Bioenergy with carbon capture, utilization and storage

Project location: CanmetENERGY Ottawa, Ottawa, ON

Timeline: 4 years (2019-2023)

Program: Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

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Project description

Our team is developing aspects of combustion and gasification technologies necessary to combine bioenergy with carbon capture, utilization and storage (BECCUS). As the biogenic component of some fuels can result in net carbon-neutral emissions, capturing CO2 emissions for utilization or storage can result in net negative emissions. Thus, BECCUS can support global efforts to achieve carbon dioxide removal, develop circular economies, and produce sustainable fuels and chemicals, such as blue hydrogen.

Diagram demonstrating a simplified BECCUS process. Forestry residues become biomass, which is used in an industrial process. The CO2 is then stored in the ground. This changes the process from one that is low carbon to one that is negative carbon.

A simplified bioenergy carbon capture and storage process

The BECCUS process uses biomass as an input to produce heat, fuels or chemicals – this is the “bioenergy” portion of the process. During the BECCUS process, CO2 is separated from the other materials to be re-used in another process or stored – this is the “CCUS” portion of the process.

Project activities

  • Collaborating with industry, academia and other government teams to identify technically feasible, economical and environmentally beneficial BECCUS pathways in Canada through techno-economic and life cycle assessments
  • Developing our patented method for oxygen carrier assisted oxy-fired fluidized bed combustion, in order to reduce fouling and agglomeration (problems common to biomass fuels), and increase boiler performance while reducing emissions
  • Developing oxy-pressurized fluidized bed combustion systems, with the goal of decreasing capital and operating costs, thereby making them more attractive for BECCUS applications
  • Improving and validating agglomeration models

Contact CanmetENERGY in Ottawa

To learn more about this project, email our Business Office.

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