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Forestry and insects

Protecting Canada’s forests from uninvited pests

A team of superhero Canadian scientists is striving to keep our nation’s forests safe from invasive pests. Destructive flies, wasps, beetles and weevils….take note. Canada’s forests are under threat and some invaders have names that sound like they were ripped from the pages of a comic book: Anoplophora glabripennis, Agrilus planipennis, and Tetropium fuscum, also known as the Asian longhorned beetle, the emerald ash borer, and the brown spruce longhorn beetle.


Eradicating the Asian Longhorned Beetle

If you introduce a foreign species to a new environment, even by accident, it can wreak havoc on the ecosystem. On this episode, we talk to a scientist who has been dealing with one of these foreign species, the Asian longhorned beetle. This insect is black and white, about the same length as your thumb, and likes to get around by hitching rides on your car!


Restoring Damaged Forests

Forests provide us with an array of social, economic and environmental benefits, which is why we need to ensure that they stay healthy. Things like natural disasters, pests and resource extractions can pose a problem. On this episode, we talk to a scientist who is working with industry, academia, Indigenous communities and various levels of government to reclaim and restore damaged forest landscapes.

