The Canadian Wood Fibre Centre (CWFC) supports research, development and technology transfer activities to advance Canada’s forest sector. The following projects received financial support through its annual contribution program:
2020 to 2023
- British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resources Operations and Rural Development: British Columbia Forest Biomass Supply Information System (3-year funding)
- Canadian Institute of Forestry: Effective knowledge exchange and transfer activities to enhance research and innovation in Canada’s forest sector (3-year funding)
- Canadian Woodlands Forum: Integrating forest science and innovation in forestry operations through effective technology transfer (3-year funding)
- Carleton University: A framework of anticipating risks and trade-offs, fostering resilience related to mountain pine beetle outbreaks and genomic-enhanced tools for risk management planning (3-year funding)
- Dalhousie University: Developing predictive soil mapping approaches to support enhanced forest resource inventories and evaluate soil carbon sequestration in British Columbia (3-year funding)
- Federation of Nova Scotia Woodland Owners: Community-scale bioheat in Nova Scotia: Public perceptions, socio-economic and environmental impacts and woodland management opportunities (3-year funding)
- Forsite Consultants Ltd.: Enhanced Forest Inventory: Strategic inventory innovation in Alberta (3-year funding)
- FPInnovations: Improving Canada's forest sector through scientific knowledge exchange (3-year funding)
- Northern Hardwoods Research Institute Inc.: Digital Timberlands 2020: Digitalizing the upstream portion of the forest products value chain in New Brunswick (3-year funding)
- Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry: Optimizing forest management with novel remote sensing tools to improve growth monitoring, yield prediction and understanding of cumulative effects and social acceptability (3-year funding)
- Queen's University: Linking chemical characterization to the enhanced forest inventory (3-year funding)
- Université Laval Renewable Materials Research Centre: Integrating Enhanced Forest Inventories (EFI) and annual monitoring to inform silvicultural planning (3-year funding)
- University of British Columbia: A toolbox to assist forest practitioners in developing optimized plot networks using LIDAR data (3-year funding)
2019 to 2020
- Canadian Institute of Forestry: Supporting forest sector innovation, development and research through effective knowledge transfer activities and services (1-year funding)
- Canadian Woodlands Forum: Integrating forest science and innovation in forestry operations through effective knowledge transfer (1-year funding)
- Centre d'enseignement et de recherche en foresterie de Ste-Foy: Development of an innovative method of satellite photogrammetry in support of the enhanced forest inventory (1-year funding)
- FPInnovations: Improving Canada's forest sector through the transfer of scientific knowledge (1-year funding)
- Institut de recherche en biologie végétale: Interprovincial opportunities for sustainable fibre and enhanced bioproducts from phytofiltration (1-year funding)
- Lakehead University: Waste not, want not. Does the application of bioenergy waste to managed forest soils affect their resilience? (1-year funding)
- Northern Hardwoods Research Institute Inc.: Development of new improved inventory variables for silviculture of deciduous and mixed stands (1-year funding)
- Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute: Evaluating bulk drying options for forestry residue using computation fluid dynamics (1-year funding)
- The New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners: Enhancing private woodlot management in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia using next-generation forest inventory data (1-year funding)
2018 to 2019
- Canadian Institute of Forestry: Effective knowledge exchange techniques to support and enhance forest sector innovation and research (1-year funding)
- Canadian Woodlands Forum: Integrating forest science and innovation in forestry operations through effective knowledge transfer (1-year funding)
- Centre d'expérimentation et de développement en forêt boréale: Monitoring of fibre quality within the context of the spruce budworm epidemic (2-year funding)
- Centre de recherche informatique de Montréal: Implementation of a processing pipeline for images captured by drone in the identification of tree species using deep learning techniques (1-year funding)
- Dalhousie University: High-resolution digital soil mapping for managed forests using airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data (2-year funding)
- FPInnovations: Improvements to the Canadian forestry sector through the transfer of scientific knowledge (1-year funding)
- Grande Prairie Regional College: Enhancing data and modelling capability to advance commercialization of a short-rotation wood crop system for rural Canada (2-year funding)
- Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute: Evaluating storage practices for forestry residue by-products with or without supplemental heat (1-year funding)
- Université Laval: Development of partial cutting strategies to minimize windthrow losses (2-year funding)
- Université Laval: Evaluation of a decision-making tool based on the vulnerability of white spruce plantations to drought (2-year funding)
- Université Laval: Genomic selection for wood quality and spruce budworm resistance in the white spruce advanced-breeding program of New Brunswick (2-year funding)
- Université Laval: Modelling of microfibril angle of black spruce and jack pine wood based on climate variables (1-year funding)
- University of Alberta: Effects of thinning on mixed wood stands. Effects of pre-commercial thinning on dynamics and resilience of mixed wood stands (2-year funding)
- University of Alberta: Genomic tools for selection of western gall rust resistant pines (2-year funding)
- University of British Columbia: Modelling climate change and thinning dynamics. A toolbox facilitating the landscape level modeling of partial cuts and commercial thinning under climate change (2-year funding)
- University of British Columbia: Next generation tools for British Columbia forest inventory with focus on impact of disturbances on timber supply (2-year funding)
- University of British Columbia: Optimizing Western Hemlock and Amabilis Fir resource transformation based on existing X-ray CT images (2-year funding)
- University of Northern British Columbia: Evaluating the impact of stand composition and inter-tree competition on fiber attributes of spruce and aspen grown in mixed wood stands (2-year funding)
- University of Toronto: Development of a decision support tool for optimizing quality changes in a "living" biomass pile (1-year funding)