and remote energy

Discover how our R&D is helping to improve the affordability, resiliency, and energy efficiency of housing in northern and remote communities.

Characterization Laboratory

Learn more about the standardized and specialized analytical services offered by our Characterization Laboratory.

Spotlight on CanmetENERGY in Ottawa

CanmetENERGY Ottawa gasification

The process of gasification enables production of gaseous fuels from various carbon-based feedstocks. Learn how Natural Resources Canada researchers are combining technology that has been around since the 1790s, with new, cleaner energy advancements for the fuels of tomorrow.

Read more: Can fuel be carbon-negative?

Collaborate with CanmetENERGY in Ottawa

Learn about various forms of collaboration opportunities available, and business services offered, by contacting CanmetENERGY Ottawa’s Business Office.

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