Canada aims to accelerate its transition to clean energy in all sectors of the economy in order to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and achieve net-zero level by 2050. However, to support this transition, existing electricity grid infrastructure must undergo large-scale changes and evolution.
Our areas of focus
The energy transition will compel significant changes to existing infrastructure and business models to respond to new paradigms. The emergence of more decentralized electric energy systems, increased variable renewable generation, higher load growth from electrification, and new flexibility challenges related to maintaining reliability and resiliency will give rise to new techno-economic challenges for utilities.
Our work focuses on catalyzing the large-scale integration of renewable energy and developing solutions and pathways for renewable energy on the grid to support Canada’s clean energy transition.
We currently seek to:
- increase penetration of distributed energy resources (DER) by developing generic distribution design and operation schemes while improving grid resiliency, protection sensitivity, fault localization and power quality
- investigate hosting capacity assessment methods for distributed generation, and to create harmonized approaches for Canada to facilitate implementation for utilities and an increased visibility for developers
- develop large integration models and scenarios for Canada by encouraging collaborative efforts within the Canadian modelling community
Projects underway at CanmetENERGY in Varennes
In pursuit of these focus areas, our Centre is currently involved in the following activities:
Our equipment and test benches
CanmetENERGY in Varennes conducts applied research aimed at facilitating the transition to high renewable integration on the grid. To perform this work, our researchers use the following test bench:
- Grid simulator and power conversion equipment testing facility
Featured item
Energy modelling initiative
Foster the dialogue amongst the network of institutions that conduct energy modelling, and establish the foundations of a long-term sustained national modelling initiative.
Learn more about this initiative