Cyber Energy Security Policy and Outreach


Risks to critical energy infrastructure are increasingly frequent and complex. They include natural hazards, such as extreme weather events, as well as human generated physical and cyber threats.

Cyber vulnerabilities are of particular concern due to an expanding attack surface, facilitated by growing connectivity, automation, and digitization of critical energy infrastructure, as well as the proliferation of easy-to-use cybercrime tools and the growth of malicious cyber actors.

The Cyber and Energy Security Policy and Outreach (CESPO) division of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) advances policies, programs, and initiatives to strengthen the security and resilience of critical energy infrastructure, domestically and internationally.

CESPO also provides energy sector expertise and connects stakeholders across governments, industry, academia and others to help protect critical infrastructures.

For more information on any of the programs or services mentioned below, please contact


Energy and Utilities Sector Network (EUSN)

CESPO coordinates the activities of the EUSN, a public-private forum, in partnership with national industry associations in the energy sector. The EUSN takes an all-hazards, risk-based approach to critical infrastructure resilience that assists members with prevention, preparation, response, and recovery strategies.

Joining the EUSN will give you and your organization:

  • Access to free security tools, resources, information, and updates relevant to critical infrastructure owners and operators;
  • Participation in regular threat briefings by government security agencies and industry security experts;
  • Direct contact with key federal departments that support energy sector initiatives, policies, and activities; and,
  • Networking opportunities with security professionals and energy sector leaders.

Emergency Management and Exercises

CESPO works closely with government, non-government, and industry partners to enhance the energy sector’s resilience and ability to prevent, mitigate, respond to, and recover from cyber threats and energy sector emergencies.

A key pillar to this approach is enhancing preparedness through the development and delivery of emergency and tabletop exercises. These exercises are designed to test the readiness and coordinated response of government and industry to cyber or physical security incidents targeting the energy sector.

Research and Development

NRCan’s Cyber Security and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program (CCEIP) received $2.42 million over 5 years to enhance the cyber security and resilience of domestic and cross-border energy infrastructure, in support of Canada’s National Cyber Security Strategy.

This program is now closed, and all funding has been allocated.

Projects funded under the CCEIP aimed to strengthen the capability of the energy sector to prevent, prepare, respond to, and recover from cyber threats.

Policy Advice and Guidance

CESPO also fulfills NRCan’s mandate by:

  • Ensuring energy sector perspectives are considered in advancing national security policies and programs;
  • Incorporating security considerations in broader energy policy and program development;
  • Increasing cooperation, especially with U.S. partners, to accelerate progress towards sustainable, resilient, and clean cross-border energy infrastructure.

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Contact us

If you have questions, contact us at