There are three key activities involved in obtaining your initial x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer certification:
- Completing XRF analyzer operator training
- Applying for certification
- Passing the initial certification examinations
To apply for your XRF certification, you will need to obtain, complete and submit a variety of forms and other supporting documents to the Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB).
Steps to take
If you are applying for initial certification/examination through an XRF Accepted Training Organization (ATO)/a Special XRF Examination Centre (SXEC):
- Complete all required training with the XRF ATO.
- Get the XRF training declaration form signed by your instructor, with five hours of documentary evidence of formal training.
- Sign and submit all completed forms and supporting documents to the SXEC with which you are writing your examination(s).
- Write the examination(s) (provided by the SXEC. The SXEC will submit the completed examination(s) and your application forms/documents to the NRCan NDTCB for processing).
If you are applying for initial certification/examination through the NRCan NDTCB:
- Complete all required training with an XRF ATO and/or active certified Level 2 XRF personnel.
- Get the training declaration form signed by your instructor, with five hours of documentary evidence of formal training.
- Sign and submit all completed forms and supporting documents to the NRCan NDTCB for processing.
- Wait for application approval and an electronic written examination authorization letter to be issued from the NRCan NDTCB.
- Schedule and write the examination(s) at an examination centre via the online examination system.
What to include in your application package
1. Include the following forms completed, signed and dated:
- Application Form for XRF Analyzer Operator Certification, Renewal and Recertification (PDF, 714 kb)
- Vision Test Report Form for XRF Personnel (PDF, 597 kb)
- NRCan National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body Code of Conduct (PDF, 583 kb)
- XRF Training Declaration Form (PDF, 554 kb)
- Identification Verification Form (PDF, 550.19 kb)
- Photograph Verification Form (PDF, 591.92 kb)
To protect your payment information, we ask that all forms containing credit card information (MasterCard, Visa, American Express) be submitted via fax or mail only. Do not send credit card information by e-mail. If you have any questions, please call 1-866-858-0473.
2. Also include:
- Your fees: Application and examination registration fees.
- Passport photos: XRF candidates registering with the NDT Certification Body for the first time must provide two (2) passport photographs. These must:
- measure 5 cm wide X 7 cm high (2 inches wide X 2-3/4 inches high)
- be taken by a commercial photographer and be professionally printed on photographic paper
- be clear, sharp, in focus, and in full colour
- be taken straight on with your face and shoulders centered and squared to the camera
- reflect your current appearance (taken within the last twelve (12) months)
- show your complete name, as well as the name and complete address of the photo studio and the date the photo was taken on the back of one photo
- be submitted, via mail or courier
Self-taken and/or self-printed photographs and non-passport photographs will not be accepted. We may request additional photographs at any time if we deem previously submitted photographs unacceptable.
- Identification: If you are applying for XRF certification for the first time you must submit a verified true copy of one valid piece of government-recognized identity document on a completed “Identification Verification Form”. The identity document must show your full legal name, date of birth, photo and signature, and be verified as a true copy by your listed employer or by a professional individual listed on the “Identification Verification Form”. Examples of valid and acceptable proof of ID include passports, driver’s licences, military ID, certificate of Indian status, or a provincial health care card that includes your photo and signature (excludes Alberta, Manitoba and Newfoundland and Labrador). Documents in languages other than English or French must be translated by a certified translator.
XRF examination and re-examination
Find out how to register for XRF initial written examinations and re-examinations, get information on examination centres and processes.
Special XRF Examination Centres
See a list of examination centres across Canada that are authorized to administer written XRF examinations in various in-field locations.
XRF certification fees
Find out what fees are involved in your initial XRF certification, whether for 1 year or 5 years.