X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer Operator Certification

For the XRF Certification Information and Examination Preparation Booklet please download it from the Quick Downloads: NDT Certification Body Forms and Guides page.

Online Examination System for CAN/CGSB-48.9712 NDT and XRF multiple-choice questions exams

All written multiple-choice examinations for CAN/CGSB-48.9712 NDT and XRF have been updated to a computer-based electronic format (in-person live proctored) as of July 28, 2023.

Once candidates receive official electronic written examination authorization from the NRCan NDTCB, they can register for and book their examinations through the online exam system portal and select the closest available examination centre. Candidates who have valid written examination admittance and registration forms must submit a request to the NRCan NDTCB by email at ndt-end@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca to receive electronic written examination authorization. Immediately after completing an exam, candidates can view unofficial examination results through the online examination system.

Paper-based NDT multiple-choice examinations have been phased out, however paper-based XRF examinations will be maintained for use by select special XRF examination centres (SXECs).

Additionally, Special Written Examination Centres (SWECs) for NDT multiple-choice and XRF written exams are no longer available. For more information, please contact the NRCan NDTCB.

The Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer operator certification program comprises radiation safety training and examination components that are based on the non-destructive testing method of radiographic testing.

The NRCan National Non-Destructive Certification Body (NDTCB) developed and implemented its XRF certification program in collaboration with Health Canada. Health Canada publishes safety codes that are incorporated into the Canada Labour Code, which applies to federally regulated sectors. An addendum specifically applicable to portable hand-held x-ray tubes based on open-beam XRF devices falls within the scope of Safety Code 32. It requires individuals who use “portable hand-held x-ray tube based open-beam XRF” devices to be certified.

The NRCan (NDTCB) has adopted International Standard ISO 20807:2004 (with modifications) as the basis of its XRF certification. The certification scheme and guidelines in the current XRF Examination Preparation booklet supersede any differing details from the ISO 20807:2004 certification standard.


  • Understands the importance of impartiality and takes it seriously
  • Has processes to manage potential conflicts of interest and ensure all certification activities are objective
  • Is solely responsible for, retains authority for, and does not delegate its decisions relating to certification, including the granting, maintaining, recertification, expansion and reduction of scope, suspension, or withdrawal of certifications

What it means to be XRF certified

Certified XRF analyzer operators must have at least basic knowledge of XRF theory and applications, as well as an understanding of the principles and practices of radiation safety as they relate to portable open-beam XRF analyzers. They must pass examinations, submit application forms with photos and identification, and maintain valid certification.


Learn about XRF certification
Read detailed information about how x-ray fluorescence certification works, including application procedures, training requirements and approved training centres.

Apply for XRF certification
Initiate your XRF certification by registering for a written examination or re-examination and completing other required forms.

Manage your XRF certification
Apply for certification renewal or recertification.

Certified personnel directory
View the list of NDT and XRF personnel that are currently certified, and find out when certifications expire (require renewal) and when certifications are due for recertification.

Contacting the NDT Certification Body
Contact the NRCan National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body.