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Energy sources and distribution

How we work with provinces and territories, other government departments, and Canadian and international groups to explore how to meet our energy needs and adapt to changes in distribution methods while considering the environmental impact of doing so.

Services and information

Clean fuels

Learn about clean fuels, how they are regulated, and the programs and funding opportunities available in Canada.

Fossil fuels

Our abundance of crude oil, coal, natural gas and more.

Renewable energy

Discover how to harness and utilize renewable energies.

Carbon capture, utilization and storage

Find out how carbon capture is helping in the fight against climate change and reaching net-zero emissions.

Nuclear energy and uranium

Nuclear energy with a focus on full-scale nuclear for electricity and integrated renewable-nuclear energy.

Extractive sector transparency

Find information on Canada’s contributions to increase transparency and deter corruption in the extractive sector.

Electricity infrastructure

Information on sustainable electricity power generation, transmission, and distribution.

International energy cooperation

Working together to achieve climate change, development, economic, and energy security goals.

Upstream Methane Abatement Toolbox

Canada’s tools for reducing methane emissions.


Energy from hydrogen: the basics
Roadside view with H2 text in the style of a fuel pump

Hydrogen is the simplest, lightest and most abundant element on earth. Like electricity, hydrogen is an energy carrier that can be used to transport energy created elsewhere to another location.

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