XRF Analyzer Operator Training Requirements

Training for x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer operators must be provided by an instructor who is XRF Level 2 certified. The following conditions also apply:

  • All training must be provided with the proper demonstration and physical presence of a portable hand-held x-ray tube based open-beam XRF device that is RED Act compliant.
  • Training shall be provided by XRF Level 2 instructor, who may be:
    • A representative of a manufacturer of an XRF device or of an accepted training organization
    • A company’s employee, for the purpose of training other personnel within the same company, on the same premises, or on the same project.
  • Failure to comply may result in the training being considered unacceptable for certification.

The Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB) has a network of XRF Accepted Training Organizations that offer XRF training.

Minimum training hours

All training must be attested to in writing by the XRF Level 2 certified training instructor and the candidate. This attestation must be provided in a form acceptable to the Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB). The following minimum training hours are required:

  • 1-hour minimum: Demonstration and practice in using the portable analyzer to make accurate and safe measurements
  • 1-hour minimum: Demonstration and practice in the safe set-up, handling, operation, general maintenance and storage of the analyzer
  • 3-hour minimum: Overview of the subject materials contained in the XRF booklet

Examination questions are based on materials contained in the XRF Certification Information and Examination Preparation Booklet.

Passing the examinations

In order to pass the XRF examinations, we advise candidates to engage in a period of self-study of the material in the XRF Certification Information and Examination Preparation Booklet prior to taking the 3-hour overview training and writing the examinations.

The recommended subjects in the XRF booklet are:

  1. Fundamental properties of matter
  2. Types of radiation
  3. Process of XRF
  4. XRF analyzers
  5. Sources of error
  6. XRF analyzer operation
  7. XRF applications
  8. Interaction of radiation with matter
  9. Biological effects of radiation
  10. Radiation detection
  11. Safe XRF work practices
  12. Applicable Canadian standards regarding XRF devices

Formal update training for renewal or recertification purposes should also follow the curriculum expectations outlined above.

About the XRF certification information and examination preparation booklet

In the booklet, there are sections denoted by “Examples” that are intended to help you better understand the subject matter.

Certain sections are also designated as “Recommended for Level 2.” The materials in those sections are required for Level 2 certification only. Level 1 examination will not include materials in those sections.

To obtain a copy of the booklet, please contact NDTCB.

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