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Forestry and insects

What’s an urban forest?

In this episode, we’re going to explore the world of urban forests and hear about how they can transform concrete jungles into vibrant livable spaces. We reached out to a couple of experts from the Canadian Forest Service to talk about the ins and outs of urban forest management. This episode is also a double feature, with our friends from the Statistics Canada podcast “Eh-sayers” talking about the ironies of data when it comes to the environment. Both stories share a common theme: “it’s not easy being green.”


Helping forests adapt to climate change (Byte-Sized Science)

As our Canadian climate gets warmer, our forests are going to change, and that means that trees that are thriving in their home right now might not do so in the next 50 years. Researchers Trevor Jones and Jeff Fera, as well as their colleagues, are leading the Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change study at the Petawawa Research Forest. This study explores different methods to help forests adapt to a changing climate, keeping them healthy and productive in the future.

Shape-shifting forests: a tale of climate, wildfires and surprising outcomes

The story of North American forests is one of resilience, adaptation, renewal and hope.

January 2024

If you hike or stroll through one of Canada’s northern forests, you might experience a world of towering trees, cool shade filled with the scent of pines and spruces — home to many different plants and animals of all shapes and sizes. But Ellen Whitman, a wildfire research scientist at the Canadian Forest Service, sees things through a different lens. What she notices is a landscape quietly and gradually transforming.


Q&A: Historical pesticide use in New Brunswick

From 1952 to 1993, one of the world's largest aerial pesticide application programs occurred in New Brunswick. During this time, 97 percent of the province's 6.2 million hectares of forested land was treated with at least one pesticide. A team of researchers and scientists have now compiled and published historical records of pesticide use. The goal is to make the data available to help future studies on the environmental fate — which is what happens to a pesticide once it enters the environment — as well as ecosystem recovery and the legacy effects of this historical program.


Wrestling a wild and woolly pest

When scientists from the Canadian Forest Service (CFS) and student researchers from the University of Guelph were collecting data to create an inventory of hemlock trees in Ontario, they found more than just trees — they discovered a large insect infestation that could pose a risk to landowners.

October 2022

