Training Requirements and Prerequisites for NDT Certification

This information is intended to help candidates understand the training they are required to complete in order to become certified in non-destructive testing. Candidates must complete the training and prerequisites prior to attempting an NDT certification qualification examination and they must submit proof of training (in the form of a course completion certificate) as part of their application for certification.

Materials and Processes

Candidates must provide evidence acceptable to the Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB) that they have successfully passed a Materials and Processes examination administered by a recognized training organization (RTO).

Recognized training organizations (RTOs) prepare and deliver 32-hour courses (including a completion examination) in materials and processes. Applicants must pass the Materials and Processes examination (70% passing grade)before taking training courses in non-destructive testing (NDT) methods. The examination must be invigilated in person. The candidate must submit the successful training course completion document obtained from RTO to the NRCan NDTCB as part of their application for certification.

In the case of individuals claiming prior related education, the RTO can confirm by appropriately screening this education and administer the materials and processes examination.


RTOs are responsible for properly pre-screening for math skills or administering math-skill tests for students in all NDT methods.

Radiation Safety Training

For Radiographic Testing (RT) only, as a pre-requisite to training, candidates must complete radiation safety training (minimum 8 hours) provided by an RTO. The training must be in accordance with the NRCan NDTCB accepted radiation safety curriculum. An end-of-course exam is not required.

Candidates with valid CNSC EDO certification are considered to already possess the Radiation Safety Training pre-requisite.

Level 1 and Level 2 NDT Training Requirements

Recognized training organization providers must issue documentary proof of satisfactory completion of training (i.e. training completion documents that satisfy requirements detailed in the Rules of Implementation). Each NDT training course must follow the curriculum prescribed by the NDTCB, which decides on the acceptability of courses and instructors.

Candidates must provide these training completion documents (including any applicable lower-level training) to the NDTCB as part of the application process.

Training Requirements Summary
NDT Method Minimum Hours Required
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Eddy Current Testing (ET) 35 42 42
Magnetic Testing (MT) 21 14 28
Penetrant Testing (PT) 21 14 21
Radiographic Testing (RT) 35 70 35
Ultrasonic Testing (UT) 56 70 35
Visual Testing (VT) 21 14 21


  1. For RT, training hours do not include radiation safety training.
  2. For UT Phased Array technique (UT-PA), the candidate must have the required level 1 and 2 UT training (above) and a minimum of 70 hours additional training specific to phased array. To apply for the level 2 UT-PA certification, valid CGSB UT2 certification is required.
  3. The courses must be pre-accepted by the NDTCB, and the training hours must include both practical and theory courses. To provide candidates with appropriate hands-on learning experience, the NDTCB has mandated that a minimum of 40% course time be devoted to practical training.
  4. Direct access to Level 2 implies the total of the hours of training for Level 1 and Level 2.
  5. For Level 3 certification, preparation for qualification may be done in different ways: by attending training courses, or studying books, periodicals and other sources of relevant information. Regardless of how the candidate has prepared, they must provide documentary evidence of training acceptable to the NDTCB.
  6. Currently or previously certified personnel are considered to already possess the math and M&P prerequisites. (Liquid Penetrant [PT] and Magnetic Particle [MT] are excluded for math prior to January 2, 2018).
  7. The minimum duration of training required by the NDTCB for certification may be above the minimum duration of training outlined in the CAN/CGSB-48.9712 standard.
  8. When a candidate fails all three attempts at an examination element (i.e. general, specific, or practical, etc.), the candidate is required to reapply as an initial applicant. The candidate needs to recomplete the full examination (all elements), as well as fulfilling other applicable requirements, such as successful completion of and submission of proof of an additional full method/level-specific training course from an NRCan NDTCB Recognized Training Organization (RTO).

Initial NDT examinations

Consult charts that show the durations and further options for all levels of examinations in five areas of non-destructive testing.

Qualifying work experience for NDT certification

Find out how much work experience is required to qualify you for certification to CGSB Standard CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2022.

Apply for NDT certification

Initiate your CGSB certification by completing the required forms and understanding the associated fees.

Find out more