CWFC Contribution Program

The Canadian Wood Fibre Centre (CWFC) supports research, development and technology transfer activities to advance Canada’s forest sector. The following projects received financial support through its annual contribution program:

2020 to 2023

2019 to 2020

  • Canadian Institute of Forestry: Supporting forest sector innovation, development and research through effective knowledge transfer activities and services (1-year funding)
  • Canadian Woodlands Forum: Integrating forest science and innovation in forestry operations through effective knowledge transfer (1-year funding)
  • Centre d'enseignement et de recherche en foresterie de Ste-Foy: Development of an innovative method of satellite photogrammetry in support of the enhanced forest inventory (1-year funding)
  • FPInnovations: Improving Canada's forest sector through the transfer of scientific knowledge (1-year funding)
  • Institut de recherche en biologie végétale: Interprovincial opportunities for sustainable fibre and enhanced bioproducts from phytofiltration (1-year funding)
  • Lakehead University: Waste not, want not. Does the application of bioenergy waste to managed forest soils affect their resilience? (1-year funding)
  • Northern Hardwoods Research Institute Inc.: Development of new improved inventory variables for silviculture of deciduous and mixed stands (1-year funding)
  • Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute: Evaluating bulk drying options for forestry residue using computation fluid dynamics (1-year funding)
  • The New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners: Enhancing private woodlot management in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia using next-generation forest inventory data (1-year funding)

2018 to 2019

  • Canadian Institute of Forestry: Effective knowledge exchange techniques to support and enhance forest sector innovation and research (1-year funding)
  • Canadian Woodlands Forum: Integrating forest science and innovation in forestry operations through effective knowledge transfer (1-year funding)
  • Centre d'expérimentation et de développement en forêt boréale: Monitoring of fibre quality within the context of the spruce budworm epidemic (2-year funding)
  • Centre de recherche informatique de Montréal: Implementation of a processing pipeline for images captured by drone in the identification of tree species using deep learning techniques (1-year funding)
  • Dalhousie University: High-resolution digital soil mapping for managed forests using airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data (2-year funding)
  • FPInnovations: Improvements to the Canadian forestry sector through the transfer of scientific knowledge (1-year funding)
  • Grande Prairie Regional College: Enhancing data and modelling capability to advance commercialization of a short-rotation wood crop system for rural Canada (2-year funding)
  • Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute: Evaluating storage practices for forestry residue by-products with or without supplemental heat (1-year funding)
  • Université Laval: Development of partial cutting strategies to minimize windthrow losses (2-year funding)
  • Université Laval: Evaluation of a decision-making tool based on the vulnerability of white spruce plantations to drought (2-year funding)
  • Université Laval: Genomic selection for wood quality and spruce budworm resistance in the white spruce advanced-breeding program of New Brunswick (2-year funding)
  • Université Laval: Modelling of microfibril angle of black spruce and jack pine wood based on climate variables (1-year funding)
  • University of Alberta: Effects of thinning on mixed wood stands. Effects of pre-commercial thinning on dynamics and resilience of mixed wood stands (2-year funding)
  • University of Alberta: Genomic tools for selection of western gall rust resistant pines (2-year funding)
  • University of British Columbia: Modelling climate change and thinning dynamics. A toolbox facilitating the landscape level modeling of partial cuts and commercial thinning under climate change (2-year funding)
  • University of British Columbia: Next generation tools for British Columbia forest inventory with focus on impact of disturbances on timber supply (2-year funding)
  • University of British Columbia: Optimizing Western Hemlock and Amabilis Fir resource transformation based on existing X-ray CT images (2-year funding)
  • University of Northern British Columbia: Evaluating the impact of stand composition and inter-tree competition on fiber attributes of spruce and aspen grown in mixed wood stands (2-year funding)
  • University of Toronto: Development of a decision support tool for optimizing quality changes in a "living" biomass pile (1-year funding)