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About the Canadian Forest Service

The Canadian Forest Service is the national and international voice for Canada’s forest sector. We are part of Natural Resources Canada, a federal government department, and have an office in Ottawa and 6 research centres across the country. We collaborate closely with Canada’s provinces and territories to ensure our forests are sustainable and healthy for our country and the world to enjoy.

Scientific research and policy leadership supports sustainable forest management and conservation

The Canadian Forest Service provides science and policy expertise and advice on national forest sector issues. We promote:

  • environmental leadership in Canada’s forest sector
  • a visionary approach to sustainable forest management planning and policies
  • a science and research-based understanding of the forests

One of our core mandates is to conduct scientific research on Canada’s forests. This research can be used to inform forest management planning and policy decisions and to assist the forest industry, the public and other scientists. Our research projects cover diverse forestry related issues including climate change, forest fires, pests, and remote sensing.

Our scientists provide expertise and tools on topics such as forest fire monitoring, insect and disease identification, forest monitoring, climate change research, biodiversity, conservation, protection, industry innovation and more. Our policy analysts provide expertise in economic analysis, policy-decisions and planning as well as guidance on forest sector issues. Our publications database includes journal articles, books, reports, series and leaflets.

The Canadian Forest Service also plays a critical role in enabling the transformation of the forest sector as it moves away from the traditional ways of the past toward a future focused on innovation and market diversification. With input from academia, industry, governmental and non-governmental collaborators, our national-scale research agendas reflect our priorities for 2019-2029.


An innovative, globally competitive forest sector—rooted in sustainable forests—creating prosperity for Canadians.

Strategic priorities

Advance environmental leadership

Supply the ecosystem science and information that can help the Canadian forest sector continue to reduce its environmental footprint and advance its excellent record for environmental performance.

Support forest sector competitiveness

Promote the development of new forest products, foster a culture of innovation and open a diverse range of international markets in order to facilitate the transformation of Canada’s forest sector through innovative forest funding programs.

Optimize forest value

Provide the science-based knowledge that underpins Canadian forest management, which aims to maintain healthy forests and make the most of their economic, social and environmental values.

Learn more about Canada’s forests

The Canadian Forest Service offers a wealth of information on Canada’s forests and forest industry. Learn all about Canada’s forests and the Canadian forest industry.

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