When an NDT certification that you hold becomes invalid, there are specific processes that you must follow to revalidate it.
Guidelines for revalidation
- When your NDT certification has been invalidated due to a significant interruption in NDT work experience or a lapse in certification validity a year or more after its expiry date, you must successfully pass the applicable recertification examination(s).
- When your NDT certification has been invalidated due to not meeting the requirements of the visual acuity test:
- You must undergo another visual acuity test, performed by an independent third party (non-employer) medically recognized personnel, and meet the requirements outlined on the Vision Test Report Form for Non-Destructive Testing Personnel (PDF, 2 Mb)
- When your NDT certification has been invalidated at the NRCan NDTCB’s discretion because you committed a code of conduct violation, or for some other reason, the conditions and procedures for revalidation will be determined by the NRCan NDTCB’s Special Review Committee on a case-by-case basis.
Please contact NTDCB for further information or clarification.
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