Cyber security

Canadians rely on the uninterrupted functioning of critical energy infrastructure. Disruptions can have significant consequences for national security, public safety and the economy.

Natural Resources Canada is the lead federal department for cyber security in the energy sector, supporting delivery of initiatives under the Emergency Management Act, National Strategy for Critical Infrastructure and National Cyber Security Strategy.

Energy Infrastructure Security Division (EISD)

Explore the offerings of the Canadian Resources Infrastructure Resilience Nexus (CRIRN), an in-house research and development facility at EISD for cyber security and the Digital Exploration Opportunities Program (DEOP), a virtual program under CRIRN for high-school students designed to introduce them to digital technologies as they are applied to real-world challenges.

Cyber and Energy Security Policy and Outreach (CESPO)

Strengthening cyber security and resilience by networking and providing expertise to help protect critical energy infrastructures.