Canadian Wood Fibre Centre

The 2023-2026 CWFC Call for Proposals is now closed. We are no longer accepting funding applications.

The Canadian Wood Fibre Centre (CWFC) is a research branch within the Canadian Forest Service (CFS). Its employees are located at all five CFS research centres and the Petawawa Research Forest (PRF), the National Capital region (NCR) and Corner Brook. The CWFC develops knowledge, tools and approaches aimed at reducing the risks to the forest fibre supply of Canada.

We support economic development, Canada’s transition to a low carbon economy, effective stewardship of forest resources and the resiliency of forests to the impacts of climate change. Our innovative, sustainable, evidence-based solutions directly meet the needs of our end users.

In support of its research portfolio, the CWFC also operates the Petawawa Research Forest. The PRF is available to scientists and collaborators from across federal and provincial departments, academia and industry.

Through its contribution program, the CWFC supports projects that advance the Government of Canada’s priorities in the forest sector.

The Forest Innovation Program (FIP), established to advance research, development and technology transfer activities in Canada’s forest sector, directly supports the CWFC’s work by helping the forest sector with its ongoing transformation through the adoption of emerging technologies ready for commercialization.

2023-2026 CWFC Call for Proposals

The CWFC 2023-2026 Call for Proposals closed on September 22, 2023, at midnight (PT). We are no longer accepting applications for funding.

If you would like to be informed of future calls for proposals, please write to us at

For reference, you will find the documentation for the last call for proposals below:

  1. CWFC Call for Proposals
  2. Application Guide
  3. Application Form
  4. Suggested template - Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Plan
  5. Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Questionnaire
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