Renewing Your NDT Certification

NRCan NDTCB Service fees update

The NRCan NDTCB is implementing a service fees update to existing fees; this update will take effect April 1, 2023. Application and fee submissions to the NRCan NDTCB that are postmarked, emailed or faxed after March 31, 2023 are subject to the new fee schedule.

COVID temporary accommodations and extensions

In April 2020, The NRCan NDTCB implemented temporary accommodations and extensions relating to initial certifications and renewals/recertifications for select candidates and expiry dates. Some of these extensions have already expired, with all extensions for renewal and recertification expiring by December 2024. It is the responsibility of certification candidates and certificate holders to keep track of all expiry dates and due dates and manage their applications and certifications accordingly. Please visit our NDT Certification Body COVID Program Updates page for more information.

Certifications due for recertification

Recertification due dates are fast approaching. Certificate holders who do not successfully complete the required recertification requirements and examination(s) by the date that their method/sector-specific recertification is due will no longer hold valid certification.

To avoid processing and examination scheduling delays, and to avoid certification invalidity, the NRCan NDTCB recommends applying for your recertification(s) as soon as possible if one or more of your certifications are due for within the next fifteen (15) months.

On this page:

Renewal and Recertification due dates/expiry dates

Personnel certified by the Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB) in Non-Destructive Testing are required to renew or recertify their certifications prior to their certification expiry date, in order to have the period of validity for a given certification extended for up five (5) years (60 months or less).

  • Renewal is the process for maintaining valid NDT certification via verification of continued satisfactory work activity and other requirements described below.
  • Recertification is the process for maintaining valid NDT certification via examination and other requirements as described on the Recertifying your NDT Certification page.

To find out when your certifications are due for renewal and/or recertification, view the Certified Personnel Directory.

  • If the expiry date for a given certification is different from the recertification due date in the directory, then you are required to apply for renewal within the six (6) months prior to the expiry date.
  • If your expiry date and your recertification due date for a given certification are the same in the directory, then you are required to apply for your recertification examinations within the fifteen (15) months prior to the expiry date/recertification due date. If you have certifications considered to be within the recertification transition period, you may apply for these recertifications as soon as possible.

Please note: if you have multiple certifications, you may have different expiry dates for one or more of those certifications. Certifications that have the same expiry dates may not all require renewal or recertification at the same time; in this case you can only submit a renewal application form for certifications that require renewal and you can only submit a recertification application form for the certifications that require recertification.

Six months prior to your certification expiry date the NRCan NDTCB will issue a notice of renewal, which will include links to the renewal application and other required forms. As described in paragraph 10.2 of CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014 / (ISO 9712:2012, IDT), it is the responsibility of the certificate holder to initiate the renewal procedure and to submit the renewal application to the NRCan NDTCB within six months of certification expiry. To ensure that you receive the renewal notice, please inform the NRCan NDTCB of any change in contact information, including your email address.

Important information about aligning renewal and recertification dates

In order to align renewal and recertification dates for each certification, you may be given a shorter period of validity (with a smaller pro-rated fee) during your next renewal for one or more certifications (approximately 1-4 year periods of validity). The subsequent recertification will allow the certification to resume the regular 5-year renewal/ recertification cycle. After submitting your application, the NRCan NDTCB will notify you if your period of validity for a given certification is shorter than normal, and if we have applied a pro-rated (smaller) fee. Please contact the NRCan NDTCB for more information.

What to submit to renew your certification

To maintain a valid certification, you must apply to renew the validity of your CAN/CGSB-48.9712 certification past its expiry date. Submit the following items to the NRCan Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB):

Certifications expiring within the next 6 months

To avoid a lapse of certification after your expiry date, please ensure that your renewal application is received by this office no later than one (1) month before your expiry date. Please do not submit your renewal application more than six (6) months prior to your certification expiry date.

Instructions for submitting your application

Here are some details and instructions regarding the forms and requirements listed above.

Application form, record of experience and attestations

Your application form must be fully completed, signed and dated, and include all required attestations.

The Record of Experience (page 2 of the Renewal Application Form) must be completed to provide verifiable documentary evidence of continued satisfactory work activity without significant interruption in the method and sector for which you are seeking certificate renewal. Please ensure this page is signed by yourself and your supervisor. For full details about what work activity counts as continued satisfactory work activity in NDT, please read the renewal policy for NDT experience.

