Federal funding programs supported by the Canadian Forest Service help diversify forest products, markets and processes to support the competitiveness of Canada’s forest sector.
- 2 Billion Trees program supports tree planting projects as part of the Government of Canada’s commitment to plant two billion trees by 2030 and establishes the nature-based building blocks needed to get to net-zero emissions by 2050. Funding opportunity ONGOING
- Early Intervention Strategy Small Scale Research program supports scientific research that addresses key science needs for spruce budworm management activities. Call for applications CLOSED
- Fighting and Managing Wildfires in a Changing Climate Program supports Provinces and Territories to procure specialized wildland firefighting equipment; and supports training of up to 1,000 community-based wildland firefighters across Canada.
- Equipment fund supports efforts to strengthen capacities and capabilities in wildland fire management. Call for applications CLOSED
- Training fund supports the increase of firefighting capacity and build community capacity to mitigate, prepare, and respond to wildfires in remote and Indigenous communities. Call for applications CLOSED
- Forest Innovation Program supports early stage innovation that accelerates the growth of Canada’s bioeconomy through investments in research, development and technology transfer activities in the forest sector. Funding opportunity ONGOING
- Global Forest Leadership Program supports activities that expand Canada’s international engagement, collaborations and partnerships, and share Canadian expertise abroad.
- Green Construction through Wood (GCWood) Program encourages the use of innovative wood-based building systems and technologies and advanced bio-products in construction projects in new and existing buildings that are highly replicable to help decarbonize Canada’s built environment. Call for applications CLOSED
- Indigenous Forestry Initiative helps to increase the participation of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in the Canadian economy and improve economic outcomes for Indigenous peoples throughout Canada. Call for applications CLOSED
- Investments in Forest Industry Transformation Program supports Canada’s forest sector in becoming more competitive, resilient and environmentally sustainable through targeted investments that accelerate the adoption of innovative technologies and products. Call for applications CLOSED
- Wildfire Resilient Futures Initiative invests in new programs and activities to reduce wildland fire risk in our communities and landscapes.
- Build and Mobilize Foundational Wildland Fire Knowledge program encourages innovative research projects in wildfire risk assessment, risk mitigation and adaptive forest management. Call for applications CLOSED
- Centre of Excellence for Wildland Fire Innovation and Resilience will utilize Canadian knowledge and experience to promote activities, share best practices and develop approaches that increase wildfire resilience. Call for applications CLOSED