In the Attestations section (page 3 of the Renewal Application Form), it is your employer’s, supervisor’s and sponsor’s responsibility to verify your employment and work experience on the Record of Experience to ensure you have annually met the visual acuity requirements and to verify the authenticity of the photograph you are submitting. Please note: All three attestation sections must be completed. You cannot sign for yourself.

The same person(s) may sign for one or more of these roles if appropriately qualified for each. If you are unemployed, you are exempt from two of the three signatures required on the attestation form (employer and supervisor), but still require an NRCan/CGSB-certified NDT Level 2 or 3 sponsor to sign the attestations.

If you are self-employed, you are exempt from one of the three signatures required on the attestation form (employer), but still require a supervisor (can be a client who oversees your work or an appropriately qualified business partner) and an NRCan/CGSB-certified NDT Level 2 or 3 sponsor to sign the attestations.

Renewal fees

We accept company cheques, money orders and credit card payments (Visa, MasterCard or AmEx). We do not accept personal cheques. Company cheques and money orders are payable to the Receiver General for Canada. If paying by credit card, print the name shown on the credit card, card number, expiry date and authorized payment amount, and include the cardholder signature. Applications submitted after the expiry date will need to include a $140 late fee in addition to the regular fees. Payments from other government departments must be made via inter-departmental FIS transactions. The renewal fees for a five-year term are shown in the table below.

Email submissions: Please note that we do not accept credit card information by email. If you are submitting your application by email and paying by credit card, please include the name shown on the credit card, the authorized payment amount, and include the cardholder signature; do not include the credit card number and expiry date. After you have submitted your application by email, you may call or fax the NRCan NDTCB to give credit card information. If you are paying by credit card, the NRCan NDTCB may send an invoice via email with a website link to pay your fees online.

Fees and other process requirements are subject to change. All fees are subject to the current fee schedule in effect. Fees paid to the NRCan NDTCB are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Renewal fees
Number of Methods
1 2 3 4 5
$320 $525 $730 $935 $1140

Vision test report

Applicants must undergo a visual acuity test with a recognized medical professional attesting that the candidate has completed a satisfactory vision examination. This report must be dated within 12 months prior to the certification expiration date.

Code of conduct

Applicants must submit a newly signed Code of Conduct form with each application.

Passport photos

Certified Personnel must provide two (2) passport-style photographs every second period of validity (approximately every 10 years) or if your appearance has significantly changed.

Passport photos must:

  • measure 5 cm wide X 7 cm high (2 inches wide X 2-3/4 inches high)
  • be taken by a commercial photographer and be professionally printed on photographic paper
    • commercial photographer: may be provided through a retail location, photo studio, registered business/organization, or NDTCB accepted RTO/AEC.
  • be clear, sharp, in focus, and in full colour
  • be taken straight on with your face and shoulders centered and squared to the camera
  • reflect your current appearance (taken within the last twelve (12) months)
  • show your complete name, as well as the name and complete address of the photo studio and the date the photo was taken on the back of one photo
  • be submitted, via mail or courier

Note: Self-taken and/or self-printed photographs and non-passport-style photographs will not be accepted. We may request additional photographs at any time if we deem previously submitted photographs unacceptable.

Our responsibilities and policies

The NRCan NDTCB makes all reasonable efforts to ensure candidate applications, examination requests and certification submissions are completed as per service standard targets. Despite these efforts, errors, omissions and delays are possible. The NRCan NDTCB is not responsible for any direct and indirect costs, expenses or delays that may arise.

Renewal applications are subject to current NRCan NDTCB policies and procedures. Processed payment does not complete or guarantee the renewal process. Renewal of certification is issued only after completion, verification and NRCan NDTCB approval of application.

Late renewals

Late renewals may require additional information, documentation and/or verification. As renewal applications are processed in arrival sequence, processing times may vary depending on the volume of applications received and are not guaranteed. Incomplete documentation or complexity of routine verifications and checks may also lead to longer processing times.

As per CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014, paragraph 10.2, up to twelve (12) months after the certification expiry date, your certification status may be reactivated by submitting a properly completed renewal application and payment of a $140 late renewal fee in addition to the regular renewal fee.

If your renewal application is submitted more than 12 months after the certification expiry date, you may only reactivate your certification status by recertifying. If you fail recertification, you must successfully complete the initial certification process.

NRCan Renewal Application Form (PDF, 414 kb)
Download the application form to renew your NDT certification.

Certified personnel directory
View the list of NDT and XRF personnel that are currently certified, and find out when certifications expire (require renewal) and when certifications are due for recertification.

Find out more